Chapter 4

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Darren was funny and witty. It was such a breath of fresh air and made Mimi feel relaxed; all thoughts of time and Jinpachi faded into the background. Darren comments had her throwing her head back in full laughter. Even more so, the man could dance and he was a consummate gentleman, keeping his hands in the correct positions, showing no potential of being touchy as he took command and effortlessly twirled her around the dance floor.

It was a relief for Mimi because the last time she was dragged to one of these parties she had to put up with a man three times her age pawing at her as they danced. She never like being grouped and if she hadn't been surrounded by heads of industries and politicians she would've kneed the dirty old bugger.

As the evening went on, he gradually became more confident, flirting playfully and shamelessly in her ear. She couldn't be sure whether she was blushing or exhausted from dancing but she was enjoying herself, lost in the rhythm of the beat, as time slipped away.

Mimi took deep gulps of air, trying to fill her burning lungs with enough oxygen. She raised her tone over the music."Darren, mind if we take a break?"Darren was a relentless and energetic dancer. And Mimi didn't go to the gym much these days.

Darren pouted, his face showing no sign of exhaustion. "One more," he implored her with his bright green eyes.

She reluctantly agreed, gearing herself up as another upbeat funk-jazz song started. About halfway through the song, sweating and out of breath, she noticed Darren's hand moving downwards, lower, and lower, until it rested at the small of her back. A few more beats continued, and by the end of the song, his hand rested on her bottom. She frowned up at him. The hungry and glazed look in his eyes sent a shiver through her.

"I know you're tired, but aren't you having fun? One more, then we can get a drink? What do you say?"

Mimi readied herself to say no, but the music started and Darren whisked her off into another foot pounding pattern. This dance was quick, more intimate and Darren pulled her closer to him. One of hands caressed her hip and the other still shamefully rested on her behind. She tried stopping him, but stumbled over her feet instead. He laughed it off, helping her up right and continued.

As the music stopped, Darren asked, "What do you say to us getting a room?"

Shocked Mimi backed away from him. The heel of her shoe caught on the toe of her other shoe and she tripped backwards. Darren reached out catching her round the waist halting her fall. "Excuse you," Mimi replied her voice tight, "What the hell did you just ask me?"

"Come on Amelia, don't be so naive. You know these functions are just a glorified meat market for singles."

Mimi gawked at the audacity of this man, hands down he was worse than that dirty old man! "And you just assume I'm what? One of those desperate females willing to open her legs to every passerby! Think again you bloody tosser." Mimi said trying to pull away.

"Hey now, I'm not implying you're a slag. I'm merely suggesting we take our fun elsewhere."

Mimi glared at him, a typhoon of nasty words swirling in her mind ready to give him

a piece of her mind. "You can─"

A hand ─ she knew all too well ─ clamped down on her shoulder, stopping her words dead in their tracks. "I think you've dance with my girl long enough," Jinpachi said, skilfully untangling Mimi from Darren's arms and pulling her to his side.

To anyone watching from a distance it would've looked like Jinpachi was cutting in. However, both Mimi and Darren could feel the waves of white-hot hostility radiating off Jinpachi.

Darren raised both hands in a surrendering gesture. "Sorry, Wakaba-san I got the wrong end of the stick," he said and marched off faster than a man on hot coals.

Mimi could feel her blood boiling, she could almost be thankful to Jin, but yet again, he was implanting himself in her life, giving her no room to simply handle herself. How naive did he make her out to be? Whether her emotions got the better of her, or because both Darren and Jin had rubbed her the wrong way, she didn't know, but the evening suddenly became long, and agonising. She needed to get out of here.

"I was handling things myself, thank you, Jin." She said with sarcasm, making a move to pass him but Jin's acid glare bored down her, forcing her to take an instinctive step back. "Really?" he replied in a deceptively calm voice.

That one word held so much meaning. She knew she couldn't make a spectacle of herself, not when the people around them, where in earshot. Taking a deep cleansing breath she tempered her rage. The last thing she wanted was to get into an argument with him in the middle of the dance floor.

Keeping her face as natural as possible she said, "Excuse me; I'm terribly faint," loud enough for the benefit of anyone eavesdropping. "I need to get some air," She mumbled; and made a hasty retreat, in search of a secluded corner.

Tokyo Seduction (Book 1 Of The Gaijin Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang