Chapter 87

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"Hello, is anyone going to let me in?" Hatori called out from the other side.

Shigure let go of Mimi as if she'd burnt him. She backed away wiping her eyes and put on a fake smile. It was hard for her to hide her feelings, what Shigure said hurt her deeply. Mimi knew she wanted to be more than just friends with Shigure, but she was also grateful to him as well. She wasn't ready to face her true feelings and didn't know if she would've been able to handle it if Shigure told her he loved her and asked her to leave Hatori.

She mustered up all the strength she could, taking all her feelings and buried them deep behind locked doors. Knowing if she wanted any sort of future with Hatori she had to lock everything, which had just happened, away and forget about it. She took a deep breath, prepared herself, and opened the door.

"Baby, I'm so happy you're back!" Mimi said almost choking on the words and gave him a hug.

"I finished everything early and decided to come up here to help you," Hatori said walking through the door. He looked around. "But it looks like my help wasn't needed after all."

Shigure walked over and said, "Once again your timing is perfect." Mimi could hear the bitter undertone in his voice and it made her wince. "You let Mimi do all the hard work and then swoop in to steal her glory."

"You know me too well," Hatori replied chuckling patting Shigure on the shoulder. Hatori looked at both of them and raised his eyebrows. "So why are the two of you in your pyjamas already, it's only Eight-thirty."

"These are a hell of a lot more comfortable than regular clothes and after stuffing yourself with good food, it feels good to relax," Shigure replied without missing a beat.

Mimi's smile almost faltered as she fought back the burning tears that licked at her eyes and said, "Yeah we really did stuff ourselves. I think I could burst."

Shigure's shoulders hunched and she saw how dejected he looked as he said, "Well I'm off to bed, goodnight you two."

"I can't believe what an old man you've become, Gure. Next you'll want to eat dinner at Four," Hatori said laughing.

After Shigure left Mimi said, "As it goes I was going to go to bed as well, but now that you're here I'll stay up."

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead."My God I leave you two alone together up here in the country, and you both turn into an old couple," Hatori said laughing. "What am I going to do with you?"

She felt sick as guilt wash over her and hugged Hatori back as tight as she could, trying to hide the fact it was choking her.

Mimi had a terrible time getting to sleep that night. By Six the next morning she had given up on any hopes of getting an ounce rest and decided to get up. Hatori was still fast asleep and it was easy for her to slip out of the room without waking him. When she walked into the kitchen she saw Shigure standing at the sink looking out the window listening to I love you by Alex Clare on the radio.

She paused a moment not knowing what to do or how to act. Normally she would've crack a joke or push Shigure aside. But last night changed everything and that damn song hit a nerve with their situation, it was throwing her off.

As if he could feel her presences Shigure turned around and smiled at her. He looked like a defeated man. "Did you sleep okay?" he asked by way of greeting. "I bet you're happy Hatori's back. I know how much you hate it when he's gone."

Pain ripped through her chest and she stared at Shigure in disbelief. His words and attitude felt like he'd kicked her in the gut. She was hurt that he was acting as if nothing happened.

It took Mimi a moment to grasp the situation. She sucked in a sharp breath and shook her head, "No," she whispered. Her bottom lip started to tremble and she clutched at her chest as she looked into his deep brown eyes, which held immense pain and sadness; and finally realised they were both going to have to forget about what happened last night. They silently said, you know it's for the best, it's for the sake of everyone we have to forget and act like nothing happened.

She couldn't do it, she couldn't just leave it. Taking a shaky step forward Mimi mustered every ounce of willpower and courage she had then walked next to him and reached out to stroke his cheek. He jerked back and her hand froze in midair. He closed his eyes and swallowed a couple of time then said, "please," his tone begging her to let them go.

Mimi knew this was crushing him so let her hand drop and mustered ever ounce of will power she could and said, "I was so tired I went straight to sleep." Hatori wanted to make love with her last night but she couldn't, not with her body screaming at her that she wanted Shigure.

She watched his resolve falterer as he caught onto what she was actually telling him. He lifted his hand to her face and let his fingertips ghost against her skin before he yanked his hand away. Shigure's face hardened. "I should make some breakfast."

Mimi let out the tines of whimpers at the loss of his touch. This is all wrong! Her mind screamed out. In one last attempt to figure out how to move forward. She reached out and squeezed his hand. "Shigure, about last night we need to talk about it please." She desperately begged him to talk to her with her eyes.

He looked at her, his eyes blazed then quickly cooled and he took his hand out from under hers. "I said everything that needed to be said last night," his voice was hollow and he looked away as he said, "It was a mistake. We just need to forget it about for Ha's sake."

Mimi sucked in a sharp breath and started to feel sick. She knew what he was saying was true. They had to forget what happened, but it felt terribly wrong. Again she reached out to touch his face. This time he didn't jerk away, the look her gave her made her take a step back.

"Please, Gure, don't do this we really have to ta─" before Mimi could finish she was interrupted.

"Oh God don't tell me Gure is going to cook. I don't think my stomach could take it," Hatori said with a yawn walking into the kitchen.

Shigure looked at Mimi shook his head and backed away. She told herself there was no future between them and this was the end of it. Mimi forced a smile on her face, raised both hands and pushed Shigure away. "Baby, I love you too much to inflict Gure's cooking on you."


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