Chapter 38

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               It was One-fifteen in the morning when Hatori's phone rang and he answered still half asleep, "Hello? Who is it?"

"It's Mimi... I'm in trouble... I think I've been drugged," she slurred.

Hatori sat bolt upright, the adrenaline starting to course through his veins. "Where are you, Mimi?" he asked, trying to stay calm.

"Ritsu just left me here," she whimpered, "after we got into an argument, and Erika had to go home at Twelve-thirty. Then... I was so scared, Hatori..." Mimi trailed off. "Oh... Yeah... I managed to make it to the coat check-in and the girl was nice enough to let me sit down," She laughed. She slurred her words even more, making it hard for Hatori to understand her. "You know the room is spinning and the lights are so shiny."

"Mimi! Mimi, concentrate. What club are you at? Can you tell me that, baby?" He could feel his blood pressure start to rise. He tried to stay calm, despite every fibre in his body telling him to jump in his car and aimlessly search the clubs of Tokyo to find her.

"It's called blue something. You know that damn Jin just... I can't believe..." Mimi let out a little sob then said, "bastard..." then sighed and dropped the cell phone.

"Mimi! Are you still there? Mimi!" Hatori shouted down the phone, trying to get dressed at the same time.

An unfamiliar woman's voice answered the phone, "Hello? She's passed out. Should I call an ambulance?"

"NO! Just tell me the name of the club and where you are and I will be there in five minutes," Hatori said, trying not so shout.

"The club is called The Blue Star and it's at Shinkiba Koto-ku. We are in the coat room to the left after you enter the main entrance."

"My name is Kanzaki Hatori. Don't let anyone else touch her or take her until I get there. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes, I can do that," The woman replied. "She doesn't look good, though, so you need to get here as fast as you can."

"I'll be there in five minutes," he said, then hung up and ran to his car.

By the time Hatori got back to his place with Mimi, she had turned white. He carried her as fast as he could to the elevator. Once he was in, he hit the button for the fifteenth floor. When the doors opened he saw Hiragi was already waiting for him.

Hiragi's face dropped as he looked at Mimi. "She's really bad, we should get her up to yours.''

Hiragi took out his pen flashlight and flashed it into her eyes as Hatori held Mimi in the elevator. Hatori watched as his friend took her pulse, his heart dropped to his stomach when Hiragi's frown deepened. Hatori knew Hiragi was a consummate professional and if he was showing a negative reaction then it must be bad.

When the elevator doors opened, Hatori handed Hiragi his key. Hatori quickly walked through the door and went straight into the living room without even turning on the lights. He laid her down on the couch and waited for his friend to join him, then went back and turned on the lights.

When he returned to them, Hiragi was doing a more thorough check up. Without looking up Hiragi asked, "Has she thrown up at all?" There was an edge to his voice that made the hairs on the back of Hatori's neck stand on end.

"No, not since I got her, and the coatroom attendant didn't say she had either,'' Hatori replied. He ran his hands through his hair, then paced as he waited for his friend to tell him what to do. He was going out of his mind with worry and it was taking all the restraint he had to keep it together.

"It would've made things a hell of a lot easier if she had. What the hell happened to her, Hatori?" Hiragi asked as he took her temperature.

"I have no idea, she managed to call me and tell me she thought she'd been drugged. Then she passed out." Just as Hatori finished talking, Mimi began to convulse.

"Damn it, she's way too hot. Take her clothes off and get her under the shower. I've got to get some things from the hospital. Hold her down for a minute so I can take some blood and find out what's in her."

Hiragi picked her up and set her on the floor so Hatori could hold her down better. He fished a syringe, a tourniquet, and a cleaning wipe out of his medical bag, and then grabbed her left arm, because it was the closest to him. Without a second thought he pulled off the huge bangle watch she hand on and froze when he saw the carnage on her left wrist. "Christ, Hatori, what on Earth has this girl been doing to herself?"

Hatori turned and looked at what his friend was getting so worked up about. He sucked in a sharp breath, looking at the angry red, puss-filled gashes felt like someone had kicked him in the gut. "Fuck! I had no idea that was there."

Hiragi grimaced at it then quickly went back to his original task of taking her blood. After Hiragi took some blood, he wiped her left wrist down with more cleaning wipes and said, "When she stops convulsing, try and get her to throw up as much as you can, then dry her off and put her in bed. Call me if anything else happens or she gets worse. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"You should take my keys so you can get back up here and thanks," Hatori said as he scooped her up into his arms.

Hatori carried Mimi into the main bathroom and laid her on the floor. She was shaking so much he had to rip her dress open to get it off of her. The bright maroon hickeys screamed at him and he couldn't contain his rage. He got up and punched the huge glass mirror so hard it broke.

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