Untitled Part 43

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...June 21 one year later...

Mimi looked out at Tokyo bay from Shiokaza Park, the sun was unrelenting in the late afternoon sky and it was roasting. She took cover under a covered seating area that was in front of an odd grey concrete sculpture that looked like an upside down cone.

She shifted nervously and pulled out a folded piece of paper that looked like it had been wadded up into a ball at one point. Carefully opening the crinkled paper she looked down and the memories of the past violently swelled up inside of her and spilled over. Setting down the bouquet of white chrysanthemum and yellow camellia on the small square seat she scrubbed the tears away with her sleeve. Then let out an angry laugh, the irony of today wasn't lost on her. It was on this day that she killed one relationship and it was also on this that another one was born.

She was so lost in the past that she didn't even notice Erika walking up to her. Erika stroked Mimi's shoulder bringing her back to the present, "I don't understand why you still have that. I thought you said you threw it away that day."

Mimi took one last look at it and then folded it back up and tucked it away. "I did but Jinpachi fished it out of the trash. I found it when I was collecting my stuff from his and took it. I hang onto because it has significance."

Erika arched an eyebrow and said, "It's more like you hang onto it to punish yourself."

With a heavy sigh Mimi picked up the flowers. "Yeah, that too. I'm not ready to move on and put all that behind me. And until I am I can't ever let myself forget." Mimi stood up and gave Erika a hug. "Thank you for coming today. I know how busy you are these days. You know, I saw your show last night, you were amazing."

"I can't believe you stayed up till Two in the morning to watch me."

Mimi gave her a huge grin. "I wasn't about to miss your debut talk show. Besides I can now say I know someone famous."

Erika let out a loud laugh and wrapped an arm around Mimi. "I would hardly call me famous. And I made a promise to you that day. I told you I would be here for you as long as you need me and I will do this with you until you're ready to let it go." She looked around then scowled, "I don't suppose that bastard turned up."

More tears slid down her face and she wiped them away as she took a shuddering breath. "You know Jin never comes. I think he thinks if he does it means he's forgiven me and is ready to put it all behind him."

"It's all that assholes fault in the first place. If he had just kept his dick in his pants we wouldn't be here. Honestly it's not fucking right or faire that he gets to lay the blame on you. What the hell were you supposed to do after he did that?" Erika started to walk over to the railing that looked over the water. "Have you told Ritsu about any of this yet?"

Mimi looked at her feet then started to pluck the petals off the flowers. "You know I haven't. You and Jin are the only ones that know and it's going to stay that way. I need for her to stay in the dark. She only knows about the other thing because Jin and I wanted her to be one of the witnesses."

Erika pulled the heads off some of the flowers and started to pick the petals off as well. "Far be it from me to judge. Lord knows I'm no saint but you do know secrets have a way of coming out or at the very least biting you in the ass. I don't suppose you've told Hatori about any of this?"

Mimi sucked in a sharp breath and stared at Erika. "Absolutely not. He doesn't need to know about any of this and you're not going to tell him. I don't even want to think about what it would do to him if he found out." Mimi closed her eyes and said a silent prayer over the petals before throwing them out into the sea.

"I love Hatori beyond reasoning; sometimes it scares the shit out of me. If my fucked up past was the thing that drove him away it would kill me. I can't lose him, Erika. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me." She held up her left wrist so Erika could look at it. "He takes care of me and loves me. I haven't felt the urge to scratch in a year."

Erika smiled at Mimi and threw the petals into the water, then took out a tissue and wiped her eyes. "I know he's good for you and I am beyond happy for you. All I've ever wanted for you is for you to be happy." She hugged Mimi and let out a deep breath. "I know tonight's out of the question but I want you and Hatori to come out with me sometime next week and celebrate. I know you don't like to go clubbing anymore but there's this hot new restraint in Ikebukuro and I want to take you guys there. You and Hatori rarely go out with us girls any more. I swear you two act like a married couple."

Mimi beamed and hooked her arm in Erika's then started to walk back towards the road. "I'd like that. It's been too long since we went out. Now let's get a coffee and you can tell me all about your new job."


So I thought the song Glassy sky was fitting for this chapter.  Mimi is still broken and for those of you that might have worked it out why the song works well. Hint*** the flowers hold meaning*** but that's all you guys are getting. 

Love ya

its from a good anime Tokyo Ghoul.

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