Chapter 41

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A few images stirred in her mind. They were jumbled and hazy and even though she couldn't quite see them, her stomach still churned. "I didn't cheat on you," her voice trembled.

He frowned and gave her a hard look. "I never suggested you did, Mimi. I want to know who did this to you."

His hard tone was like a slap in the face, it hurt and scared her, causing her to instinctively cower. She knew by the look in his eyes that a fire was raging behind them. "He pinched me," she said, the words spilling out of her mouth before she's even had time to think. As soon as she heard them even she knew it was a stupid excuse. But she didn't want to say something that would cause him to lose it or do anything to Jinpachi that would land him in jail.

The look he gave her told her he wasn't buying it. "Look, you're right, Jin is my ex, okay? When I said things end well I was putting it lightly. Ever since then he's made it a mission to torment me. Last night I had had enough and I slapped him. He retaliated by pinching me." It was a half truth and she was still repulsed by the fact she's hit Jinpachi. Sure he deserved a slap on more occasions than she could count, but hitting was abhorrent. And he liked it, a voice said. She remembered the look her gave her, That wasn't Jinpachi, that was an animal. The thought of what he was becoming made her shiver. She shoved the though away and focused back on Hatori.

Hatori pursed his lips, and arched his eyebrows, "So he pinched you all the way up your neck. Come on, Mimi I know what a hickey looks like."

Mimi bit her lip, it was a really stupid lie, and sighed. "He's a bastard. You experienced that from whatever he said to you on the phone. He's jealous that not only am I happy but I've moved on. Jin knows how to push my buttons to get a rise out of me and sometimes he lashes out in return. This," she waved a dismissive had at the marks, "is just him being childish. It's just the way things are between us."

"Fine, I'll leave it at that, for the time being. Now can you tell me what you remember about last night?"

Hatori sat patiently listening as she told him what she could remember, which was everything until Jin had pulled her out of the toilets. The events after that were too hazy for her to recall. When she was done he stood up and ran his hands through his hair again as he paced back and forth. She could tell he was beyond angry. "I want you to move in with me.'' His words knocked the wind out of her.

She wasn't expecting him to say that to her. "Don't be silly, it's too soon for that."

Hatori quickly sat down beside her and grabbed her hand. "I'm not being silly." His eyes were so earnest it made her heart skip a beat. "I have been thinking about this for a while now, but thought I may be rushing things so I haven't said anything. I love you and whenever you're not around I'm not happy. I also want you to be safe and after last night I think you would be safer living with me."

Mimi was glowing inside and out. "I love you too," she said with a goofy smile on her face.

"Then move in with me," Hatori replied.

"But what if it does not work out between us and we break up?"

"You and I are great together and I don't see that changing. Ever. However, if it would make you feel more secure, then move in with me and I will pay the fees for your dorm room. That way you know no matter what that you have that safety net."

"No, that's way too much, I couldn't ask you to do that." Mimi thought for a moment, then decided go with her heart instead of her head. She threw caution to the wind, wrapped her arms around him and said, "Okay, I'll move in with you, Hatori, but I have to tell Ritsu. I have to explain things and make it right with her."

He held her tightly and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry about that. I have to go out and get some medicine for you. I will stop by her place when I'm out and get some of your things and explain the situation to her." Hatori let her go and stood up. "There's no use arguing, Mimi. You can barely sit up unaided at the moment, let alone get out of bed. I promise to let Hanabushi know gently."

She nodded and he placed the tray of food back in front of her."Would you let her know I'm not angry with her?"


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