Chapter 25

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 "Jin, don't you dare." He covered her mouth with his hand as he pulled her phone out of his pocket. She bucked and kicked her legs, trying to get him off as she shoved at him with her arms.

The door flew open and Erika marched up to Jinpachi. "What the hell do you think you're doing, you fucking psychopath? Get off of her before I call the god damn cops."

Jinpachi turned around and glared daggers at her. "And here comes Miss Busy Body. You always stick your nose where it doesn't belong." He got off Mimi and threw the phone at her face. She wasn't able to dodge it in time and it smacked her cheek.

Erika rushed over to Mimi and shielded her from Jinpachi. "You need to leave now."

He grabbed his jacket off Mimi's bed and slipped it on, "We aren't done talking yet." An eerie calm washed over him.

"Sure as shit you are finished," Erika growled. "Now leave."

Mimi was still shaking as she got up. "No, he's right, we aren't done talking."

Erika turned around and glared at her.

Mimi put up a hand to stop her from talking. "Jin, I don't care what you do to me. It won't stop me from dating Hatori and frankly I am done caring if you like it or not."

He laughed in her face. "Fine, you want to see him, I won't stop you. But don't think for one second you and I are done." Her phone started to ring again and his smile turned poisonous. "Oh, and if you know what's good for you, you had better start answering you phone." As Mimi answered her phone, he turned to Erika. "A little friendly advice. Stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong or it might just get chopped off one of these days." Without waiting for a response, he left.

Mimi's hand shook as she ended the call. Setting the phone beside her, she covered her face with her hands.

Erika joined her on the bed and rubbed her back, "Who was that on the phone?"

"It was Hatori," Mimi softly replied. "Jin was being an asshole and hung my phone up when I was talking to Hatori." She sagged into Erika's shoulder. "God, Erika, Hatori sounded so worried. He said if I hadn't answered he would've come looking for me. I feel so bad for making him worry."

"What reason did you give him for your phone cutting out?"

Mimi looked at her and shook her head. "I told him there's a dead spot in our room and sometimes the coverage cuts out. I don't even want to think about what would've happened if it had been Hatori at the door instead of you."

Erika gave Mimi a concerned look rubbing her arm. "What the hell was all that about between you and Jinpachi?"

She looked away as she answered, "I don't want to talk about it."

Erika widened her eyes and gasped. "Don't tell me it was about that."

Mimi turned around as the tears poured out of her eyes.

"God damn it, Amelia, why the hell are you letting him hold that over your head?"

Mimi could see the synapses firing inside of Erika's head as she started to think about other recent events. Erika pointed an accusing finger at Mimi's phone. "Your supposed stalker is Jin, isn't it?" When Mimi nodded, she flipped. "Holy fucking shit, Mimi, how long are you going to let him torture you?"

It was more than Mimi could take. She stood up and sprinted to the door. "Enough, Erika. I know I asked you to be there for me that day but you need to drop it. I'm handling things so just keep your nose out of it. I shouldn't have to remind you that you promised you would take that secret to the grave." She ripped open the door and ran out, desperate to get as much distance between her and Erika.



Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote. 

Xoxo J

Ps the song is from  the anime Requiem for the Phantom the singer is Kokia she does some really powerful songs. 

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