Chapter 82

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Mimi waited a moment then gently pulled back the sheets. Relief coursed through her veins when their eyes met and she gave him a warm smile. "There you are. I was getting worried about you so I decided to come up here myself. I'm glad I did. What on earth happened?"

She watched as embarrassment washed his face and he replied, "This would be Kaname's handy work. Long story short, I caught her cheating on me again and I ended it with her. I actually caught her in the act this time.

"I told her to get her crap and go. Then me being the fool I am left her to get her crap and leave. I came back two hours later to her and the bastard she's fucking destroying my home," Shigure said then pulled the covers back over himself.

From her history with Jinpachi Mimi understood why he wanted to hide away. "It's not as bad as it seems," she said trying to reassure him. "I'm going to go out and get some food. I'm starving and I bet you are as well. Then when I get back we can talk. Do you have any idea where your car keys are?"

The blankest rustled as he dug his keys out then poked his hand out from under the sheets and handed them to her.

"Do you have any preferences for dinner?" she asked giving him a gentle smile.


Mimi gave him another pat, then got up and walked to the car. When she got in the car she took a deep breath closed her eyes for a minute to calm down and then called Hatori.

"I got here safe. You'll be happy to know Gure's alive but he's broken up with Kaname and to top it off she trashed his house," Mimi said when Hatori answered.

"I'm not surprised Kaname did that she's an unhinged bitch. How's he taking it?"

"Not good. I found him lying on the floor under a bunch of sheets. He caught her cheating on him," Mimi answered still concerned about Shigure.

"I can understand why he's acting the way he is. Do you think I should come up there?"

Mimi's head flopped against the headrest and she let out a sigh. "No. Not at the moment. I could see he was embarrassed. I think I can handle things, if I can't I'll let you know. It's going to take at least a week to clean up the mess in the house. Who knows how long it will be until Gure is back to himself?" Shigure had seen her at her worst and had held her as she told him her darkest secrets. Now that he needed her Mimi was determined to be there for him and help him through it.

"You know I really do love you. Take it easy and let me know how everything is going."

"Love you too and I will. Bye."

Mimi smiled as she drove up to the house three hours later and saw the two dumpsters she'd ordered sitting in front of the house. On the drive into town she decided to get a jump start on the clean up process and got more than just dinner. She had also bought a new bed and bedding and a ton of cleaning products as well as a vacuum cleaner. She had also arranged for five cleaners to come in the morning and clean the house and thought it was one of her best ideas. The destruction Kaname had caused was too much for one person to clean up alone.

After clearing a space in the living room to put everything she had bought, Mimi took the food up to Shigure. He had not moved and she sighed as she sat down next to him with the food. Getting the house cleaned is going to be a lot easier then getting Gureback to his old self.

Mimi could've written a book on having her heart shattered and the destructive spiral you could fall into afterwards. The last thing she wanted to see was Shigure fall into that type of tailspin. She decided to ask him about Kaname and their relationship, knowing it would hurt to talk about but she also knew it would help as well.

Mimi put her hand on Shigure's back. "Are you awake in there? Sorry it took so long but I decided to get some other stuff along with dinner." She smiled when he pulled the covers off of his head then said, "I hope you don't mind sushi I wasn't sure what you'd want. I know you love sushi and went with that. Besides I figured it was the easiest thing to eat lying down."

Shigure gave Mimi a weak smile as he poked a hand out and grabbed a piece of maguro nigiri.

"Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I've ordered an army of cleaners to come and help. I was going to try cleaning up myself, but then figured what's the point of having a rich boyfriend if you're not going to spend his money." This made Shigure smile and she decided to jump right in and ask, "Look, I know you probably don't want to rehash the past, but what happened between you and Kaname to make her go crazy?"

He let out a tight laugh; Mimi could feel the bitterness that was twisted in it. "Hell it was probably a combination of staying together too long and putting up with her childish behaviour because it was easier. We got together in our last year of university. In the beginning we were great. Two years later, shortly after I proposed to her she cheated on me. She gave me the lame excuse that she was afraid of commitment. And we split." Shigure grunted and stuck another piece of sushi in his mouth. "I'd had a few girlfriends as I tried getting over Kaname. Three years later just when I'd thought I'd moved on she comes back and tells me she'd grown up, she was sorry and I was the only person she really loved. Because I'm such a dumb ass I gave her a second chance. I knew I should've told her to get lost but I loved her . . . or at least thought I loved her. The cruel bitch got off on telling me her affair had been going on for over a year."

She felt heartbroken for him and gave him a look and a nod which conveyed she knew exactly what he was going through before popping an ika nigiri in her mouth. 

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