Chapter 52

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Motoko kept talking obviously oblivious to Mimi's state. She barely heard what Motoko was saying as more thoughts rampaged through her mind. If Jin had known the Kanzakis' why hadn't he shoved that in her face or Ha's for that matter. What the fuck was Jin's game? Mimi was ripped out of her thoughts as she caught the word fiancée.

Her eyes snapped into focus zooming in on Motoko. "Sorry, what was that?"

Motoko stopped rambling on and blushed. "Oops. Forgive me, I just thought because you're best friends with his cousin you knew. Me and my big mouth."

Whoa! What the hell! Though sheer, Herculean, force of will Mimi managed to stay calm. "You mean you knew?" her voice shook a little as she squeaked the words out, not meeting Motoko's eyes.

Motoko let out a breath and smiled. "Phew," relief washed over her face. "Yeah, I knew about it. I was invited to the wedding. Well. . . I was invited to be his witness when they signed the marriage license. Unfortunately at the time I was in New York on business."

Mimi felt sick as her stomach dropped out from under her. All normal brain function cessed and she was left speechless.

Motoko sighed. "I would've loved to have met the woman that finally captured Jin's heart. He is such a sweetheart when you get to know him. But he can't help being such a prickly bastard to everyone. He's his own worst enemy."

Mimi's jaw dropped open cause she couldn't believe Motoko knew the real Jin. Mimi was able to breathe again now that she knew Motoko had no idea it was her.

Before Mimi could apply the brain to mouth filter the words tumbled out, "You seem to really know him. Did you two date?"

Motoko burst out laughing holding her sides as she did. "Oh good god no. Jin-chan is like a brother to me. Honestly, that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time." She stopped laughing and grabbed Mimi's hand. "So, tell me what was this, oh what was her name. . . Emi, like? I swear, in all the years I've known him I never saw him that taken, that in love with anyone. It was like she possessed him body and soul."

Hearing this made Mimi blush. She nervously bit her lip and thought of something then said the first thing that jumped out. "They had a lot in common and she felt the same way about him. She thought they were going to be together forever. Just the two of them against the world." A mountain sized lump started forming in her throat almost choking her with grief.

Mimi sipped at her drink trying to ease the lump. She knew she had to stop talking, lock the past down and change the subject; otherwise she was going to turn into a blubbering mess. The absolute last thing she wanted was anyone let alone Motoko finding out the truth.

Before Mimi had a chance Motoko said, "Wow, that's deep. Jin always desperately craved someone like that. I just don't get it, I will never understand why they broke up. I mean he bought a house for her in Hiroo."

Mimi choked on her drink. "What!" she nearly shouted.

Motoko smiled and cocked her head to one side. "Are you okay, Mimi?"

Hell no I'm not okay. Mimi barely managed to compose herself. "Sorry. Hearing that is news to me."

Motoko chuckled. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. It was a huge secret. Jin, the lucky bastard, found the place by chance."

Mimi scrunched her forehead, still clueless as to what Motoko was on about. "You've still lost me."

Motoko sipped at her drink. "My bad, Jin found a house that had been recently built. But the owners went bankrupt and needed to off load it so he got it for a steal. He called in every favour he had with me to get me to redecorate the place on such short notice. He wanted to have it done by the time he got married. It was supposed to be the house they were going to raise their family in.

"I was able to draw up the designs but I had the job in New York so I had to pass the actual work onto my assistant." A deep scowl cut across Motoko's face.

Mimi instantly caught her sour expression. "What happened?"

Motoko waved her hand in the air as if she was dispelling an image. "I had to fire the girl. She was great at what she did but she had issues. Actually the girl was bat shit crazy. I found out she would get obsessed about the male clients. We are talking stalker obsessed."

Mimi found herself once again scraping her jaw up off the floor.

Motoko continued, "Yeah, the couple on the assignment after Jin, brought her behaviour to my attention. The crazy bitch lured the guy to the project under the pretence of needed his input on decorating matters. When he got to the house she offered him wine and her-naked-self. I asked Jin if she did this to him but he flat out denied it."

Mimi partially fell out of her chair. Holy-mother-fucking-shit! Déjà-vu. This revelation was the final straw. The noise in the crowded restaurant died, as a blazing fire consumed Mimi body and soul. Her stomach roiled and was ready to dump the contents of the entire week's worth of food on the table. She bolted up and ran for the toilets. 

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