Chapter 18

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Mimi shifted in the leather seat as she nursed her fifth mojito. She was already feeling the effects of the three glasses of wine and the beer Ritsu had insisted she guzzle down when they got to the cocktail bar. Ritsu had abandoned her half an hour earlier because she wanted to flirt with some idiot in a band. Mimi had flat out refused to join in. Firstly, because she didn't see the point and secondly, she couldn't shake the creepy feeling someone was watching her.

Bloodstream started to play again a shiver racked her body. She turned and glared at the female DJ wondering why the hell she was playing that song yet again. It was the third time it had played over the last hour. Mimi grabbed her drink and took a long gulp. It wasn't that she didn't like the song; in fact it had been one of the songs she and Jin loved. Jin had set it as her ringtone on his mobile and told her she was in his bloodstream. But that was all in the past, they had broken up and their present relationship was toxic. No matter how much reminiscing she did they both had done things neither could get over and those were memories she didn't like to dwell on.

Looking over her shoulder for the ninth time, she huffed. Despite the bar was packed she couldn't shake the unnerving sense someone was watching her every move. She glanced at her watch for the twentieth time and ground her teeth. She just wanted to go home and sleep, but the hands still hadn't changed and it was still Two am.

It was ridiculous that she was being forced to stay when her best friend had already ditched. She gave her drink a sour look and pushed it away. Enough was enough, she was going to give Ritsu a piece of her mind, then go home and hope to God a few hours of sleep would be enough.

The cocktail bar was heaving with bodies and she carefully weaved her way around other people and in and out of the crowd. Finally spotting Ritsu, she made a bee line for her friend when an arm snaked around her waist and halted her dead in her tracks.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry, princess?"

Mimi cringed as the drunk's hot breath assaulted her.

"Look, I'm sure you're all that, but I'm not in the mood. Now let me go," she said, trying to free herself from the beefy arm that held her.

"Oh, come now. Don't play hard to get. I'm not such a bad guy and I can show you a good time." The arm pulled her into him tighter, not giving up.

"I don't care if you're a freaking A list movie star. I'm not interested. So why don't you go and rub up against someone who is," she spat back, digging her nails into his arm, hoping the pain would force him to let her go.

"And what if I only want the princess I've caught in my arms?" the drunken voice playfully asked.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a fist heading toward them and barely had time to react. She tensed up and tried to duck as best as she could. The force of the blow was so hard the drunk went down like a sack of potatoes, freeing her from his grip. The crowd of people around them fanned out a little as they turned to watch the commotion.

Before Mimi had any time to get her bearings, a hand forcefully dragged her away. By the time they reached the corner of the bar she was beyond riled up. "Who do you think you are!"

The owner of the hand that had dragged her away twirled her around and pinned her against her wall. "I should be the one asking you that fucking question, Mimi."

All the blood drained out of her face as she looked up into Jinpachi's eyes. They had turned black with rage. She could tell by his laboured breathing he was controlling his temper, but only just.

"I'm sorry Jin," she said softly, looking up into his eyes.

He let out the breath he had been holding and all the tension faded away. Leaning forward he rested his forehead on hers, "What ever happened to you and me against the world?" he whispered.

This had become their safe phrase, the one thing that could bring even their worst interactions to a screeching halt. He had only used it twice since they had broken up and him saying it to her now was more then she could take.

Her bottom lip trembled as tears pooled in her eyes. "Damn it, Jin. Why?"

He pulled her into him, folded her into his arms and held her there as she sobbed into his chest. "Amelia, you and I are the same. No one else gets you like I do and no one gets me like you do. I don't get why you insist on fighting it."

The past bubbled to the surface. If she didn't grab a hold of it quickly and force it back, she knew she would regret it. "You know why," she breathed, agony lacing her voice.

He stiffened as if she had struck him and released her. Jin hooked one of his long fingers under her chin and tilted her face up so her eyes met his, holding her gaze. In that moment, the way he was looking at her brought the past flooding back. He wasn't his usual guarded self. The walls had come down and the asshole persona was nowhere to be seen. It was him, the real him, the variable him, the side he never showed to anyone except her.

Mimi reached up stroked his cheek. Caught up in the moment, in a monumental act of stupidity, she stood up on her tip-toes and brushed her lips against his. Her eyes fluttered closed as the warmth of his breath and his sweet lips gently caressed hers. It instantly transported her back to a time when they were deeply in love. Mimi instinctively pulled him closer trying to hold onto her Jin as long as possible and kissed him. He only hesitated for a second before kissing her back. Their lips met with such intensity and raw emotion.

When she pulled away and looked up into his eyes she saw his desperate need for her and instantly regretted her actions. Her senses returned, kicking her in the gut. What the Hell am I doing? Mimi asked herself, quickly backing out of his arms and turning to run away.

He caught her wrist halting her escape. "Is that it then? Are you going back to him?"

Mimi turned to meet his eyes and saw her Jin fade away as the anger masked the hurt that flared up inside of him. "Jin, what do you want from me? You moved on and I don't see why I can't as well."

He let out a cold bitter laugh. "Is that what you think?" he asked, tightening his grip on her. "Let me remind you, my dear. You are mine and I will do whatever I want with you. Don't forget you took what was mine and I won't ever forgive you," he hissed.

His words were like a bucket of icy water being dumped on her. It washed away any remaining desire to rekindle the relationship they once had. She ripped her hand away from him. "I am not yours. I will never be yours, you saw to that. So get the fuck over it, you psycho." He tried to grab her again and she shoved his hand away. "I'm going home and don't you dare try and stop me. In the morning, I have a date with someone who's more of a man than you ever were. So get this through your thick skull, I am moving on and so should you."

He let out a venomous laugh, "Good luck with that, you filthy whore."

Mimi marched up to Ritsu, dragged her out of the bar and demanded that they go.


One more update for the Easter holiday hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote.

Thanks for reading Xoxo J

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