Chapter 44

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Mimi was cooking when Hatori got home and she called out when she heard the front door close, "Dinner will be ready soon."

Mimi had asked Tanaka-san to help her cook something extra special for Hatori's and Mimi's one year anniversary of living together. Tanaka-san decided Sekihan, tempura donburi, yakizakana and miso would be the perfect dishes and had been helping while Mimi was out with Erika.

When Hatori changed and walked back into the living room, Mimi had already put the dinner on the table.

She was all smiles when Hatori sat down at the table. "Happy anniversary. We made it through one whole year. Hope you like dinner."

He smiled as his stomach growled in appreciation of all the delicious food and teased, "You know our one year anniversary was back in March, you're a little off."

"I know that we started dating a year ago back in March, but you have to admit the first day we started living together in sin is also a pretty special day."

He gave her a wink, leaned over and kissed her."You may have a point."

After dinner Mimi quickly put the few remaining dishes in the dishwasher then sat down on the sofa and switched the TV on. It was Monday and that was the day she got complete control over the TV.

Hatori was in his study finishing off the pressing matters from work and he would be at it for most of the night and she wasn't about to miss her favourite anime show. Normally she would record all of the anime that were on in the evenings and watch them throughout the day. Hatori had no interest in anime and he liked to watch baseball and cop dramas.

Mimi had settled into the sofa, she loved to wedge herself deep in the fluffy cushions, and was totally lost in the anime. She didn't even register Hatori moving about in the living room behind her. He walked up behind her and plopped a box on top of her head. This made her let out a yelp in surprise and she almost jumped out of her skin. Her heart hammered against her chest as she looked up, when she saw Hatori she relaxed and smiled.

"You're worse than my brother when you watch anime. If I was a burglar I could've got away with half the stuff in here before you'd noticed," He mocked her.

"Ha, ha, I'm not that bad. I wasn't expecting you to be finished so soon." She hit record on the TV remote knowing if there was a competition for her attention between anime and Hatori; he would win but only just.

Now that her attention was fully focused on him she couldn't help but raked him up and down with her eyes. They grew deep with desire and she licked her bottom like as she slowly drank in the perfection of the Adonis who was lovingly looking down at her. When he flashed her a knowing smile in response to her ogling, desire flooded thought her, and she though okay this sex god would win over anime hands down, and then half grinned to herself as her wicked desires ran amuck.

When Mimi finally came back to Earth she realised there was a medium sized square box sitting next to her. "Is this for me?"

"Of course it's for you silly. I don't see anyone else in here," Hatori answered shaking his head.

Her eyes sparkled and she was lost for words when opened the box and found a cherry blossom diamond necklace with matching earrings in it. She stared at the contents of the box for a moment taking it all in, then looked at Hatori, like he had just told her the moon was made out of cheese and said, "They're beautiful but this must have cost you a fortune. Hatori, you shouldn't have."

He bent down kissed Mimi stroking her face. "Silly girl, I should've got you something much bigger. But I knew you would tell me to take it back so I settled on these."

Mimi sighed and she forced a smile on her face, she loved it but seeing this extravagant gift stirred up an old argument that still irked her.

Their raised voices filled the air in her mind as the memory surfaced and she had to bite her tongue because she didn't want to ruin his gift or their evening by bringing up the past. She tried to force the memory of that argument out of her mind yet it had other ideas and bubbled to the surface.

"I don't understand what the big deal is Mimi? I make more than enough to support you. It's not a hardship and I want to support the woman I love," Hatori said in a commanding tone as he ran his hands through his hair.

Mimi was seething at that point. She couldn't understand why he wanted her to quit her job, it was crazy. "I refuse to sponge off you. Growing up I was left in the care of nannies because my parents valued their jobs more than me. And believe me when I say the little interaction they had with me was reprehensible. However, they made sure to ingrain a few things into me and one was to support myself. If they hadn't taught me that I would've never made it this far on my own. Damn it, Hatori, I am not about to stop now."

She couldn't stand to look at him and turned away from him as angry tears threatened to flow.

He instantly calmed down and closed the gap between them folding her into his huge arms. "Foolish woman. The last thing I want to do is make you beholden to me. I'm not trying to take away your independence. All I want to do is take care of you. Can't you see that?"

Mimi took a shuddering breath and shook her head. "It feels like that's exactly what you're doing. I like teaching; it gives me something to do. I don't know what I would do if I had nothing to fill my days."

He hugged her tighter and stroked her hair. "Please stop crying it kills me to see you cry. Mimi, you're not in America anymore and it's different in Japan. Here it's common and perfectly acceptable for a man to support the woman he's living with."

She looked up at him with hurt filled eyes and shook her head. Even Jinpachi allowed her to work when they were together. He was even willing to let her keep working after they . . . she couldn't bring herself to finish that though and let it drop like a ton a bricks.

"I just don't feel comfortable living off of you. I might in the future but it's too soon. You're pleading with me to understand but why can't you do the same?"

He huffed and then released her. Hatori drew in a deep breath and held it for a minute and then realised it. Running his fingers through his hair again he said, "Fine. We'll compromise. I'm going to get you a job that's close to here and you will only work one day a week." Mimi opened her mouth to argue but he gave her a look that told her not to push it and she shut her mouth. "You have two options either take the compromise or let me support you. This isn't up for negotiation."

She bit her bottom lip and couldn't help the fact she was turned on by his domineering outburst.

It didn't bother her that Hatori was a bit of a control freak in fact she liked his controlling nature. It was familiar and it made her feel secure and wanted, she had always been under someone's thumb growing up. It was no different when she met Jinpachi although he took it to the extremes but she couldn't deny she loved it at that point in her life.

She still wasn't happy about having to quit her job but she relented because she wanted to make him happy. She walked over to him, wrapped her arms around him and peeked up at him through her lashes. "Okay, you win." Standing on her toes she kissed him.

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