Chapter 90

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Mimi stood on the small raised platform still in awe at how she looked in her shiromuku. She ran her hands along the pure white silk kimono admiring the delicate floral design. She turned and saw Erika scribbling away in a note book and talking to one of the shop attendants. Ritsu gave Mimi a grin lifting up her complementary glass of Champaign as she lounged in one of the plush chairs. Mimi rolled her eyes, the pair of them had it so easy as far as the fitting went. They only had one kimono to try on and they were done. Mimi on the other hand had to try on three.

Shizune walked up behind Mimi and wrapped her arms around Mimi's waist and rested her chin on Mimi's shoulder. "You look absolutely gorgeous. Not only that but you've held up nicely through this whole ordeal."

A pang of sadness ran through Mimi's heart as a flood of different memorise rushed up. Mimi loved Shizune beyond words for the support and affection she had given Mimi since February, when Hatori announced they were getting married. Mimi scowled on the inside thinking about everything Kyoko had put her through. The thought of having such a devious woman as a mother-in-law wasn't a welcome one.

Kyoko had insisted on a traditional Japanese wedding ceremony. Everyone was surprised, they thought she would want to make a big deal and have a western style wedding ceremony. The reason soon became clear why Kyoko was insisting on a traditional Japanese wedding when she also started to push for a small and quiet wedding reception, instead of the usual grand receptions that normally accompanied a Japanese wedding.

Jinpachi was the one who took immense pleasure informing Ritsu the reason was because Kyoko disliked Mimi so much she only wanted family attending. Kyoko wanted to keep the marriage as quiet as possible in the hopes that Hatori would come to his senses after he got married and divorce Mimi.

Of course this angered Ritsu. She stormed into Hatori's office dragging Mimi along and a huge argument erupted. It was only diffused by Daisuke and Chojiro assuring Hatori and Ritsu that the wedding reception was going to be a grand affair. This only pissed Kyoko off and she was determined to be as difficult as possible. As a result Kyoko refused to have anything else to do with the wedding preparations which included not coming to any of the kimono fittings.

Mimi accepted the fact that Kyoko hated her and she was determined to bend over backwards and prove to Kyoko and everyone else she would be the perfect wife for Hatori. Mimi told herself she had to do this in order to make up for what she and Shigure did in Hokkaido.

Shizune gave Mimi another hug bringing her back to the present. "Cheer up sweetheart this is the last fitting. I know you're tired so after they get you out of this kimono we'll go straight home and you can rest until you girls drive back to Tokyo."

Mimi sighed and gave her a nod. "Thank you for all your help, Shizune."

She gave Mimi a kiss on the cheek and whispered in her ear, "Any one in their right mind would love to have you as a daughter-in-law, remember that, sweetheart. I only wish you were marring Gure so I could have you as my daughter-in-law."

Erika walked up to them with her notebook in hand and said, "Shizune, would you mind going over the different kimonos for me again. I'm getting such great info from everyone here that I'll be able to do a great piece about traditional weddings and kimonos. The shop owner has been more than helpful, it's just she keeps getting way too technical. I love the way you explain things."

A wave of relief coursed through Mimi's veins by Erika's interruption. The last thing Mimi wanted was to be reminded of her feelings for Shigure.

Shizune turned to Erika and smiled. "Of could I can," she replied and walked over to the seats with Erika.

Mimi half listened to Shizune as the attendants took off the kimono; she was dead on her feet.

"The kimono Mimi has on right now is the shiromuku. This kimono is the one she will be wearing at the shrine for the ceremony," Shizune explained as Erika scribbled notes down. "The second kimono that she will be wearing is the iro-uchiakake and this kimono is the first one she'll be wearing at the reception."

"That's the bright red one with lots of cranes and flowers and all of that gold embroidery on it. Right?" Erika asked looking at her notes.

Shizune nodded. "Yes. And as it goes, a bride can also choose to wear an uchiakake to the ceremony instead of the shiromuku."

Erika looked up at Mimi and said, "So why on earth didn't you opt for that. It would've saved you a crap ton of hassle girl."

Mimi shook her head and smiled. "At the time I was like a kid in a candy shop, Erika. I thought it would be cool to wear all of these stunning kimonos. I didn't even consider it would take two hours to put the damn thing on as well as the makeup and hair. Don't get me wrong I love all of it. But I'm just so damn tired right now I wish I had opted for a simple western style wedding."

Ritsu tossed back the last of her champagne and said, "Well it's too late now, girly. Next time you want something, learn how to speak up for it." Mimi cringed, Ritsu's flippant comment cut her to the bone.

"The third kimono Mimi's gonna wear is called a Hikifurisode, right?" Erika cut in.

Mimi knew Erika was trying to stop Ritsu from going on yet another rant about how Mimi needed to grow a backbone and stand up to Kyoko. Mimi gave Erika a look that said thank you.

"That right, Erika. It's a type of kimono called a furisode. A furisode has long sleeves and bright colours with lots of patterns which indicated a woman is single. When she's married; she will then wear kimonos with short sleeves and subdued colours and patterns. Wearing a Hikifurisode symbolises the bride wearing a furisode one last time before beginning married life." Shizune looked up at Mimi and said, "I love the one you chose dear. I think the black silk makes the bright pink and red cherry blossoms more vivid. And the pink and gold of the obi sets the whole thing off splendidly."

Mimi walked to the changing room and put her normal street clothes on.

"That just leaves the western style dress and the little black number. But I don't get why she needs to change into the western style dress. Is that normal for wedding receptions or just this ridiculously extravagant one?" Erika said.

"I had a traditional wedding as well as it goes." Shizune smiled. "Normally the receptions are a far more exaggerated affair. It's more for the guests that didn't get to go to the ceremony. As you know by now, traditional wedding ceremonies are only for close family and friends. The reception that follows is where everyone under the sun gets invited to. I think it's a great idea that Mimi will be cutting the wedding cake in that gorgeous 50's style wedding dress. And the black shift dress will be nice to end the evening in," Shizune said as Mimi walked out to join them.

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