Chapter 91

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The moment limonene pulled up in front of the main house Ritsu lit up. A huge grin was plastered on her face and she hopped out of the car. Mimi looked at the figure that was leaning in the doorway and rolled her eyes. Takashi Kanzaki, the other Kanzaki cousin was waiting for Ritsu. He and Ritsu had hit it off like a house on fire the month before when they had come up for a previous fitting.

Mimi stepped out of the car just as Ritsu was shouting over shoulder that Takashi would be taking her back to Tokyo. Erika rolled her eyes as well then turned back to her conversation with Shizune.

"Mimi, I'm going to show Erika some of the family's collection of kimonos and photos of my wedding. You're welcome to join us," Shizune said.

Mimi shook her head. "Thanks but I'm going to pass. I just want to lay down for a bit before we head back. Erika, just come and get me when you want to go."

"Will do," Erika said with a wave as she walked off with Shizune.

Mimi was grateful for the time alone. She loved Ritsu and Erika with all her heart but they could be a real handful at times. It was roasting and she picked up her pace and headed straight for her and Hatori's house that was next door to Shigure's. Hatori had made sure it was fixed after their first visit nearly a year ago. He'd told his mother if it wasn't fixed by the next time they arranged to visit they wouldn't come.

She walked through the door and headed straight into the kitchen in search of something cold to drink.

"What a freaking nightmare this whole wedding is turning out to be," Mimi muttered to herself as she stuck her head in the refrigerator.

"And here I thought this is what you girls dreamed of," Shigure said from behind her.

Mimi shot up almost knocking herself out as she hit her head on one of the shelves in the refrigerator. She grabbed her head, then kicked the refrigerator door shut and backed away cursing. Even though they both were acting as if the kiss never happened Mimi had still been keeping her distance from Shigure.

"What brings you down here, Gure?" she asked backing away from him until she hit the counter top.

"Honestly. I wanted to talk to you," he said slowly walking toward her as if she was a frightened animal.

"Oh. Shouldn't Ha be top on your list of people to talk to? What with you being his best man of sorts, I bet you have lots to talk about. I'm sure you have lots to arrange for his stag party," Mimi replied looking for another place to back away to.

Shigure put an arm on either side of her cutting off any escape route by then said, "No; I only came to talk to you."

They stared into each other eyes and she could feel that strong pull toward him. It felt like they were neodymium magnets and the longer she stood there staring at him the more she was attracted to him.

She swallowed then with great difficulty and spoke, "What did you want to talk about?"

He lent in and kissed Mimi, her skin felt as if it was on fire and she felt every little sensation. Her skin began to tingle with electricity every time Shigure touched her. The world started spinning and she began to lose herself as the feeling of becoming one with Shigure took over and started to consume her.

Then he pulled away, looking directly into her eyes he said, "I know you feel that deep connection. I feel it too. You know deep down it's me you should be with and I want you to call the wedding off."

Her whole body started trembling. Agony and gut-wrenching pain coiled its way around her; as the feelings that she'd locked away started clawing their way free. Mimi knew what he said was true but she couldn't get her head around why he waited until now to say something. Anger surged up hot and heavy, she couldn't believe what he was saying. "Why are you doing this now you idiot!" Mimi shouted.

"Because I love you damn it!" he shouted back. He paused and calmed down then said, "And I don't want you making the biggest mistake of your life." Shigure cupped her face in his hands, his eyes held hers.

Looking away, she couldn't bear to look into his eyes, as she pulled the ring up from under her top. "You're too damn late," she let out a strangled sob, "because I've already made it." Her emotions were at fever pitch and she couldn't contain them any longer. Mimi began to cry as she shouted, "Why? Why? Why, didn't you say something that morning. You knew I wanted, no needed to know if you felt the same way. It's too late damn it! I married Hatori two days after we left your place." She gently pushed Shigure away. "I've put that day you and I kissed behind me and so should you," her voice trembled and even she could hear the lie in her voice.

No matter how hard she tried, Mimi couldn't put her feelings for Shigure aside. All she could do was stuff them deep down inside of her and hope one day they would stop bubbling to the surface.

She bolted to the living room and began sobbing. Her body shook violently and felt as if she was coming apart at the seams as she flopped down onto the sofa. She watched him walk into the room looking like a defeated man and it was agonising to watch. 

Tokyo Seduction (Book 1 Of The Gaijin Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora