Chapter 26

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...Friday, June 19, 12:05pm...

Knowing who it was, Mimi ran to answer the door like a giddy school girl. She whipped open the door and jumped into Hatori's arms, planting kisses all over his face.

He hugged her back and carried her into the apartment, shaking his head and chuckling at the way she always greeted him. "You know, Angel, one of these days it's not going to be me and you're going to make some deliveryman's day."

She buried her face in Hatori's neck and inhaled his intoxicating aroma. She knew that would never happen. They had settled into a routine where he always stopped by for lunch at the exact same time throughout the week. "Oh, that would never happen. I always make sure he comes before ten so we have enough time for our tryst before you turn up." This earned her a playful tap on her bum and she playfully squealed before letting him go. "I've made you something special today," she said and hurried off to the kitchen.

Hatori sniffed the air and smiled as he walked to the dining room table. When he sat down, she dished up the food. "The other day you said oden was your favourite but you hadn't had it in ages because it's summer. So I got the recipe off Shiina-san, the nice old lady that lives two floors down. Anyway, this is my first attempt so I hope it's turned out well."

"I'm sure it has,'' he said before taking a mouthful.

The conversation was light as they savoured the meal. Halfway through lunch, Possession started to sing out on Mimi's phone. The blood drained out of her face, and she jumped up to grab it. "Sorry, baby, I have to take this. I'll be right back." Mimi ran into the hallway bathroom without waiting for him to reply.

"You promised you wouldn't call me between noon and one," she hissed at the Jinpachi.

"I did nothing of the sort and you know it. I'll call you any damn time I please and you'll fucking answer. That is, if you don't want a repeat of what happened last time you ignored me?"

Thinking about the hell he put her through, Mimi sank to the floor. A shiver rippled through her body. "Just leave me alone! I have a boyfriend now."

"Do you think I give a shit? That doesn't change a thing, you little bitch."

Her left wrist started to scream out for attention. She had been managing to stem the urge to scratch since Hatori had become a major part of her life. However, it seemed every time she thought she had gained control, Jinpachi would become overly aggressive and unravel her composure and self-esteem.

"You don't own me, you sick bastard, just leave me alone." Mimi tried to sound strong even though she was a bag of nerves.

"Hahaha, how's the wrist, Mimi? You are mine! And I've marked you in more ways then you care to admit, even to yourself. I'd like to know how your precious boyfriend likes my sloppy seconds."

Her eyes darted to her wrist as the burning itch intensified, tears started to pour out of her eyes as she gave into her anxiety. Unclasping her huge silver bracelet, she started to attack the itch. "Leave me alone, you sick bastard. If you don't, I swear to God I'll tell Hatori it's you that's been calling me."

"If I'm sick what does that make you? Because you and I are the same. Tell me, how do you think that boyfriend of yours is going to react when he finds out our little secret?"

She sucked in a sharp breath; his words were a sharp kick in the stomach. "Go to hell, you deranged asshole. I curse the day I agreed to be your girlfriend, you heartless monster."

"Don't kid yourself; the moment he finds out the truth and who you really are, he's going to run for the hills. So don't push me, you little bitch. I've been more than accommodating to you and this little whim of yours. You're kidding yourself if you think I can't or won't put you back in your place. You. Are. Mine! Don't ever forget it."

As soon as she heard the knock on the door, she immediately stopped scratching.

"Mimi, is everything alright?" Hatori asked, concern evident in his tone.

Hastily, she grabbed a hand towel and wiped at her tears and calmed herself. "Of course, sweetheart. I've just got something in my eye. I'll be out in a minute."

Once she heard Hatori's footsteps on the tiled hallway, Mimi let her anger get the better of her. She lashed out without even thinking. "Screw you, Jinpachi! He loves me, which is something you know nothing about. Get it through your thick skull, I am not yours and I never will be."

Mimi ended the call before Jin could reply and switched off her phone so he couldn't call her back. She washed her face and the blood off of her wrist, then dried off. Mimi slipped her bracelet back on before putting on a happy face and joining Hatori.

Before she even had a chance to explain things, they heard the front door open and shut. Mimi cursed under her breath and got up to see why Ritsu was home so early.

Ritsu had started training at her father's company immediately after Mimi had moved in. Much to Ritsu's annoyance because she expected to have a little more free time before she was forced into servitude. As a result of her working, she was rarely around during the day. Mimi preferred this because whenever Ritsu and Hatori were around each other, Ritsu would go out of her way to make him feel unwelcome. This had caused more than a few arguments between Mimi and Ritsu. Mimi couldn't understand why Ritsu had taken such a disliking to Hatori.


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Xoxo J

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