Chapter 70

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The journey back to the estate was quiet. Shigure could feel the stress rolling off of Mimi in huge waves as she looked out the window. She had barely made eye contact with him after the incident with Jinpachi.

Shigure saw her reflection and thought he saw her crying. "What's on your mind? Why are you so quite over there?" he asked light-heartedly.

Mimi tensed then answered, "Nothing's wrong. I'm just looking at the city. It's so pretty at night I love how all the buildings are all lit up."

Shigure instinctively knew something was wrong and guessed it probably had something to do with what Kyoko said earlier as well as Jinpachi. "Mimi, look at me," Shigure requested gently.

"I almost forgot, I got you a present to say thank you for being such a good friend. It's in the bags by your feet."

"Thank you Mimi, but you really didn't have to get me anything. Now stop trying to change the subject and look at me," Shigure replied determined not to be sidetracked.

"I would rather not. . . I am fine honestly," Mimi replied.

Shigure frowned then put both of his hands on her shoulders turning her around until she was facing him. The car was dark but Shigure could see the tears rolling down Mimi's face.

She looked down embarrassed and said, "It's nothing really. I'll be fine in a minute."

He put one hand under her chin and lifted her face up. "Anyone can see everything is not fine." Shigure then said to the driver, "Stop the car and when you pullover safety then get out please."

The driver pulled the car over to the side of the road, got out and shut the door behind him.

"Now we are going to sit here until you tell me what is wrong, and I don't care if we have to sit here all night," Shigure said smiling at her.

"It's silly really. I knew Kyoko wasn't going to like me. I mean you, Ha and Motoko told me as much and you guys certainly didn't sugar coat it either. I was prepared for it, but to hear what she said today. She really hates me and there is nothing I can do to change that."

He was shocked that she hadn't mentioned anything about Jinpachi. He decided not to press that issue and focus on what he could help with. "You shouldn't let it get to you. Ha doesn't care what she thinks. He did tell you that didn't he?"

"Of course he did and I know he loves me. I also know how it feels to walk away from your entire family and a good life, for making a choice they didn't like. Because I had to do exactly that when I decided to move to Japan. I don't regret it for a second but it still hurts to be disowned by your entire family."

Shigure knew Mimi had family problems but he was stunned to hear they cut her out completely. Hatori had told him she didn't have much to do with them but he never went into any detail. He could only imagine how what Kyoko said was messing with her head.

He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. "You don't have to worry. Kyoko would never make him choose. Even if she did and Ha choose you, Kyoko would never disown him. You have to remember she loves him so much and in her eyes Ha can do no wrong. Besides even if she did disown Ha the rest of the family would not."

"It's not just that. I know Ha really wants things to be better or at least easier between him and his mother. You only have to read between the lines to know he wants that. I don't want to be the one to stop that from happening. No matter what he says I know a part of him however small would resent me for that."

Shigure wiped the tears from Mimi's cheeks and smiled at her. It was plain to see how much she loved Hatori. He could also tell it would kill her if anything happened to end their relationship.

"I honestly don't think Ha would and if he did he would be a fool. Anyone can see how hard you are trying to get the family to like you. Even Ha knows it's not your fault his mother doesn't like you. Unfortunately she is bat shit crazy when it comes to Ha and everyone makes allowances," Shigure tried to reassure her.

"Yeah I know. It still would've been nice if Kyoko gave me a chance. But I guess that's not going happen," Mimi smiled.

Shigure gave Mimi another smile and said, "You have to understand Ha is precious to her. Before Ha was born Chojiro and Kyoko had been trying to have kids for ten years. Kyoko had three miscarriages and then she was told that she would not be able to have any kids. Ha was her miracle child and because of that she has put him on a pedestal so high no one is good enough. Everyone in the family knows this which is why they let Kyoko get away with what she does."

"I just hope I don't get crushed as a result of a mother's misguided love," Mimi said.

Shigure gave Mimi another hug and said, "Well lucky for you I'm here and I will dig you out from under whatever Kyoko tries to crush you with." He released her and fished a handkerchief out of his sleeve and dried her face. "Now I don't know about you but I could do with a drink," Shigure said trying to lighten the mood.

He was relieved when the sparkle returned to her eyes and she flashed him the playful grin that he always looked forward to seeing.

"It just so happens I can help with that. Why don't you open your gift?" Mimi said then picked up one of the bags that were by her feet and handed it to him.

Shigure's eyes lit up when he unwrapped the giant bottle of his favourite sake. "You got me Juyondai I love this brand. Thank you, Mimi"

She giggled as she said, "I know. You said as much when we passed the stall back at the festival and I couldn't ignore those puppy dog eyes you were making."

A mischievous grin split his face. "It's good to know they work on someone." Shigure rolled down the window and told the driver to get back into the car.

When the car pulled up in front of the main house and they got out and Shigure turned to Mimi and said, "Now I expect you to come over to my house and drink these with me."

"I will but I want to change first. It won't take long and I will be right over," Mimi replied then walked up to her room. 

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