Chapter 36

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Jin walked back to the table where Ritsu was sitting with her boyfriend and caught the tail end of Noboru kowtowing to Ritsu. He grimaced as he watched the ball-less bastard calm her down. Dickless chump, he scowled.

When Mimi sat down, Jin leaned over and whispered in Ritsu's ear, "I really think you should apologise to Mimi. And buy her a drink as a peace offering."

Ritsu looked at Mimi, then ran her hand through her hair and sighed. "Look, I am sorry for doing that to you. Let me buy you a drink."

Mimi gave her a paper thin smile. "Fine, you can get me a coke, Ritsu. But don't think I'm just going to forgive you that easily."

After Ritsu left, Jinpachi couldn't help the huge smile that was plastered on his face. He was ecstatic with himself and the chaos he had caused."My, my, you do have a way with people, Mimi."

She glared at him. "Why don't you shut up. I should blame you for the state she is in, you loathsome foul little man. You've been winding her up all night. And don't think i didn't see you push that drink towards Ritsu "

Jinpachi's smile turned to ice, she was forgetting her place and he wasn't about to let that go. "I always knew you were a conniving bitch. But I never thought you would stoop so low as to lie about being a virgin, Amelia. Is that how you managed to con that bastard into fucking you? We both know what a dirty whore you really are. I wonder what Ritsu and that asshole would think if I told them the truth."

Mimi's eyes began to tear up and she slapped Jin hard across the face. It ignited a deep desire within him and his demeanour changed. His eyes lit up with glee and he wanted more, so much more. He licked his lips as he watched how uncomfortable this made her.

She scooted away from him. "How dare you say something like that to me?" she said and her voice trembled. "I have a good mind to go and tell Genma what you tried to do to me back in January." Mimi paused and waited for him to reply. When he didn't, she smiled in triumph. "What, don't you have any witty remark? I didn't think so."

Ritsu walked back over to the table with the drinks. Mimi stood up and snatched her drink off Ritsu. She took a gulp, then slammed it down on the table and shouted above ONE III NOTES Shadow and Truth, "How could you tell Jinpachi about my personal life? I thought you were my friend. I thought you were like a sister to me."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ritsu asked, then realisation dawned on her face. "I got drunk. Really, really drunk last night when you stopped answering your phone."

Jin watched as the two girls screamed at each other. He sniggered. This is too easy. They both had played perfectly into his hands. He took that moment to put the final piece into play. He discreetly pulled out a tiny vial of clear liquid from his pocket and dumped it into Mimi's drink.

He then turned his attention back to the girls as Ritsu said, "I probably said some things to Jin I shouldn't have. I don't see why you're over reacting. You know Jin says half the shit he does just to get a reaction out of you."

"Some friend you are, Ritsu." Mimi grabbed her drink again, draining the remainder of it and walked off.

Jin grabbed Ritsu's arm and stopped her from going after Mimi. "I think you've said more than enough for one night." He watched Mimi walk back to the toilets then sighed and made it look like he was disappointed with the cousin. "Ritsu, sometimes you never think about your actions. Last night, when you were running your mouth off, did you even stop to think telling her ex-boyfriend all that crap wasn't a good idea?"

Ritsu looked at him and shook her head. "God, I'm sorry, Jin. I didn't think you would care. I know your relationship with her is messed up. But apart from that weird moment you two had in the cocktail bar back in March, you act like you hate her."

He stood up and frowned at her. "Next time you open your trap to bad mouth her, make sure I'm not around 'cause I just might shut it for you." He turned to leave, then looked over his shoulder and said, "Why don't you go and play with your boyfriend? I'm going to make sure Mimi gets a taxi."

He folded his arms and leaned against the entrance of the women's restroom. It was an open plan and he could see everything from where he was. There was no one else in there and he listened as Mimi cried in one of the stalls.

She managed to get the stall door open after three attempts and staggered to the sinks. Her eyes were glazed over as she splashed her face with water. When she turned, her full concentration was on putting one foot in front of the other.

Mimi slowly made it to the entrance of the restrooms and looked up at Jin standing in the doorway blocking her exit. She scowled at him and slurred her words as she said, "Get out of my way, you jerk."

As she reached out and tried to push him away, he grabbed her. His eyes lit up as he regarded the weakened state she was in. He grinned, like he was an orca and she was a juicy baby seal, and tightened his grip on her hand, yanking her out of the bathroom. He dragged her down the long hallway, away from the exit and into a small, secluded alcove.

Jin pushed her up against the wall, and gave her a wicked grin. He watched the anger bubble up inside Mimi, giving her a surge of energy and momentarily staving off the effects of the drugs she had been slipped.

"Let me go, you bastard," she shouted.


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