Chapter 92

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Shigure paused and lent against the door frame. A whirlwind of emotions flashed across his face: sorrow, pain, longing, love, and finally resolve. Once his face had smoothed out she could tell he'd come to some sort of conclusion and she knew she wasn't going to like it.

A conversation they'd had back in Hokkaido, which felt like a life time ago, surfaced in her mind. He'd told her that her trust, happiness and well being were paramount to him and he would put her before everything else. At the time his words touched her deeply but now she could feel it in her bones that she was going to regret them.

Shigure sat down next to her. "Mimi, I want you to hear this." He gently turned her toward him and then wiped away the tears from her face as he said, "Once again I find myself apologising to you. I'm sorry that I wouldn't talk to you that day. I had a lot of things to work out in my own head and I foolishly thought I had time to do that." Shigure paused as a pained expression flitted across his face. He quickly managed to gain control and smooth his face out again."I know you don't want to hear this but I love you, Mimi. I love you so much I am willing to just be your friend."

She cringed in pain at each word Shigure spoke. Her heart was being torn in two by good intuitions. It felt as if she'd handed him her heart and together they were hacking chunks off of it with this lie they both were going to agree to.

He looked straight into her eyes and she saw the depth of his love for her. "I promise you, I will always be there for you whenever you need me and how ever you need me. Right now you need me to be just your friend and I will be that for as long as you want."

Hearing this was too much. She began gasping for air; it felt like she was being choked to death. All Mimi wanted to do was yell: I don't want this! I don't want to be friends, I want you. I love you Gure, but the words just wouldn't come out. The moment she opened her mouth to speak she saw Hatori and heard him telling her how much he loved her and how the two of them were a family now.

"If you need me to be something more I will be that when the time comes," Shigure continued. He picked up one of Mimi's trampling hands and kissed it. "Friends. Just like we used to be, I promise."

Mimi was in anguish and wanted to scream out in pain as the tears poured out of her eyes. She desperately wanted to say to Shigure, damn the consequences, damn the shame and damn all the hurt. I choose you, I choose you Gure! But Mimi's head won out over her heart as she heard her mother, father, grandfather and siblings' voices say in unison, 'Amelia, it's always better to just do what's expected of you and not the rock the boat.'

She grabbed Shigure's hand ̶the one she'd envisioned was holding her mangled hart and pushed it into her chest. Attempting to shove what was left of her heart back. As she did this Mimi knew in her bones the decision the two of them were making was a mistake and it would change her─quite possibly break. She didn't know how she was going to be able to go back to living a normal happy life with Hatori. But she'd married him and now she was going to stick by him come hell or high water.

Mimi managed to compose herself and replied, "Friends," choking on the word as it left her lips. It hurt but she couldn't lose him as a friend. She let Shigure's hand slip out of hers, and she stepped back into the beautiful gilded cage she'd built for herself the day she agreed to marry Hatori. Then took the love she had for Shigure and buried it deep inside of her soul, and she shut the door of the cage locking that part of herself inside.

She saw tears rolling down his face and looked away. He stood up and walked out of the room leaving her to fall to pieces. Mimi turned her face into the cushion and started screaming until her throat burned and she was left breathless. She lay their gulping down air trying to stem the flow of her tears. When she realised she wasn't alone she shot up in surprise wiping at her eyes. 

"Oh Amelia, you've been a very naughty girl haven't you," Jinpachi drawled. A wicked grin cut across his face as he stalked toward her like a panther. "It's been awhile since I've seen a man crying."

She backed up until she hit the back of the sofa and started to scramble up it so she could get as much distance from Jinpachi as possible. His long legs quickly closed the gap between them and his hands shot out and grapped her halting her.

"Don't you touch me." she shouted, her voice cracked with fear.

"Who do you insist on being such a cold hearted bitch? Was breaking Shigure's heart not enough?" he hissed.

His words kicked her in the stomach causing her breath to catch. She looked up at him her eyes wide with shock. "Y- you, you saw . . ." her bottomed lip started to quiver and her body went limp. "No," she whispered.

"I saw enough. But don't worry it'll be our little secret. You and I have so many what's one more."

"You like your dirty little secrets," she bit out with an acid tone.

His eyes flash with rage as his grip on her tightened and he pulled her into him. "And what is that supposed to mean? I'm warning you my tolerance for your bullshit only goes so far. Besides last time I checked you were the only one of us with blood on her hands."

"How dare you throw that in my face after you tried to rape me. Now get your hands off me." Mimi placed her hands on his arms and dug her nails into his skin as hard as she could.

It didn't have the desired effect, Jinpachi only clinched his jaw and glared at her. ""How dare you, Mimi. I didn't try to rape you," he replied with a deadly tone.

His words stunned her and she let go, watching him as he gained control over his anger. "But I remember what you did," she stammered.

He arched an eyebrow and bent down and whispered into her ear, "My objective was only to show that asshole what a little whore you really are. And we certainly didn't have sex." He slid one of his hands up behind her earlobe and gently ran his index finger down the back of it following the line of her jaw. He hit her sweet spot and she let out a moan as her body reverberated.

"What the hell is going on!" Erika's sharp words cut through Mimi haze.

Jinpachi straightened up and looked over his shoulder sneering at Erika. "Great timing as usual. Now that we're all here lets go."

Mimi came back to her senses and tried to back away from Jinpachi but his grip on her held firm.

Erika glared at him and stormed over to them. "Let her go you bastard." Reaching out an arm she yanked Mimi free from him. "You have another think coming if you think we're going anywhere with you."

"Oh. Don't you want a ride back to Tokyo? Besides don't you think Mimi should speak for herself?" He shot a look at Mimi that dared her to tell him she didn't want a ride. "Especially, when we have a few things to discuss."       

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