Chapter 3

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All through the six-course dinner, Jinpachi ignored her. Promptly after the last course was taken away by the servers he left their table. Mimi had to school her face into a look of utter indifference and boredom as she watched him flirt and dance his way through the multitude of single beauties in attendance. She knew he was doing it to not only to rile her but also to punish her.

In truth it made her blood boil. The magnitude of jealousy that exploded inside of her staggered her. She grabbed her glass of red wine and downed it in a few gulps trying to extinguish the acrid green flames in her. She clinched her jaw until it hurt and sneered at him, burying her jealousy for Jin deep. How dare he flirt with other women, while she was forced to be a pretty doll, alone and deserted at the table. Obediently obeying his orders!

Anger roiled in the pit of her stomach. How much of an ignorant, stupid and downright foolish woman was she willing to let him turn her into? Why couldn't she just say no to him? Why didn't she apply for a darn restraining order against him, damn it! But, even as she contemplated her situation, she knew, she abided by his word, simply to keep the peace and the ugly truth from Genma's eyes.

After hours of watching all the other guests dancing, mingling and enjoying themselves she'd stomached all she could—of nursing her fifth rum and coke like some kind of social pariah — and was ready to leave. She downed the last of her drink trying to think of a good enough excuse she could feed Genma and Ritsu to allow her to leave without causing trouble.

Mimi sighed scanning the crowed and saw Genma approaching her from the bar. Her lips turned up seeing her chance to leave. Setting her empty glass down she leaned over and grabbed her clutch from the empty chair, the excuse she had prepared on her lips. But Genma's hand fell on her shoulder as she straightened up gently holding her down. Mimi looked up at him, holding back a sigh. No doubt Genma spotted her ready to leave.

"I hate seeing you sitting here alone," he said, sitting down next to her giving her a kind smile. "You know it's always been my hope that you and Jin will one day get married. You two are a perfect match. That said, I realise your relationship with him has been rocky, and far be it for me to step in and tell either of you what to do." He took her hand, and squeezed it. "However, you are young, Mimi, and attractive. You should not be hiding away from the world, waiting for my idiot nephew to propose. Maybe one of these days he will ask you."

Guilt coiled inside of her. It's never going to happen. She wanted to scream these words, and tell Genma she and Jinpachi had taken their future, hoisted it on a pyre and set it ablaze, a long time ago. Though, she also knew, it would break Genma's heart. Having him cling to the idea of love between her and Jin was better than destroying an old man's illusions.

"Until then, let him see just what he stands to lose." He turned and waved to someone over his shoulder. "Dance with an associate of mine, will you?"

Mimi followed the direction Genma signalled in. A tall sandy-blond man was leaning on the bar with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a drink. He set his glass tumbler down, pushed off the marble bar and walked toward them. His broad-athletic build reminded Mimi of a rugby player and filled out his finely cut suit in all the right places. He took his hand out of his trouser pocket and ran it through his long fridge, sweeping it off to the side, and looked straight at Mimi. She held her breath as his piercing green eyes locked her in his gaze.

She blinked once, twice, thrice. Hoping by the fourth blink, it would only be an illusion, and she wouldn't be forced to go against Jin's threat. She could lie to Genma but that would be as bad as denying his request. He was the father she never had. He'd taken her under his wing, mentored her, loved her, and most important, accepted her into his family. She owed him more than a lie, and a no.

Genma took her hand and gently pulled her up. "Darren Winters, I would like to introduce you to Amelia Fairfax."

"Please call me Mimi," she said quickly peeking up at him as Genma placed her hand into Darren's.

He flashed her a dazzling smile. "Very nice to meet you, Mimi," he replied in English. His thick Australian accent sent heat pulsing through her, setting her cheeks ablaze. "Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?"

Mimi smiled, taking a moment to contemplate his and Genma's offer. Could she dare be a little selfish? She was single after all, and being single transformed into loneliness fast. One dance wouldn't hurt, would it? A small shiver of delight danced through her at the thought of defying Jinpachi. I'll politely object after one dance and go home. With a nod Mimi accepted, praying Jin was in a corner feeling up some bimbo too busy to notice her. 


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love ya. 

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