Chapter 76

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 "Well if it isn't the whore of Babylon," Jinpachi spat. He held onto her arm pulling her back against his chest. Leaning in close to her ear he inhaled. "I see you've gotten your claws into yet another Kanzaki. I guess as long as it's a Kanzaki you'll spread your legs willingly."

Oh God just like old times. She let out a bitter laugh as the she slipped back into their old game. How I've missed this. It was just like stepping into a pair of old shoes and the need to bite back was too tantalising for her to stop. Leaning against his shoulder she turned her head and said, "The only whore I see around here is you, Jin. At least I've got standards as opposed to how far you've sunk these days."

"Oh baby," he purred, "how many times are we going to have to do this little dance," Jinpachi said. He placed his hands on her waist, yanking her hips into his and started grinding to the music. "You are mine. Don't you ever fucking forget it."

A wall of anger hit her quickly followed by a tsunami of shame which threw her off kilter. She knew she had no reason to feel the amount of shame she was experiencing. It felt as if it had a physical grip on her throat crushing it. Mimi tried to yank free so she could put some distance between them, but Jinpachi wouldn't let go of her.

Mimi struggled against his hold managing to turn around ready to knock him down with a venomous comment. However, her voice was cut off as she was the burning desire in his eyes.

"Baby, you never disappoint." He laughed rubbing the tip of his nose along the rim of her earlobe. It was so close to her sweet spot it sent a ripple of pleasure down her spine straight to her core.

That feeling was quickly replaced by another wave of fear and shame which quacked through her. Mimi's mind had kicked into overdrive shaking a few memories free.

"My feisty, Mimi, I do recall having this conversation with you before." He slid his hands up her arms and tightened his vice-like hold on her. "Don't you remember me telling you I like it better when you fight?" His eyes burned for her as he said, "It really turns me on."

Her heart slammed against her ribcage jolting the life back into her and she finally found her voice. "Get away from me." Tears pooled in her eyes as she looked up at him and breathed, "What did you do to me that night?"

Her treacherous mind offered up delicious slices of what transpired between them that night in the nightclub. They exploded in her head ripping through the haze. She felt him pushing her up against the cold wall and his hands lifting up the pink dress Hatori had given her. His voice snaked around her head telling her 'he was going to fuck her like an animal,' as his thumbs hooked around her panties pulling them down.

Her whole body was racked with shame and guilt and started shaking violently as the hoard of bodies all around the two of them pushed the pair closer together. Tears poured down her cheeks as she looked up into his eyes. And a scream of agony ripped out of her lungs as she wrapped her arms protectively around herself.

"How could you, Jin!" she accused him. "I loved you. God I loved you so much it nearly killed me."

His eyes widened in shock and he reached out an arm but she recoiled from it shoving it away.

"I must have been out of my fucking mind," her voice was trembling as she said, "even after all the shit you pulled I still I loved you."

Mimi felt dirty and the shame of what he did to her made her legs give out. Jinpachi grabbed her and hulled back her up.

"Don't you touch me," she shouted. When he didn't let her go she beat her fists on his chest and said, "How could you do that to me after all we've been through. We were going to have a ̶" the word caught in her throat choking her.

He sucked in a sharp breath, as if she had kicked him in the gut, and released. She knew her words would hurt him because she never ever brought that up. But Mimi didn't care she needed to hurt him the way he had hurt her.

"Mimi. . . I. . ." Jinpachi was lost for words and actually looked ashamed. She knew her words had ripped a chunk out of his heart, and yet it didn't make her feel any better. "I didn't. . ." He stepped towards her trying to close the tiny gap between them but she screamed and backed away.

Mimi felt a pair of strong hands wrapping around her and flipped out. She started kicking and fighting against them.

"Mimi!" Shigure shouted. "What the fuck is going on?"

Her legs gave out hearing his voice and she sunk into him. He held onto to her preventing her from falling to the ground. When she looked up she saw that he was glaring at Jinpachi.

"I should've know you were the cause of all this. Tell me why is it that whatever you touch ends up turning to shit, Wakaba?" Shigure shouted.

Mimi couldn't take the look of utter devastation that was splashed across Jinpachi's face. No matter how much she hated him she still couldn't stop a part of her twisted heart from loving him.

Turning around in Shigure's arms she let out a sob. "Please just get me out of here."     

Shigure instantly scooped her up in his arms and took her outside. Images of that night kept exploding in her mind with every step he took. Mimi was hysterical by the time the cold winter air hit her skin.

She mashed her face into Shigure's chest and started screaming, "Oh God how could he. How could he," over and over again. She was drowning in the memories and her breathing became ragged.

Shigure tightened his grip on her and said in a clam yet firm voice, "Mimi, just hold on I'm going to take you to one of the Kanzaki hotels that's close by." His strong grip and firm words were a tiny flicker of light in the darkness that consumed her.   

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