Chapter 75

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               "Argh, I'm so damn board! I mean it's a perfectly good Friday night we're wasting here and I for one want to live it up," Yoshi whined as they left the Yakiniku restaurant in Nishi-Azabu. Yoshi looked at his watch and said, "It's eleven and I know just the place to go. Womb!"

It was the end of January and Hatori was away on business yet again. Shigure had made it a point to come down every time Hatori was away over the past five months. In that time he had introduced Mimi to Yoshi and true to Shigure's prediction they hit it off like a house on fire.

Mimi love Yoshi like the brother she wished she had. The three of them had gotten up to some pretty wild stuff over the past five months. But hearing him suggest going to a club had the hairs on the back of her neck standing to attention and her skin crawling.

Shigure rolled his eyes and said, "Come on man Womb is going to be packed tonight. Why don't we go somewhere like Bauhaus. I'm in the mood for live music and its closer."

Mimi held back as they left the restaurant and regretted eating so much BBQ because her stomach started to churn at the thought of going clubbing. Mimi hadn't been to a nightclub since she'd been drugged. Every time Ritsu or Erika had suggested going out clubbing a wave of sickness would take hold of her forcing Mimi to abandon her friends and go home.

Mimi had no idea why she was reacting that way. Instinctively she knew it had something to do with the night she was drugged but most of that night was still a blur and she avoided thinking about it at all costs. She didn't want to even consider that the man she once loved could be capable of what the recesses of her mind feared he has tried to do to her. The one thing she knew was Jinpachi had dragged her out of the bathroom into a dark corner, but her memories were all jumbled and very hazy like static on a TV.

Shigure looked down at Mimi and gave her a little nudge with his shoulder. "You're unusually quiet what are your thoughts?"

Mimi knew all she had to do was say she wasn't up to it and Shigure would side with her. However she also knew he was having problems with his girlfriend and needed to blow off steam, and tonight was supposed to be his way of doing that. Mimi twisted her fingers together fighting the urge to run.

She looked at Yoshi, he was dressed to the nines, in a navy blue double breasted slim fit cardigan with a hot pink collared shirt and red brocade shrine trousers. She knew he had gotten all dressed up tonight for the sole purpose of having a good time. He gave her an encouraging grin as he ran a hand through his dyed auburn hair, which was cropped at the back, and his fringe fell loosely over his deep inky brown eyes waiting for her to answer.

Chewing back the acid clawing at the back of her throat she said, "Hell, I don't know. Maybe you guys should go without me. I don't think I'm really dressed for clubbing." She felt her hands trembling and quickly shoved them in her pockets. She was wearing a black leather double-breasted jacket and a long sleeved red jumpsuit with an empire waist and split structured bodice.

Yoshi hooked his arm in hers pulling Mimi to the kerb and hailed a taxi as he said, "Nonsense, you look spectacular." Then he looked back at Shigure. "I feel like really partying and you're spoiled for choice at Womb. Besides it my treat, so no arguing."

As soon as they stepped inside the nightclub Mimi regretted coming along. The club was jam packed and her stomach churned in time to the thumping base-line. She had to gulp down air to stop from feeling like she was going to throw up as they walked further into the club.

Yoshi had dragged them onto the main dance floor. It was crammed with throngs of sweaty, drunken, oversexed people grinding to the music. Mimi felt like a fish caught in a trawling net packed in with hundreds of other fish all flopping around in a desperate attempt to get free.

She raised her hands, let out a shout and started to dance about like a crazy woman jumping up and down and shaking her hips. It was a desperate attempt to shake off the wave of sickness that was treating to crash on top of her.

Yoshi laughed and followed suit then he hooked his arm around her waist and twirled her around a few times and shouted, "Damn, you go girl! Doesn't it feel good to let loose."

Yoshi twirling her around didn't help at all. She started feeling dizzy and only managed to nod before her hands started to tremble again. Shigure came up behind her; she saw the concerned look in his eyes and could tell he knew something was up.

Shigure slipped his hand into Mimi's and shouted at Yoshi, "We're going to get a drink and sit up there." He pointed up at the mezzanine floor.

Yoshi gave them both a smile and shouted back, "You two have fun I'm going to go talk to those two hunks over there." Then danced over to two very sexy guys.

Shigure turned to walk off. The dance floor was so crowded that Mimi was forced to let go of his hand. He looked back at her as the bodies closed the small gap between them. She smiled and waved her hand trying to signal that she would meet him on the mezzanine. He nodded, turned and started making his way through the bodies. Mimi took a deep breath steadying her frazzled nerves and pushed forward when a hand grabbed her from behind yanking her back. 

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