Chapter 53

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       Thanking god when she made it to the toilet in time. Mimi sank to the ground not caring if the floor was dirty. The contents of her stomach came back up in a violent torrent. Her body didn't relent until there was nothing left and she was dry heaving.

What did I do? What the fuck did I do! Kept running over and over in her mind. Anger and shame ripped through her to her very core. Jin had told her he hadn't cheated on her, but it was such a pitiful plea, especially after what Mimi saw with her own mother-fucking-eyes. How could she have been so wrong, and why didn't he fight harder for her.

The answer why was there plain as day. It was one of the reasons they had clicked so well in the first place. It was also a huge factor in how they dealt with things or their lack of dealing with it. Both of them were as fucked up as each other.

Mimi crawled out of the stall and pulled herself up to the countertop. Now wasn't the time to think about any of this. The past, sure as shit, wasn't going to change. She had to lock it down, put her happy mask on and face Hatori's sister with a damn good lie.

Motoko walked into the toilets and gasped. "Are you alright?"

Mimi shook her head, lie damn it. Think of something, and fucking quickly. "I ate at a really doggie sushi place last night and I think I may have got a bug. I've been feeling off all day. I'm so sorry, Motoko."

Motoko grabbed some paper towels ran them under cold water and placed them on Mimi's pale face. Rubbing her back Motoko said, "Don't worry about it. We've all been there before. Let's call it a day. I have to get back to work and you should get yourself to a doctor."

Mimi nodded as Motoko led her out of the restroom. "If you wouldn't mind not saying anything to Hatori I would appreciate it. I really don't want him to worry."

"Yeah," Motoko giggled. "I think that would be best. My brother is very over protective when it comes to you. It's nice to see. Wait here while I get our things."

Mimi propped herself against a wall by the entrance, she felt herself slipping into auto pilot. When Motoko came back she didn't hear a word Motoko said as she put Mimi into a taxi and waved. As the driver pulled away the bottom of Mimi's world dropped away and she started to sob uncontrollably and very loudly.


As Motoko walked back to the house she was working on she called Hatori. "I can see why you like Mimi so much. I have to admit I had my doubts but she really has won me over."

"Coming from you that is high praise indeed. I hope you behaved yourself, Motoko." Hatori replied.

"I said I would and I did. In the end it's not me you have to worry about. You and I both know how mother is going to react especially after what happened with your last girlfriend."

Motoko really liked Mimi and she truly wanted to see their relationship work out. But she knew her mother and she felt sorry for Mimi knowing how ruthless her mother could be in regards to Hatori's girlfriends.

"I make one mistake and I am supposed to pay for it by giving up the right to choose who I fall in love with. This is exactly why I've been keeping Mimi away from the family," Hatori said frustration lacing his voice.

"Don't get so defensive, Ha. I'm on your side. All I am saying, is you have to face the facts. The girl you've chosen to fall in love with is going to cause a shit storm of problems for you with our mother."

"I don't care anymore, Motoko. I love Mimi and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Mother is just going to have to live with that."

Motoko sighed she could understand why he was getting so worked up but she knew Hatori was headed for an uphill battle of epic proportions. And the last she wanted to see was Mimi becoming collateral damage because of it. "You and I both know it is not going to be that easy. One word: Akane. Now I know you haven't forgotten. Or what about Natsume? She was perfect on paper. Mother should've loved her ̶ "

Hatori cut Motoko off as he roared over the phone, "I haven't forgotten what happened back then! It will stay with me for the rest of my life. This time is different. I'm not a kid anymore and mother does not run my life."

"Look, I want to help. I don't think anything I say will change mother's mind, but you may want to get dad on side first. You know if he likes Mimi then you may just have a chance. After all dad's the only one that can rein in our crazy mother."

"I know," he sighed his voice calmer, "I just wanted a few more years of a peaceful happy life. It kills me to think about the pain and heartache mother is going to put Mimi through."

"Don't you think you should tell Mimi about our mother and what Mimi has let herself in for? Besides if Mimi truly loves you it is not going to matter what mother puts her through, she will stay by you and not be chased away."

"I know you're right, Motoko, I just wish there was an easier way."

"There is, dump Mimi and find yourself a Japanese girl from a wealthy family. I know you're not going to go with that option. So my advice to you is bite the bullet, grow a pair, and invite dad down to meet Mimi. And I would do it sooner rather than later." Motoko was never one to mince her words and she knew Hatori need tough love rather than sweet words. "I wish you all the luck in the world, Ha. Bye." Motoko said.

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