Chapter 93

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Mimi sighed in complete defeat. She wasn't in any fit state of mind to deal with much of anything let alone Jinpachi and his bull or Erika's inferno of hostility toward him.

"Both of you just stop." She looked at Jinpachi and said, "You wana talk fine. You have until we get to Tokyo to get whatever the hell you need to get off your chest then we're done. I'm married now and you've got to let me go."

Jinpachi levelled his gaze at Mimi then a slow grin spread across his face as if he was holding onto a delicious titbit. "That's exactly what I wanted to talk about."

Erika groaned rolling her eyes. "Let's go I want to get this over with as quick as possible." She marched into the hallway and then returned to the living room and shoved her small suitcase at Jinpachi. "Go make yourself useful and put this in the car."

He arched an eyebrow at her. Then took her bag and left the house.

Mimi could tell Erika had a crap ton to say to her but she wasn't in the mood. "Please, Erika, don't start. I just want him to say what he has to say and then move on with my life."

Erika let out a tight laugh. "Yeah, whatever. Where's your bag I'll get it and we can go."

When the girls got into the car Jinpachi was messing with his Smartphone. Without turning he pointed to the empty front passenger seat and said, "Mimi, get your ass up here."

Erika looked as if she was going to blow a gasket. Mimi rubbed her arm and told her to let it go before hopping into the front seat. Jinpachi plugged his phone into the car stereo and then locked the doors so there would be no escape and started the car. The electro base-line reverberated loudly through the speakers as the car pulled out of the Kanzaki's estate and headed toward the expressway.

"Oh God," Erika groaned in the back seat as Andre 3000 started singing the cover of Back to Black.

No one had said a word as they hit the Joban Expressway. Erika was seething and Jinpachi seemed to be relishing the uncomfortable mood his playlist of music was creating. It was a compilation of songs all about heartbreak and getting the other person back. Mimi resigned herself to the fact the two hour journey was going to be like being trapped in the flaming tombs of the sixth circle of hell.

Jinpachi's silence was louder than the blaring music. Mercifully his antics were distracting her from thinking about Shigure and she looked out the window at the changing landscape waiting for him to talk. When John Newman started singing, about why you'd wana love someone when love hurts, Erika lost it.

"Jin, pull this car over right now! I'd rather walk back to Tokyo than spend another second sharing the same air with a twisted asshole like you," Erika shouted in the backseat so she could be heard over the music.

He didn't say a word as he pulled the car into a rest stop. Alex Clare was singing about finding ways to make Caroline love him more when Jinpachi parked the car and killed the music.

"You're the one who said you wanted to spend this time talking to Mimi and yet it seems you're more interested in playing sick mind games. Either start talking or let us out because I'd rather pay a small fortune and get a taxi take us home then put up with your bull."

He turned in his seat and sneered at Erika. "I forgot you have no sense of humour. Don't get your panties in a twist I was only having a little fun."

"There's nothing wrong with my sense of humour, Jinpachi," Erika hissed.

Mimi pinched the bridge of her nose. The two of them were giving her a headache and if she didn't stop them things were going to get ugly. "For the love of God would the pair of you stop." Mimi looked at Jinpachi then said, "What is this all about, Jin? You're the one that said you wanted to talk so talk already."

He pulled out the crumpled marriage registration form she'd had Ritsu give back to him and placed it on the centre divide between them. "Did you really believe that giving this back to me would end things between us?"

Mimi stared at the mangled form for a moment then said, "I'd hoped it would. I'm married now, Jin. So for both our sanity you have got to let us go."

He let out a short laugh then said, "You know ever since that day you showed up at the Ward Office and said you weren't going to marry me you're the one that's been driving us both crazy. You love me and yet since that day you have done everything in your power to convince yourself that you don't. And in the process you hurt both of us." He glared at Erika when it looked as if she was going to say something, effectively stopping her. "When I watched you throw this form in the trash it killed me. I'd hoped by fishing it out and giving it back to you, you'd realise the mistake you made and come back. I now know I should've just registered the damn thing there and then. After all we both signed it and it was only a matter of filling the damn thing to make it official."

Mimi sucked in a sharp breath. "Not even you would've done something that treacherous, Jin."

He laughed again. "Maybe not back then but you've changed me, Amelia. Turned me into the monster you see now." his tone was dripping with acid. "The three of us have been holding onto quiet the secret over the years."

"You wouldn't," Mimi cut in.

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