Chapter 55

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It had been a terrible morning at work. Someone in his accounting division had been caught embezzling money and if that wasn't bad enough his damn mother wouldn't stop calling him. Hatori had managed to avoid her calls all day by having his PA's tell her he was in meetings. He'd had enough and he still had another meeting with his father that he wasn't looking forward to. Hatori walked over to his window and looked out across the bay.

Zaho started warbling French on his cell and a smile instantly cut across his face. Mimi had programmed Serpent as the ringtone to her cell, stating the song reminded her of them. He walked over to his desk, opened up her text and sucked in a sharp breath as he read and reread it.

What the fuck is that bastard up to? Hatori shook his head; he grabbed his keys and jacket rushing out of his office. He should've known the old goat was going to pull a damn stunt like this.

"Fujiwara, I need you to cancel everything else for today," he said to his PA as he rushed over to the elevators.

"Of course, Shachou," she replied rising from her chair and bowing.

He looked back as her. "Oh and tell Hatoyama that I will contact her later. We still have to go over my schedule for the rest of the week in regards of getting a team of forensic accountants to go over all the accounts." The elevator doors opened and he stepped in not waiting for an answer.

He'd driven like a mad man in order to get home as fast as possible and knew he was lucky as sin not have gotten pulled over by a cop. Jumping out of the car he rushed inside through the garage and looked around for Mimi and his father. The house was empty and a string of expletives poured out of his mouth as he paced back and forth in his office waiting for them.

Hatori watched the love of his life and his father slowly ambling up the driveway. As they reached the front door to the house, he opened it, a concerned look etched all over his beautiful face.

Mimi scrunched her forehead as she said, "I thought you had to work late. What on Earth are you doing here so early?"

Hatori looked at Mimi then at his father and back at her for a few seconds trying to judge the mood and if Mimi looked upset. "I got everything that needed to be done finished early and the meeting I was supposed to go to got cancelled. When I got your message I decided to come home early." He gave his father a hard look, still concerned that Chojiro may have upset Mimi.

"Oh, too bad you didn't get back in time to join us for lunch," Mimi said not quite picking up on Hatori's nervousness.

Hatori let Mimi and Chojiro step into the house, as they passed Mimi's study she said ,"That reminds me I actually have a gift for Shinji, why don't you and Ha wait in the living room and I will try and find it."

As Mimi was looking for the gift Hatori took the opportunity and questioned his father. "What are you doing down here? I told you we could meet next month,'' he said with a hard edge to his voice, trying not to let his frustration get the better of him.

"Calm down Hatori, I know you said next month. I had something to take care of in Tokyo today and I figured I would come and visit you guys when I was finished." Chojiro replied calmly.

Hatori knew it was a bunch of crap. "Did you get whatever it was you came here for out of Mimi then? So help me, if you have upset her in any way."

Chojiro put up a hand up to stop his son talking, "I just wanted to get to know her for myself without you analysing every question I asked. Mimi is a very charming young woman and I really like her," Chojiro said sincerely.

"So she passed your test I take it. You know she knows nothing about our financial situation, I hope you didn't tell her."

"I gathered that when I was speaking to her. You're going to have to tell her sooner or later. I understand you only wanted to find someone that would fall in love with you and not your money. The fact remains you are wealthy and it will change things.

"My only suggestion is you tell her about it now so you can see how she reacts, before your mother gets involved. Because you will want to give Mimi time to adjust before she meets your mother." Chojiro sighed and rubbed at his temples.

Mimi called out from the hallway as she walked into the living room. "I finally found it. It was hiding in the bottom of my desk," Mimi handed the wrapped gift to Chojiro. "I found it when I was in Harajuku with Gure. He said it was Shinji's favourite anime. It's a signed drawing of the main character."

"That is very kind of you Mimi I'm sure Shinji will love it," Chojiro said as Mimi handed him the gift.

"I will just get you some mochi to take back with you," Mimi said then headed for the kitchen.

Hatori and Chojiro walked to the front door. "Hatori, I expect you to come home sometime between now and before Christmas. I also expect you to bring Mimi with you."

Hatori knew that was an order and not a request and said, "I will only agree to do that if you agree to make mother behave herself."

"I will have a word with your mother, but I expect you to tell Mimi the truth," Chojiro replied giving Hatori a stern look.

Mimi walked up to both men then said, "It was lovely finally getting to meet you Kanzaki-san." Mimi handed Chojiro a lacquered bento box "Enjoy the mochi and if you let me know the next time you are going to be in Tokyo I will make you more." Mimi smiled she knew Hatori still had things to say to his father and decided to give them some privacy. "Kanzaki-san have a safe trip home, bye," Mimi said then went to the kitchen.

Hatori scowled as he watched his father get into his car and drive off. Crossing his arms he sighed deeply, at least he had the decency not to turn up in a chauffeur driven car. Turning he walked back into the house and when he reached the living room he slumped down on the sofa.

He was hunched over, his arms on his legs, staring at the floor. It felt as if he had the weight of the world firmly on his shoulders. He was at war with what to do. On the one hand he desperately wanted to tell Mimi the truth but he knew it would hurt her. On the other hand he wanted to pretend that his father hadn't just given him an ultimatum and things could continue as they had been. He consumed by his thoughts and barely felt Mimi run her hands down his shoulders.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Mimi asked, her words bringing him back to reality.

He slowly looked up into her grey eyes and smiled, God I love her so much it hurts. Hatori knew this day would come but he just thought he would've been able to do it on his own terms and in his own time. He squeezed Mimi's hand, there really is no point in waiting any longer. Determined that the lies were going to end today Hatori stood then said, "Come on we are going for a drive."

He wanted to take her somewhere that was completely natural ground somewhere that she could go off on her own and still be safe that was nowhere near Hanabushi. The last thing Hatori wanted was Mimi running to Ritsuko and then Jinpachi finding out. That bastard had left them alone for a year now and Hatori wanted to keep it that way.


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