Chapter 39

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His fist left a huge depression in the middle, a spider web of cracked glass radiated out from it. This was enough to clear his head and he finished stripping Mimi. Hatori picked her limp body up in his arms and climbed into the shower still fully clothed. Once he turned the cold water on, he sat holding her and gently stroking her hair.

"What the hell happened to you?" he asked as he rocked her in his arms waiting for her to stop convulsing.

After what seemed like hours, she finally stopped shaking. He was partially frozen from sitting under a constant stream of cold water for so long. But he was so focused on taking care of Mimi that he didn't even register that he was shivering and his teeth were chattering. He swept her soaking blond hair out of her face and stuck his fingers down her mouth, making her throw up.

The hot vomit burned his freezing skin as it slid down his arm. The acrid stench didn't faze him and he repeated the process until she was only throwing up bright yellow bile.

Mimi let out a little whimper, "No... stop..."

He held her to his chest and kissed her forehead as he rubbed her back. "Shhh, angel. I've got you now and I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

Balancing her in his arms, he stood up and turned on the hot water, washing both of them as best as he could. Hatori took great care in washing her hair, making sure there was no vomit left in it. Then he took the bottle of soap he had set next to him and started to soap her skin down, making sure to check every inch of her body for marks and making a mental list of where each one was.

He counted four hickeys that ran from her collarbone up to the back of her ear and wondered how he missed them until now.

He stood up and turned the shower off, then carried her out and set her on the rug to dry her off. Then he carried her into the master bedroom and gently laid her on the bed. After, he went into his closet and pulled out one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers to put on her. He tucked her in bed and got dressed. By the time Hatori finished an hour and a half had passed.

He heard Hiragi come in through the front door and went out to meet him.

Hiragi looked utterly worn out and started to rub his forehead as he gave Hatori a rundown. "She's been given a hell of a lot of rohypnol and ecstasy. Frankly, she's damn lucky she's not dead. I'm going to have to give her a shot that will clean her system out. But it's going to make her worse before it makes her better. So I'd put her in the bathroom for now."

They walked back to the bedroom. Hatori stripped her down again and stepped into the shower with her as Hiragi prepared the injection. When the medicine took effect, Mimi started convulsing and throwing up so violently it made Hatori go pale. He cradled her in his strong arms as he sat with her under the warm shower.

Hiragi sat on the floor outside of the shower keeping a constant watch on her. It took a half hour before Hiragi let out a sigh of relief, "It looks like the drug is working. You can get out of the shower. She shouldn't convulse or throw up any more. So when you've dried her off, I'll put her in your bed." He walked out and grabbed the clothes Hatori had put her in before, then walked back into the bathroom and helped dress her.

Hiragi carried Mimi into the bedroom and put her in bed while Hatori got dried off and changed. Hiragi then fished out a wad of gauze and some cream and went to work on dressing the wound on her wrist.

When Hatori came into the bedroom, Hiragi said, "You're going to have to keep an eye on her for the next few days. I've written out this prescription for her. Get it filled tomorrow and make sure she takes it. Also, she's going to have to stay in bed for the next two days at least." Hiragi gave Hatori a pat on the back, turned to leave, then said, "Oh, and one more thing. Those scratches on her wrist are another matter altogether. I've seen it before, it's a coping mechanism. If you really want to help her then you're going to need to get to the bottom of whatever is stressing her." He turned and waved as he left.

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