Chapter 21

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It was a well known fact that in Japanese culture children were raised to respect their parents and listen to them. Mimi knew that allowing one's parents to tell them how to live their lives didn't stop when they became adults. Depending on the type of parents and how much control they liked to hold over their children, the parents could be running the children's' lives up to the day they got married.

Mimi smiled, knowing firsthand what it was like having someone try to run your life. She figured Hatori distancing himself from his mother was his way of rebelling and asserting his independence without turning his back on his family.

"I'd like that," she said, wanting to stop thinking about her family and get back to enjoying the day.

They walked along the sea wall and Hatori pointed out different plants and birds. After a while Mimi thought the mood needed to be lightened and decided to talk about her early birthday present from Ritsu. "On June 20th, I'm going to see Kuro Ikazuchi in concert at the Tokyo Dome with Ritsu and I can't wait! She got the tickets months ago and decided to take me as an early twenty-first birthday present. I was into their music before I moved to Japan." Mimi giggled. "I used to sing along even though I had no clue what they was saying.''

He smiled down at her and gently cupped her face in his hands, "I bet that was a sight to see."

Letting her eyes close for a second, she enjoyed the closeness and revelled in his sweet scent. She fought the urge to kiss him, knowing that kissing in public was still not a common thing in Japan. Even though the younger generations were more relaxed about kissing in public and kissing in general. She also knew that what part of the country you were in played a great deal in the amount of couples you would see kissing in public. In cities like Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo you would see more couples kissing then you would in smaller cities and the rural areas.

As if reading her thoughts he put his arm around Mimi pulling her into him, gently kissing her. Her whole body flooded with heat ─ he tasted so good. She wanted more and parted her tips as his tongue darted out and licked her tips. He let the kiss deepen only for a moment before pulling away. Mimi gazed up at him with need, the lost of contact leaving her spinning.

Hatori grinned as he his index finger along the length of her face and down her neck before taking a step back. He took a deep breath let it out and looked at his watch. "I can't believe it's already six, are you hungry? Do you want to go get some dinner?''

Not realising how hungry she was, she agreed to go to dinner. After dinner, Hatori drove her back to the university and walked her to her room.

"Would you like some tea? I'd offer you some coffee, but Erika finished the last of the good stuff and all we have is some really nasty instant stuff."

"Tea's fine," Hatori replied without taking his eyes off of her.

Pulling out a teapot from the small cupboard that was in between the two desks, she took out a jug of filtered water from the tiny refrigerator and placed it all on the countertop. She poured water into the kettle and turned it on. When the water was boiled, she poured that into the teapot along with green tea and jasmine, which was Mimi's favourite, and left it to steep.

Walking over to her bed, she sat next to Hatori. "I had a really good time today. Shame it had to end so soon."

She had wanted to run her hands through his thick silky black hair all day, and now that they were alone in her room, her hands ached to grab handfuls of it. Reaching one of her hands out, she ran her delicate fingers though his hair. She was rewarded with a low groan from him and the look of desire in his eyes.

He reached up and grabbed the hand that was in his hair, then pulled Mimi into him and kissed her. This time his kiss burned with passion and she instantly responded to him by pressing herself closer against him. She opened her mouth to let his tongue entwine with hers. Soon they were lying on the bed, deeply kissing each other. Hatori ran one hand gently along Mimi's thigh while holding her in his other arm.

Her head was spinning and she could feel herself getting lost in the moment. She continued kissing Hatori, arching her back to get closer to him.

Am I really going to let this happen? It felt like forever since she had been with a man, that didn't have a huge amount of baggage attached, and her body craved his touch. I really want it to. Oh God, do I ever, but I don't want him to think I'm easy. His hand expertly caressed the exposed skin on her thighs as his lips glided down her collarbone. I can't think straight. She couldn't stop the moan of exquisite pleasure that escaped her lips and she wanted more.

As his hand moved all the way up her thigh, someone started banging on the door. With a sigh, he let her go. She sat up and walked over to the door, cursing to herself. Damn! Damn! Damn it, who the hell has such awful timing? She straighten her dress before she reached the door, and yanked it opened. "What do you want?" said in the most uninviting tone possible.

It was her neighbour Julie, "Uh..." she said caught off guard by Mimi's tone. Mimi had never spoken to her or anyone that way before. "Hey, remember you said I could have all your notes from the chemistry and contemporary lit classes you took last year? Really sorry to bother you but I really need them. I've got those two exams on Friday and I'm a bit stuck. So...could I borrow them?"

Instantly coming to her senses Mimi felt guilty for being rude. "Sure you can borrow them," Mimi replied in a much softer tone. "Give me one sec and I'll get them for you." She left the door ajar and walked to her closet, grabbed the two note books and the textbooks, walked back. "You can take these," she handed Julie the textbooks. "I wrote notes in the books as well. Hope it helps. Good luck."

Mimi shut the door without waiting for a response. As she walked back into the room, Hatori stood and said, "I should really get going, I have an early meeting."

Mimi tried to muster a smile to hide her disappointment, "Okay, I understand. I really had a good time today."

"Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?"

"No. Normally I'd be teaching at the English school but I took the whole week off, thinking I'd need to study. As it is, my last exam is on Thursday and I already know what I need to know. So I've got lots of free time on my hands."

"Good. I'll come and get you around six and we can get dinner." As he walked to the door he stopped, poured a little tea in one of the mugs, took a drink. "This is very nice, almost as sweet as you." He put the mug down, gave Mimi a kiss, and walked out the door.

When Hatori left, Mimi fell back on the bed, ''Man, I need a cold shower."

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hi all thanks for reading and don't forget to vote. 

xoxo J

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