Chapter 7

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 A sly smile cut across his face in the knowledge he'd won this round. Looking at her with wolf-like eyes, his grip softened before releasing her. "I can play nice." He leaned in brushing his lips against her earlobe and whispered, "You know exactly how nice I can be." Pulling back he cast his hungry gaze on her breasts. "Baby, I don't want to fight with you anymore." He ran his hand down her cheek, then slowly over her breasts, "So let's end this dance." and down to the side slit of her dress, and began tugging it up.

Tears slid down her face. "Please, just let me go," she whimpered pathetically. She couldn't bring herself to do anything else. But she didn't have the willpower to stop him either, and without that willpower, another powerful and addictive foe reared its head at her. This one, more appealing and more indulging than Jin could ever be.

Her left wrist began to tingle and burn; it had been almost a year since she had felt that sensation. It was foreign, and yet she knew that if she scratched it, she could scratch everything away: Jinpachi, the worry, the anxiety, and the fear. The trance-like state the scratching would induce would wrap her in its safe arms and melt it all away. Her nails ferociously attacked her wrist and her body released much needed endorphins, giving her a brief escape.

"Oh my sweet-fallen-angle you and I both know that's never going to happen." Jinpachi let go of her dress and grabbed hold of her shoulders, pulling her up toward him. "We're in each other's bloodstream. You're mine just as much as I'm yours, never forget that." He brought his lips down on her collar bone and sucked her skin long and hard, reddening it and, marking her. His lips brought back all those pleasurable memories she'd locked away.

A moan escaped her lips. Her resolve to stay away from him crumbled as her body started to give itself over to him. In a last ditch attempt not to fall under his spell yet again, she focused on the burning itch and started scratching.

He marked her two more times before he saw her scratching, then smiled wickedly as he grabbed her left wrist and brought it up to eye level. "Well, well, I haven't seen you do this in ages." He laughed but it had a bitter edge to it. She knew he was remembering what it took to get her to stop in the first place. "I'm going to make sure that every time you do this," he pointed at the crimson scratches that marred her alabaster skin, "you will be thinking of me." Placing her wrist on his mouth, he dragged his teeth hard over her skin before giving it a little nip.

This snapped her out of her trance. Mimi drew in a sharp breath. She couldn't believe his actions. They countered everything he had done over the years to help her kick the disorder she'd formed in adolescent. Anger burned, taking hold over her senses. Before she could even process the repercussions to her actions, the words flew from her mouth. "Get away from me, you bastard," she said and ground her heel into his foot.

He grunted, jerked his foot away and tightened his grip on her. With a shark chuckle, he yanked her toward him, flashing her a deadly grin. "Why do you always have to put up a damn fight? Is it your intent to drive me insane with this game you seem to love playing?"

As Jinpachi brushed his lips against hers, a man's voice interrupted. "The lady told you to leave her alone. Why don't you take the hint? She doesn't want you."

"Why don't you mind your own business and get the hell out of here? Do you know who I am? I have the power to ruin you, so get lost before you regret it,'' Jinpachi snapped at the man without taking his eyes off Mimi.

"I do know who you are, Wakaba Jinpachi, and I very much doubt you could ruin me," the man replied in a commanding tone as he pulled Jinpachi off her. "Now, it's time for you to leave."

Free from Jinpachi's grip, she slid to the ground in a daze. No, no, no her mind screamed as her whole body burned with shame. She closed her eyes, barely registering a thing other than the fact they had been caught. Mortified didn't even began to cover how she felt. Stupid, stupid, stupid, she wanted to scream at both herself and Jinpachi as she choking down the disgust and self-loathing at allowing their game to take place in public.

"Are you okay, Miss?" the man asked. When she didn't respond, he said, "Stupid question. Of course you wouldn't be, but you're safe now. I'm going to take Wakaba-san outside to get a taxi and then I'll come right back, okay?"

Mimi pulled her knees up to her chest, hugging herself into a ball. She couldn't bear to look at the man who had helped her, much less answer him, not after her judgement had lead her so astray tonight, and especially not when the man had witnessed what had just occurred between her and Jin. The man had seen their perverse game. Who knew how long he had been standing there, or what he saw and overheard? She gave into the deluge of emotions and full out sobbed into her knees, trying to bury her shame.


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