Chapter 40

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Mimi slowly cracked opened her eyes. It took a minute to focus on her surroundings; she knew she wasn't in her bed, yet it was familiar so she didn't freak out. When she turned her head, she found Hatori was sleeping, sitting up, in bed next to her. Seeing him there, sleeping peacefully, filled her with so much love and awe for the gorgeous man next to her. She wanted to hold him in her arms and make him a little more comfortable. However, when she tried to sit up Pain ripped through her head causing her to let out a little whimper. It felt like someone had driven rail road spikes into her head.

This woke Hatori up. He gave her a warm smile then reached over and gently pushed her back against the pillow. "You need to lie down and rest for a few days. Doctor's orders."

Mimi gave him a confused look; a lot of the night was a blur but she drew a complete blank when she tried to remember what happened after she crawled into the coatroom. "What happened? How did I get here?"

She caught the worried look that flashed across his face. His whole body stiffened and he clenched his jaw before she saw him gain control over his emotions.

He calmly said, "I was going to ask you what happened."

She knew he was putting on a mask of calm to hide how worried he actually was. It sent a huge pang of guilt through her because she had caused him so much worry.

"You called me, then passed out and I came and got you. I have a friend who is a doctor that lives on the fifteenth floor. I called in a favour and he came up and treated you here. He's a very good doctor, which was lucky." Hatori took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair; she caught a flicker of stress flash across his face. "I am going get you something to drink and a little food. When I get back I want you to tell me what happened. What you remember."

When he left she tried to remember what happened before she called Hatori, but things were still so fuzzy.

Hatori came back into the bedroom and set a tray of food in front of her. There were eggs, pastries, fresh fruit, even fish, rice and miso soup. Her forehead wrinkled as she looked from the selection of food to him. "You weren't gone that long, how the heck did you cook all this?"

He chuckled, flashing her a ten thousand megawatt smile, which made the muscles deep inside of her tighten in hot desire. "I had a hell of a night making sure nothing happened to you. I really don't want to kill you with my cooking. I asked Tanaka-san to pick up a few things for me this morning. When I told her you were not feeling well, she cooked all of this for you."

The thought of someone else going through so much trouble to take care of her filled her heart with a torrent of emotions that shocked her. The tears pooled in her eyes and she couldn't stop them.

Hatori reached out and wiped them away with his thumb. "Hey, what's this all about?"

She shook her head and struggled to put a lid on her emotions. "I don't know. It's just been a long time since someone's taken care of me like this."

He picked up the tray and set it on the floor then pulled her into his strong arms and rubbed her back gently, soothing her. "I plan on taking care of you for as long as you'll let me. I don't know what's gone on in your past but I want you to trust me and let me in." He took her left wrist and held it up, "Like this. What drove you to do this to yourself?"

She took a shuddering breath and looked up at him as hot shame flooded her insides. "I... How..." She was at a loss for words.

"It's okay, calm down, Mimi. I'm not angry with you; I just want to know why you would do that."

She looked away as she warred with her conflicting thoughts. On one hand, she wanted to tell him. But at the same time, her mother's voice started to ring through her head, screaming at her about how worthless she was, how everything she touched was ruined. Mimi knew her mother was right and the last thing she wanted to do was fuck things up with Hatori. Even though Mimi loved and trusted him, she always got the feeling that knowing her dark secrets would hurt him and the thought of hurting him crushed her.

Her voice trembled as she said, "I can't."

He put his long fingers under her chin and pulled her face back to him. "Amelia, please trust me. I promise nothing you say will make me love you any less than I already do."

She held her breath when she heard this, and the raw emotions inside of her spilled over. Huge hot tears started to slide down her face. "I love you too. But it's so complicated."

He bent down and kissed her. His tongue gently parted her lips and slid into her mouth, making her groan in delight. When he pulled away, he said, "That's the second time you've told me things are complicated. Does it have something to do with your ex?"

She couldn't fault how sharp he was and wasn't going to insult his intelligence by denying it. "Yes."

She watched him as thoughts churned in his head and she knew he was going over events. He finally said, "Last night when you called me, you said Jinpachi did something to you. Is he the one that did this?" He pointed at her collar bone.

Mimi gasped in horror when she saw the hickeys.

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