Chapter 88

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Two days after Hatori arrived in Hokkaido he took Mimi to a famous onsen on Lake Toya. He told her everything was last minute, yet he had everything planned precisely and even checked them into the best suit in the resort.

Standing on the balcony watching the sun set across the lake Mimi felt numb as she struggled with her feelings of eminence shame. She scarcely felt the cold nipping at her skin through the cardigan she was wearing.

"Angel, could you come inside please," Hatori called out to her from inside.

Closing her eyes, remorse stabbed at her heart, she took a deep breath and held it. She knew this was something she was going to have to bare alone. But it was proving harder than she thought for her to lock away the emotions she had for Shigure. The air in her lungs burned and she finally let it out in one hard puff. Turning she thought about how much she loved Hatori and clung onto that for dear-life and walked back into the room.

Mimi gasped when she stepped into the living area. Hatori was standing in the middle of the room, roses were covering every available surface and the room smelt intoxicating.

He walked up to her, took both of her hands, got down on one knee and said, "Amelia Fairfax, you have made me the happiest I have ever been. Every day I'm with you I love you more and more. And to top it off you put up with my crazy family without running for the hills. Will you marry me?"

Mimi eyes widened and her jaw dropped open caught off guard. The guilt and shame of what she had done came hot and heavy on the heels of her shock. Tears ̶over what she had done and the feelings she had allowed herself to feel ̶began to well up in her eyes.

Hatori stood, wiped the tears from her eyes, and wrapped his arms around her."The reason I was away so long this time was because I asked your father for his permission and blessing to marry you. It took a while for your father to agree to meet me, but he did and he gave us his blessing."

Mimi's heart painfully constricted at how much Hatori cared for her. She couldn't believe he'd gone and met her family. She could imagine what they'd put him through and it wasn't a nice thought. They were an affluent family yet her mother was a vindictive viper that made a barracuda look like a goldfish. And her father was no better he with his abusive behaviour toward Mimi.

She wrapped her arms around him. "I can't believe you would do that for me. I hate the thought of them breathing the same air as you let alone you having to put up with their vile behaviour. I love you so much for what you've done."

He cupped her chin and tilted her face up. "Angel," he said softly, "I'd walk through hell for you." Hatori kissed her and when he pulled away he said, "I talked to your sister and she filled in more of the picture about your adolescent." Mimi tried to look away but he placed his other hand on her cheek and stilled her. "I know it's still hard for you to talk about it but I want . . . No. I need you to know, Mimi, that you can tell me anything. I want to know what you went through and know that you can rely on me to support you through not only the good but the bad as well."

Her breathing grew shallow and she closed her eyes as she said, "Baby, life in that house was ugly and I don't want that ugliness near us. It would kill me if my past hurt you."

He rubbed his thumb against her cheek until she opened her eyes. When she did the fervour in them left her breathless. "Nothing you tell me about your past will ever change my love for you. Nor will it change the way I look at you. I won't force you to talk but I need for you to trust me and to share what happened to you with me."

She nodded; he was right yet the thought of sharing that ugliness with him was still frightening. Standing on her tiptoes she brushed her lips against his and she said, "I will marry you."

Hatori scooped her up in his arms and deepened their kiss. When he set her down he placed an enormous emerald cut diamond ring on her finger. "One last thing. I don't want to allow my mother time to ruin things. So before I came up here I pulled some strings and got all of your paperwork sorted and arranged for us to go to the Ward Office this evening and get married."

Mimi was in shock and didn't know what to say. She looked at her feet feeling rushed; normally she would've voiced her concerns and talked them through with Hatori. But she felt she had to go along with whatever he wanted to atone for what she did. Mimi took in what she was wearing: a long sleeve pink pussy bow blouse, with a brown windsmoor cardigan on top, and jeans.

She'd imagined her wedding day many times before and in it she had always been in a beautiful white wedding dress and had always been in her thirties. Never in a million years did she think she would get married in street clothes at the age of twenty three.

She smiled up at Hatori and said, "Okay we can get married now."

When she said this he gave her a huge loving smiled, walked over to the table and grabbed a box then brought it back. He held the box out and told her to open it. When she did; Mimi saw a beautiful off white 1950's style dress. She picked up the sleeveless floral appliqué lace tea length wedding dress out of the box. And ran her hand along the fitted bodice and full skirt, then turned it around and saw that it buttoned all the way down the back. Looking back in the box she saw it came with a bolero made out of the same lace and her heart felt as if it was going to burst.

"You didn't think I would let you get married in something other than a wedding dress did you?" Hatori said with a grin. "I asked Hanabushi and Erika to help me pick out a dress that was perfect for you."

He then brought over another smaller box that had a pair of off white satin shoes in it. After that he walked over to the door revealing his last surprise and let Erika and Ritsu come inside. They rushed in and wrapped Mimi in their arms jumping up and down with excitement.


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