Chapter 9

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Ritsu turned and followed the young woman down the long hallway. They reached a set of mahogany double doors and the girl opened it allowing Ritsu to enter and bowed before shutting it.

She bristled seeing Kanzaki on the phone. Without even looking up from his papers he waved at the chairs in front of his desk, signaling her to sit. Biting down on her annoyance she slowly acquiesced. She looked around the vast office space noting the juxtaposition of the modern art on the walls and the colonialism furniture and liked it.

"Enough, I really don't have time for this headache. If they don't want to make a deal then we'll walk it's as simple as that Morioka," he said before putting the phone down.

He ran his long fingers through his dark chocolate hair, brushing his fringe back. She watched all the tension leave his broad shoulders as he looked up at her with a smirk. "What can I do for you, Ritsu?" His tone was smooth with a hint of condescension.

She ground her teeth to stop the multitude of insulting comments she wanted to throw at him. Sure the arrogant prick was a family friend and had known her since she was a child but he sure as hell wasn't her friend and had no right to address her so damn informally. It was so like him, trying to assert his dominance over her.

Images of how he'd humiliated her at a garden party flashed before her eyes. In that moment she was twenty all over again. Their parents had suggested a possible match between the two of them. Instead of politely declining Hatori stared her down for a few moments assessing her. He waited until her father walked off before turning to his mother and telling her he preferred a mature woman not an underdeveloped young pup.

Ritsu grabbed a hold of her burning indignation with an iron fist and shoved it down; reminding herself she was her for a reason. She wasn't twenty anymore and if he wanted a pissing match she was going to give him one. Matching his smirk she looked him in the eyes. "Look, don't play dumb with me, Hatori; you know exactly why I'm here."

He arched an eyebrow at her. Leaning back in his grand office chair, he intertwined his hands on his stomach, giving her a laidback smile. "Fair enough, what exactly about the gala did you want to talk about."

The image of Mimi huddled on the floor, her makeup smeared face from the deluge of tears, with her knees pulling tightly into her chest, surfaced hardening Ritsu's resolve. Both Mimi and Jin had made her promise that she would not tell a soul what happened that night. And Mimi begged her to clean up their mess, to prevent Genma from finding out.

She had agreed to help because she was a damn fool and she didn't want to see anyone get hurt but she made sure they both knew this was the last time. She wouldn't do it anymore, she couldn't do it. Their shitty messed up relationship was spilling over into her life and she knew if she didn't step away from their toxic mess she was going to get burned.

Ritsu let loose a breath, she would make sure Hatori kept his mouth shut even if she had get down on her knees and beg. It was the least she could do for the two people she loved, before telling them they were on their own with any other shit they landed themselves in after this.

"I'll come straight to the point. I want to know how much you saw," Ritsu said.

"Come now. You mean to tell me you went through the trouble of badgering both my PA's into getting you an appointment. Which, I might add I had to reschedule several things to fit you in, just so you could scrounge up a bit of gossip. I really thought you had grown out of all that childish nonsense. Or have you made a career change from future VP of Hanabushi electric to tabloid gossip commonest?"

Bastard! Arrogant son of a bitch. She clenched her jaw biting back the retort she desperately wanted to fling at him. I am here for a reason. She reminded herself. Just suck it up, take the insults with a smile, get to the bottom of what he knows and leave. That's all I have to do.

"Can we cut the crap? We both know you saw enough to make you step in and escort my cousin out of the party. What I need to know is how much you saw and if you told anyone."

He leaned forwarded placing his elbows on his desk and resting his chin on his steepled fingers. "What I saw made me want to go straight to your father and make sure he puts a leash on your cousin."

The blood drained from her face leaving her light headed. This was bad, so very bad. If Genma knew, all three of them would be in so much shit. "Did you tell him?" she managed to squeak out.

His expression hardened and he levelled her with a disapproving stare. "No. But I damn well should've. Yet when you started hounding my office for a meeting I knew you were coming here to cover things up."

She knew he was right after the state she found her best friend in Jinpachi deserved to be thrown to the wolves. But she knew that wouldn't help anyone or the situation. Regardless of their truly fucked up relationship they could never stay away from each other long enough to get the other one out of their system.

Even though she agreed with Hatori she still wasn't about to judge with of them nor was she going to let him. She leaned forward in her chair keeping her voice calm yet slightly raised she said. "You don't get to judge anyone here. Covering that incident up was not my decision it was Mimi's. Not that I have to explain a damn thing to you but, her intentions are the same as mine. We are trying to shield my father and divert the situation from turning messy."

His expression softened. "Calm down, I figured that was the case and even though I don't like it I understand. Protecting the emotions of an old man and putting him first, in my book, is very honourable. But that still doesn't deal with the real problem now does it." He paused and his words sunk into her bones. "What are you going to do about your cousin?"

He was absolutely right. She slumped back in her chair all the fight in her vanishing. She didn't have a clue as to what to do about Jinpachi and it wasn't just him it was Mimi as well. She knew better than to stick her nose in their twisted love affair but things had to stop.

Any sane person could see if those two were allowed to keep going down the path they were on it would lead to complete destruction. And she loved both of them too much to just sit by on the side lines and watch they pair destroy one another. But what the hell could she do.

As if reading her mind Hatori flashed her a blindingly handsome grin. "I'll help you out and keep quite. But my silence is gonna cost you."

She looked at him thought silted eyes. "And what's your price?"

"I want you to set me up with that cute friend of yours."

The words 'get bent' were on the tip of her tongue. Every bone in her body ached to get up and walk out but she forced herself to keep quiet and sit. Hmm, why not. I love Jin but he needs to stay away from Mimi and who better for her to fall in love with than Hatori, someone who already has favour with father. It was the perfect solution but it still burned her to admit it. He may be an arrogant ass but he was devastatingly sexy and even she knew he was a gentleman. God I hate giving him what he wants.

Ritsu rolled her eyes and cursed at him under her breath. Taking a deep breath, she said, "Fine, but I'm not going to set you two up on a date. Mimi would never agree to it and I don't want her to feel she has to do me any favors by going out with you." Ritsu paused not quite believing she was agreeing to set up her friend with Hatori. "Every Thursday evening around Eight-thirty, Mimi goes to Shinashi restaurant in Roppongi. She always eats there before she heads back to her university. So if you show up there, the rest is up to you." Her expression hardened and turned cold. "I'm warning you Hatori; Mimi is like a sister to me. If you hurt her, so help me God, you will have me to deal with."

"Thank you, Ritsu. I have no intention of hurting her. I'm not such a bad guy, you know," Hatori replied, genuinely happy.

"One more thing and it's a big one. Mimi is never to know that it was you at the party or that I told you where to meet her. Do you understand? "Ritsu asked, waiting for a response.

"I don't get why but if it's that important to you then she won't hear it from me," Hatori replied.

Tokyo Seduction (Book 1 Of The Gaijin Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz