Chapter 28

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Mimi paced in front of the front door. She scowled towards the living room, then looked at her watch and frowned. The minute hand on her watch had just ticked to one minute past nine. Hatori was always prompt so when he told her he would come around at nine she expected him to be there. Her nerves were beyond frayed. Ten minutes earlier she had a huge argument with Ritsu. Now, she couldn't even stand looking at her friend, let alone being in the same room as her and opted to wait in front of the door for Hatori.

He only had the chance to knock once before Mimi yanked the door open and marched out, slamming the door behind her. Forgoing how she normally greeted him, she marched straight over the elevator, gritting her teeth.

He couldn't help but grin as he forced himself not to laugh. "What's wrong?"

She glared daggers at the elevator, as if it was the source of all her frustrations. Her leg twitched with the need to kick it for taking so long. "Ritsu is being a pain in my ass; don't get me started.'' She stabbed at the elevator call button with her finger.

Hatori grabbed her hand, turned her towards him and stroked the side of her face, trying to calm her. "Come on, tell me. I want to know, maybe I can help."

Before his soothing touch had time to work, the elevator doors opened. Mimi turned and stomped into the elevator like a child on the verge of throwing a tantrum. "It's this weekend," she said when the doors shut. "She keeps changing the plans. Which wouldn't be a problem but she keeps inviting more and more people."

Mimi could see she wasn't making any sense. She paused, took a deep, cleansing breath, and started over. "Ritsu's had a boyfriend for three weeks now." She saw he was going to say something and put her hand up to stop him. "No, that's not the problem. He's in some gothic metal band. I've even met a few of the members and they're nice. Her boyfriend's a bit of a tool but he's okay for the most part."

They walked to Hatori's car and she waited for him to get in before continuing. "When he found out we were going to the concert, he insisted Ritsu get him and his band tickets so they could go as well. And yes, it bugged me because it cost her a fortune to get the extra tickets, not to mention the favours Erika's pulled to get up backstage passes. Annoyed as I was, I let it go because Ritsu and Erika have gone through a lot of trouble to make it a special night."

She stopped talking as her phone started to ring. Knowing it was Ritsu by ring tone, Tank from Cowboy Bebop, she yanked the phone out of her handbag, jabbed the answer button with such force that it made her finger sting. "What do you want?" she asked, trying to keep her cool. "No. I told you I was going out."

"I have no idea when I'll be back," Mimi's voice was like a knife edge.

She listened to what Ritsu said then laughed. "Oh, now you care how I feel," her voice dripped with sarcasm. "You've changed your tune. What happened to 'just go along with it. It won't kill you'.''

She paused to listen to Ritsu talk. "Look, I'll be back in time to go." She was cut off by Ritsu. Mimi ground her teeth in frustration. "I said I'd go, didn't I?"

She'd had enough and knew if she kept talking it would turn into a screaming match. That was the last thing Mimi wanted. "Just drop it." She paused. "I'm going now. Bye." Mimi hung the phone up and then turned it off, dropping it back into her handbag with a loud sigh.

Hatori waited for her to explain what the two were arguing about.

"Sorry about that." She looked up at Hatori and instantly felt warm and calm. It was like looking up at the sky on a warm summer's day, and she gave him a happy smile. "Ritsu managed to get the tickets. The only thing is, she had to ask her cousin Jinpachi for help. Jin's not a nice person, we don't get along and Ritsu knows this. Yet she goes and agrees to him coming along. And to top it off, she expects me go to some club afterwards with everyone."

Hatori gripped the steering wheel tighter and ground his teeth when he heard this.

"I don't even know why Jin agreed to help Ritsu; he's such a spiteful person. Normally he would've told her he could help but wasn't in the mood to.'' She took a deep breath. She wasn't about to let Jinpachi ruin the rest of the night for her. "To be honest, if Erika wasn't coming along I would've told Ritsu I wouldn't be going. I don't want to think about it anymore. Besides, I am sure Jinpachi will get bored with the whole idea and not come in the end." When she stopped talking she realised the car had pulled into an underground car park. "So where are you're taking me, anyway?"

"I thought it was about time you saw my place. I intended to bring you here for a while but I've been having so much fun taking you out." He took her hand and led her to the elevator.


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Xoxo J

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