Chapter 42

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Hatori left the apartment reliving what happened the night before and it ate away at him. Thinking about everything Mimi had gone through made him burn with white hot rage. When he got to Ritsu's apartment he pounded on the door. "Hanabushi Ritsuko, open this Goddamn door!"

He had managed to keep his cool when he was with Mimi, but he was going to let Ritsu feel the full force of his anger.

Ritsu opened the door holding her head and asked, "What the hell is your problem Kanzaki?''

He shoved past her and walked into the living room. "Do you have any idea what Mimi went through last night?" he shouted.

"Oh, so what if Jinpachi hurt her feelings. It's not the end of the world," Ritsu replied, her voice dripping with annoyance and sarcasm.

"You are so selfish and beyond stupid." Hatori fought the urge to slap some sense into her. He would never raise a hand to a woman, even if they deserved it. "Mimi was drugged and I'm damn sure it was Jinpachi who did it."

She froze in shock and then staggered back as her legs almost gave out from under her. "Is she alright? I'm sorry, I didn't know." Hurt and concern were etched in her voice as she sat down on the sofa.

"Mimi will be okay in a few days, no thanks to you. I've come to get some of her things and tell you she's moving in with me. You're lucky she still wants to be your friend. If I could I'd stop her from having anything to do with you. But that would hurt her more than you, and I have no intention of hurting her."

Hatori couldn't look at her any longer and stormed off into Mimi's room. He started grabbing clothes out of her chest of drawers and threw them on the bed. When he was happy he had enough clothes, he grabbed a suitcase and put them in it. He then grabbed some shoes and all of her toiletries, put them into the suitcase, as well, and closed it. When he walked back into the living room, Ritsu was still sitting on the sofa with her head in her hands.

He was still pissed off at her for what she had done and wasn't about to speak gently to her as he glowered down at her. "I want you to get your worthless cousin on the phone," he said in a demanding tone.

She only nodded and grabbed her phone, dialling the number with a trembling hand. She waited until Jinpachi answered and handed Hatori the phone.

"I know it was you, Wakaba, that drugged Mimi, you worthless piece of shit."

Jin laughed, "Now why would I do that?"

Hatori's grip on the phone tightened as his rage spiked. "We both know you're a twisted bastard with issues a mile long. I bet you think those hickeys you left on her were fucking clever."

Jin's voice turned ice cold and sinister as he replied with lightning speed, "What makes you think I did that? The way the little minx was acting last night it could've been a multitude of guys. I hate to break it to, Kanzaki, but your girlfriend is the definition of a slut."

Rage spilled over and Hatori roared down the phone, "Cut the fucking crap. I saw what you did to her at the party back in January. I also know you're the worthless ex that's been tormenting her. I'm telling you, your pathetic schemes to break us up won't work. I'm not going anywhere."

Jin chuckled then calmly said, "Your tiny brain couldn't comprehend the connection she and I have. It's only a matter of time before she returns to where she belongs. She always does, and I am a patient man. Besides, Kanzaki, I love a good game."

Hatori's whole body was rigid as he took deep breaths, trying to control his temper. He gripped the phone so tight, his knuckles were white. Slowly he said, "You smug little shit, you're lucky you're not in front of me. Because I would rip your balls out through your throat and shove them up your ass. If you ever try to hurt her again, I will use my time and vast resources to ruin you, and I will let Genma know why as well. If I ever catch you saying anything that Mimi considers to be unfriendly or rude, I will ruin you. Do you understand?" Hatori roared into the phone.

''Oh, I'm quaking in my boots, Kanzaki. However, I'll give you this round," Jinpachi answered sarcastically.

Hatori hung up the phone and handed it back to Ritsu. His voice was a low growl as he struggled to stem the tide of his anger, "Hanabushi, you had better tell your cousin just how serious I am."

Ritsu looked up with tears in her eyes, the shame of her actions was all over her face. "I understand, Kanzaki, and despite what you may think about me, I never wanted to hurt Mimi."

"That doesn't change the fact that she could have died. And for what? So that sick bastard could have some fun messing with her head." The thought made him sick.

Ritsu look up at him and dried her tears with the back of her hand. "Kanzaki, I know you mean well. But you don't know all the facts, hell, I don't know everything that's gone on between them. What I do know is their relationship is fucked up, yet there's something between those two that always draws them back to each other."

Hatori glared at her and shouted, "What the fuck do I care about that? I'm not going to let that twisted bastard near her. She has me now."

Ritsu sighed then stood up and looked him in the eyes. "Would you just listen? How much has she told you about her family?"

He looked at her. "She's told me enough to know they don't deserve her."

She shook her head. "I've known her for nearly three years now. I'm her best friend and even I don't know the whole story. I do know the only person that's she's trusted enough to bare her soul to is Jin. It hurts but I get it because the only person that really understands what she went through is him." Those words were like a kick in the balls for him and he fisted his hands in frustration. "Kanzaki, how much do you know about what happened to Jin when he was a kid?"

Hatori walked over to the window and looked out. "I know enough. Remember, his mother and mine were best friends. When all that shit went down he stayed with us until your dad took him to live with you. I never liked him, even back then, so I ignored him. However, my sister and Jin became friends." He turned and faced her, growing annoyed as hurt started to fester inside of him. "What is your point with all of this, Hanabushi? All of that shit is in the past."

"I just thought you deserved to know. In all honesty, when I agreed to help you meet her I never thought it would go beyond the first date or two. I just wanted to try and get her mind away from Jin, because I knew it was only a matter of time before they got back together. I learned the hard way not to get in between those two if I didn't want my head ripped off."

He walked over to the wall and hit it with his open hand in anger. "What the hell! Are you honestly suggesting I break up with her?"

Ritsu walked over to him and reached out to touch his arm in a calming gesture. "God, no. Despite what I may think of you, I think you are really good for her and I want it to work between you two. All I'm saying is, you don't want to goad Jin. I know you have the means to ruin Jin, but you have no idea what he's really like. Also, I know you don't want to hear this but it would crush Mimi." She sighed and sat back down and looked at the floor.

He didn't want to hear any more of that crap. It was true that the relationship those two had was some twisted shit, but he wasn't about to buy into any bullshit about Mimi being crushed if that sick fuck got what was coming to him. Hatori grabbed the suitcase and stormed out of the apartment.

After Hatori left Ritsu's place, he drove around to cool off. He stopped to get Mimi's medicine and another dress for her because he didn't want her finding out what actually happened to her after she passed out.

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