Chapter 57

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               "The company I told you I worked for I actually run it. I also own the building that we use to live in and I bought the house we live in now. I really do work in procurements and media relation in manner of speaking. I run a chain of very successful hotels. We have hotels all over Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and we are trying to build some in America, Hawaii, California and Florida to start with." Hatori looked at Mimi to see how well she was processing this. "My family also owns a car company, TV station, and an electronics company as well as this hot springs."

"Why are you telling me this now?" Mimi asked her voice barely above a whisper.

Hatori could see the hurt in Mimi's eyes and it killed him. ''You have got to understand that all the women I've met have known about my wealth. Most of them have actively sought me out in order to get their hands on it. And the ones that haven't sought me out have been up tight, stuck up, snobs that my mother has tried to set me up with. My last, relationship ended very badly and after that I had sworn off getting into another relationship. It was working until I saw you and it all went out the window."

"What was so special about me? All I was doing was eating," Mimi said because she really could'nt see how she was anything special to look at.

Hatori shook his head. "The first time I saw you was at that business party you went to as Wakaba's date. I was bored out of mind and ready to leave; then I saw you. You looked stunning in that blue dress and you were trying so hard to fit in and put up with how rude Wakaba was being to you.

"I waited most of the night for you to be alone so I could talk to you. When you were finally on your own Wakaba went and ruined everything. I was the one that pulled him off of you and threw him out. When I came back up to see if you were alright and talk to you, you were leaving. When Hanabushi came to thank me for what I did I asked her to introduce us."

"But she didn't introduce us. Why? And why did she act like she didn't know you?" Mimi asked confused.

"Hanabushi doesn't like me. Our parents tried to set us up a few years back. My mother had been doing that sort of thing for years so I was used to it and just went along. It was the first time for Hanabushi. She hated me for not saying anything to stop them." Hatori smiled, "she only agreed to tell me where you hung out because I helped you out. The reason she acted like she didn't know me was because I asked her to, and she didn't want to get blamed by you if it did not work out between us."

Hearing this put a smile on her face and Mimi giggled. "I've always wondered why Ritsu disliked you so much." Mimi sighed knowing what she was about to say was the pot calling the kettle black, but it was how she felt and he needed to know. "I understand why you did what you did, but I'm still a little hurt by the fact that you didn't think you could trust me with this. I watched Ritsu go through the same thing before I met you."

Mimi spent months trying to get Ritsu back on her feet when she found out the man she was head over heels in love with was just after her money and it killed Mimi to see her best friend so broken by the whole thing.

"I truly am sorry I never meant to hurt you or make you think I didn't trust you." Hatori said and hugged Mimi.

"Now I understand why your sister and father were asking me those odd questions. Well did they approve of me?" Mimi asked.

"They both really like you; my father has invited us to meet the family in Mito. It's the main reason why I'm telling you this now." She frowned at him. Hatori place a finger on her lips to stop her from talking. "I would've told you soon anyway but the main reason I'm telling you suddenly is so you know what you're getting yourself into.''

"I know you said you don't get along with your mother because she likes to run your life but is that the only reason?" Mimi could tell he was still holding back and she was determined to get more out of him.

Hatori hesitated, he looked down closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he looked back up he let it out in a rush. "No it's not the only reason. I don't want you to take this the wrong way but in my mother's eyes you're not going to be good enough and there is nothing you're going to be able to do to change her mind. There have only been two other women that I have ever been really serious about and my mother successfully chased both of them away."

Mimi didn't know how to take this, it was hard to hear that there was nothing she could do to get Hatori's mother to like her. "Oh," Mimi said quietly and looked down.

Hatori put both of his hands on her face and waited till Mimi looked at him in the eyes then said, "I don't care what my mother thinks. Mimi, I'm in love with you and there is nothing she can do to change that. I'm not just telling you this because you're going to meet my family and the truth was going to come out. I'm telling you everything because you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. And hope by telling you everything you'll feel the same way."

Before Mimi had a chance to say anything there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Hatori called out and stood up then helped Mimi up.

After the ladies set the food down and left Mimi said, "I feel the same way Ha," then walked towards the bathroom and left Hatori to eat his meal.

Mimi thought a soak in the hot spring would help her think, when she walked into the bathroom she took her clothes off and set them on the small table that was in the corner. Then grabbed the soap, shampoo and conditioner that was provided by the hotel, and sat down on the wooden stool in the corner of the bathroom and started to wash herself; as was customary in Japan before getting into a Japanese bath or hot spring. After Mimi finished she took a hair tie out of her jeans pocket tied her hair up into a bun and walked out to the small hot spring.

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