Chapter 73

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Mimi decided to pay Shigure a visit and find out why he told Hatori. She walked down the tree lined driveway to his house. The sun was brightly shining and it was roasting making her long for the air-conditioning in the main house. She smiled as she walked up to the small house recalling the fun she's had the night before. Shigure was such an easy guy to hang around and one of the very few people she felt like she could actually be herself in front of.

Knocking on his door she waited for any sign of life. After a few minutes he opened the door. He looked like death-warmed-up still half asleep as he shielded his eyes from the bright sun. Shigure gave her a grunt then turned and shuffled into the living room and lay back down on the couch putting a wet cloth back on his head.

Mimi knew exactly how he felt and asked, "Can I get you some aspirin?"

Shigure turned his head towards her. "Why are you so perky?" his tone was snarky. "No, I took some a while ago. I'm just waiting for it to kick in."

Mimi didn't think she was perky and was a little annoyed at Shigure for saying she was. "I'll get straight to the point. Why on earth did you tell Ha what Kyoko said? You promised me you wouldn't and I trusted you."

"For your information I didn't break my promise. I was surprised when Ha turned up this morning to give me an ear full," Shigure replied.

"Oh," Mimi said then it dawned on her. "Oh crap. I am so sorry. I should've told you sometimes when I get as drunk as I was last night I tend to let things slip."

Shigure turned on his side and looked at her with a grin. "Really," he chuckled. "I'll have to remember that."

"Look it doesn't work like that. I don't just spill my guts when I get drunk. Besides you have to know the right question and I have to be willing to talk about whatever you're asking me about. Otherwise you haven't got a snowballs chance in hell of getting me to talk. I admit I was really upset and I did need to talk about it.

"You must have said something that made Ha suspicious. I really am sorry Gure; I don't get drunk anymore and I forgot to warn you. I hope Ha didn't have too much of a go," Mimi said embarrassed at her loose lips.

"That's actually really funny and if I was in any fit state to laugh I'd be rolling on the floor. Ha wasn't angry with me but he sure isn't happy with Kyoko or our grandmother. Let's just forget about it."

"Sounds good to me."

"Mimi, I want you to know if you ever need someone to talk to or anything I am still here for you.'' Shigure said.

Mimi wanted to hug him when he said that but she knew it would probably hurt Shigure's head so she didn't. "Thank you Gure, that really means a lot to me." Instead gave him a warm smile.

Mimi felt as if she'd found a kindred spirit in him. It was easy to be with him, Shigure was completely different from Hatori so easy going and free. She knew right then that she could trust him and tell him anything without being afraid of him getting hurt, or being ashamed of her.

A part of her heart hurt yarning to feel that way with Hatori. She didn't understand why she couldn't bring herself to completely trust the man she loved. Yet, Mimi figured it had a lot to do with Jinpachi and her mother and she really didn't want to delve into all that crap. She sighed as she stood up shoving those thoughts to the back of her mind.

Walking into the kitchen she filled a glass with water. Then grabbed some ice, put it in a plastic bag and wrapped it with a towel. Mimi set the glass of water on the table then turned to Shigure, took the wet cloth off of his forehead and replaced it with the ice.

"The ice should help better then the cloth. I'll leave the wet cloth on the table next to the water. I'd suggest alternating the ice and the cloth until your head feels better, and drink the water. It will help. Hope you feel better, Gure. I'll see you later," Mimi said then left him to recuperate.

Mimi didn't see Hatori waiting for her when she walked back to the main house, and decided to wait inside in the entryway and enjoy the air conditioning. After a few minutes she got bored. Her stomach started grumbling and she figured she'd see if there was any food left out in the dining room. Walking down the hallway she heard raised voices and not having learnt her lesson from the other day she stopped to listen.

"I don't care if you give me your permission or not. I wasn't asking for it,'' Hatori said angrily.

"I have only ever held your best interests at heart in everything I have done for you," Kyoko replied in a defensive tone.

"Don't make me laugh mother. You have only had your own interests at heart, not mine. I'm a grown man. I can make my own decisions," Hatori retorted.

"The boy has a point, Kyoko," Daisuke said.

"Who asked you, this is my son not yours. Don't you have anything to say on this, Chojiro," Kyoko snapped.

"I agree with, Ha. Darling you're going to have to let him make his own decisions and allow him to live his life," Chojiro said calmly.

"All of you are wrong. Hatori, you are making a mistake and I don't agree with what you want to do," Kyoko said in an irate tone.

"That's my choice to make. It is my life and I'm sick of you interfering in it," Hatori replied.

"Fine! You want to make your own decisions then do what you want. I don't agree in any way with what you are doing, and I think you are making the biggest mistake of your life. However, I won't stand in your way. Just don't expect me to like it," Kyoko said.

Mimi was intrigued by what was said and wanted to hear more, but she decided it would be a good idea to go. She walked down the hallway and outside as fast as she could without running. Thankfully their car was waiting outside and Mimi hopped in the back. She opened both the doors to let the air in and was grateful when Hatori got in a few minutes later.

Mimi gave Hatori a big smile. "Is everything okay? Did you get what you needed to do done?"

Hatori nodded and gave her a kiss then said, "I'm all yours." 

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