Chapter 94

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 "Calm down. I won't tell anyone," he said as he reached into his jeans pocket. "I've come to the conclusion that I've been going about things all wrong."

"That's the understatement of the millennium," Erika said leaning back into the seat and folding her arms across her chest.

He didn't even acknowledge Erika's comment as he grabbed Mimi left hand. "You know you belong to me and that will never change. I made the mistake of thinking that if I got Hatori to leave you you'd come running back. But I now see that my methods of getting you back were all wrong. I forgot to factor in a few things and I now have to take responsibility for that."

"How chartable of you," Erika spat.

Jinpachi shot her a hard look as he said, "You know that mouth of yours is going to end up getting you into serious trouble one of these days."

Mimi sighed she'd been quite as a mouse, still in shock from Jin telling her that he should've registered their marriage form. She blinked as her brain rebooted. "Jin, I don't understand your obsession with us getting back together. It's got to stop cause there's literally nothing you can say to me that's going to get me to leave Ha."

"And there's exactly where I've been going wrong. Hatori is a bastard who doesn't deserve you. But the simple fact is you have tunnel vision when it comes to that asshole. So I'm going to take a step back and give you the time to come to this conclusion yourself. Think of it as a little vacation."

She looked at him lost for words shaking her head. "I don't need a goddamn vacation. I need for you to get it through your head that we are over," she snapped. His relentless drive to get her back was tiring. "This needs to stop," she gestured between the two of them. "I'll admit a part of me will always love you. We have history and you're the only person who really understands what I went through as a child and just gets me. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm married and for better or worst it's going to stay that way and there is nothing you can do to change that."

She tried to pull her hand back but his grip tightened. "Amelia, you seem to forget I still hold all the cards," he hissed. "And until you're ready to tell Hatori all of our secrets I will continue to hold all the cards. I'm willing to give you the space and time you need to play house with Hatori and come to the realisation he will only make you miserable. But don't think for a second that if you push me I won't retaliate."

Mimi bit her bottom lip and looked away. He knew there was no way she was going to tell Hatori about that and now Jinpachi was also holding Shigure over her head. "I give up," she whispered in a defeated tone. "Just tell me what you want already."

He slipped something on the thumb of her left hand. Mimi turned her head and saw it was the wedding band she and Jin had picked out for her and sucked in a sharp breath as if it burned her.

Erika lent forward, her eyes bulging out of her head as she looked at it. "What the hell is that about?"she asked degust pouring out of her.

"Mimi, this will serve as a constant reminder that you are mine," Jinpachi said with wicked delight.

"You twisted bastard. You're putting a fucking collar on her," Erika screeched. She looked at Mimi and said, "Take that thing off right now."

Jinpachi's demeanour turned deadly. "Leave that ring right where it is. I am warning you, Mimi, if you take it off all bets are off. And I assure you my dear you won't like the consequences."

A shiver ran down Mimi's spine as she took her hand back. She didn't want to imagine what he would do. "I understand," she replied. "Now I want you to tell me how long you plan on leaving me alone? We both know that isn't in your nature, Jin."

He grinned at her then said, "Fair point. But this time I will leave you be for as long as it takes." Mimi scrunched her forehead and shook her head in disbelief. "Mimi, I'm not going to have to do a thing because I guarantee you Hatori will fuck your marriage up himself. And when he does you'll leave him of your own free will. When that happens you will come back to me."

"I don't buy it for a second, Jinpachi," Erika said. "You're too possessive of Mimi to sit back and let her," she made air quotes as she said, "play family with Hatori. There is no way in hell that you'd keep quiet when she has his kids."

"How very perceptive of you," he said. "And that's the final caveat. Under no circumstances are you to get pregnant. If you do there will more than hell to pay and everyone in this car knows why. Do I make myself crystal clear?" he growled.

The sinister look in his eyes left no doubt in Mimi's mind that she didn't want to cross him on this. "If that's what it's going to take to get you to leave me alone then we have a deal," she ground out through clenched teeth.

Jinpachi started up the car with a triumphant smile and flipped the radio on. As he pulled back onto the express way he said, "I can't wait for the wedding reception it should prove to be very interesting."

Mimi glared at him before mirroring Erika's actions by crossing her arms over her chest and staring out the window. She loathed the fact she was making a deal with the devil but she was desperate to keep Jinpachi and their secrets away from her marriage. Mimi knew Hatori loved her more than life itself and there was no way he would do anything to make her leave him. So there was no way Jinpachi was going to win this new game of theirs.

To Be Continued In: Tokyo Deception 


Thank you guys so much for reading this book to the end. I really hope you loved it because I loved writing it. 

The story doesn't end here thought. you can read the conclusion in TOKYO DECEPTION.  

And of course please don't forget to Vote and spread the word about Tokyo. It all really helps get the book attention. 

Love Ya J

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