Chapter 63

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Shigure and Mimi walked across the wide open grassy lawns, past a bamboo fence where the landscaping changed to a lovely planted area. She paused as she took in the beauty of it. They were surrounded by Japanese maples and large willow trees and it made the area feel very cosy. Shigure looked over his shoulder and gave her a smile before he took her hand and led her up to a large one storied house.

The architecture was traditional and in keeping with all the other houses. He let go of her hand and opened the front door, took his shoes off in the entrance and slipped on a pair of slippers. Mimi blushed as she watched him do this; she had walked down to the house barefoot because she had left her shoes in the front entrance of the main house. Shigure chuckled and shook his head a little at her embarrassment but didn't teas her as he placed a pair of slippers in front of her feet, and then led the way to the living room.

The sliding doors leading outside were opened in the living room and it made the room feel light and spacious. The doors led out to a garden with lots of different types of luscious leafy green trees and in the centre of the garden was a Koi pond. Shigure's mother was sitting at a coffee table in the middle of the living room playing cards and his father was reading a newspaper sitting on the sofa across from her.

Shigure's mother was an extremely beautiful woman and Mimi could tell she was also tall. She was wearing a black sleeveless cheongsam top with red bamboo leaves print and denim capricapri trousers. The high collar of the top perfectly complimented her long graceful neck and her dark brown hair was tied in a bun with two red chopsticks stuck in it. Shigure's father was also very handsome and resembled Shigure and he was in a light blue linen shirt and gray cotton trousers.

They both looked up when Shigure said, "I have returned. Did you miss me?"

Shigure's mother smiled. "Of course dear son. I missed you like I miss a toothache."

Shigure pouted. "Don't be mean."

Mimi smiled as she giggled. She could see where Shigure got his sense of humour from.

"Look who I rescued from the main house," Shigure said as he sat down at the table. He then gestured for Mimi to sit down next to him. "Mom, dad, I'd like to introduce you to Mimi. Mimi, this is my mom Shizune Kanzaki and my dad Daisuke Kanzaki."

"It is very nice to finally meet you, Mimi. I hope Kyoko hasn't been too rude to you," Shizune said giving Mimi a genuine and warm smile that made her feel like family.

Shigure started to chuckle. "Auntie has put poor Mimi in the back room of the west wing and she gave Mimi the bed Motoko had when she was nine."

"You have to hand it to Kyoko; she certainly is creative in her cruelty. How did Ha react?" Shizune asked. Mimi could tell she was finding the funny side in the whole situation and it lightened the atmosphere up.

"Damn, I don't know and I would've loved to seen his face. He wasn't there when I rescued her," Shigure said then looked at Mimi to answer the question.

"I don't know if he knows yet. Kanzaki-sama told Ha to go and make sure he was happy with his room," Mimi replied relieved she wasn't anywhere near Hatori when he found out what happened.

Daisuke gave a disapproving grunt and said, "I thought Chojiro was going to have a word with his crazy wife and tell her to behave herself. Leave it to my brother to be spineless." He put the news paper down and then said to Mimi, "If Kyoko gets to out of hand I will have a word with her if you want."

"That's very kind of you, Kanzaki-sama, but I can take whatever she has in store for me. I wouldn't have come if I didn't think I could take it," Mimi said relieved and grateful that she had another person looking out for her.

"The offers there and please call me Daisuke. It will only get confusing otherwise and I could care less about all the formality. Besides I bet Kyoko told you to use Sama instead of San, leave it to her to be so snobbish and formal," Daisuke said giving her a warm smile.

"You can call me Shizune as well," Shigure's mom said. Then she looked at Shigure and said, "What are you shovelling into your mouth?"

"Try one they are delicious. Mimi made them." Shigure handed the tin to his parents so they could take one of the mochi.

"Wow, these are really good," Shizune replied around a mouthful of mochi and Daisuke agreed as well.

Shigure then handed his dad the sake. "Oh yeah, this is a gift from Ha and Mimi"

Daisuke looked at the bottle."Thank you, I love this brand. I know what I'll be doing tonight." He grinned at his wife as he held up the sake and she returned his playful smile.

Shigure ate another piece of mochi. "It's like a little bit of heaven in my mouth. Why don't you drop Ha and marry me?"

"Don't you think Kana and Ha would have something to say about that?" Shizune said and gave Mimi a wink.

"What would I have to say?" Hatori asked as he walked into the room. Mimi could tell by his tensed shoulders he was stressed.

"You don't mind if I steal your girlfriend do you, Hari-chin?" Shigure asked.

Hatori arched an eyebrow at Shigure. "No, not at all," he replied in a sarcastic tone. "The whole point of me introducing Mimi to my crazy mother was so that you could steal her away. And what does Kaname have to say about this?"

"I'm sure she'll agree to it once she tries some of these," Shigure said holding up the tin of mochi.

"If this is what Mimi's cooking does to you then I'm cutting you off. Come on and hand the mochi over," Hatori said trying to grab the tin from Shigure.

"You'll have to pry this tin out of my cold dead hands first," Shigure said tightening his grip on the tin leaning away from Hatori.

"That can be arranged," Hatori answered as he bent down and put both his hands around Shigure's neck.

Hatori playfully knocked Shigure upside the head and Shigure's phone rang. He looked at the caller id then answered the phone. "Kaname we were just talking about you. Where are you? Ha and Mimi are here." 

Tokyo Seduction (Book 1 Of The Gaijin Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя