Chapter 67

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Mimi gasped; she looked at him lost for words. Jinpachi turned his face and glared at Shigure.

"Yes, I'd like an answer to that as well," Hatori said in a menacing tone as he walked down the stairs in a cloud of furious rage.

Mimi knew Jinpachi would lash out if he was backed into a corner. That was the last thing she wanted because he wouldn't think twice about shoving their secret in Hatori's face.

She reached out and placed her hand over his then pleaded with her eyes for him to keep quiet. "Nothing's going on. We were just watching Yuuki and catching up. It's been over a year since we last saw each other. A lot's happened. Hasn't it, Jin."

Jinpachi arched his eyebrow at her then flashed her an evil grin. She knew he was well aware that he was in control and it was now down to him to either play along or start a fight and burn her.

Slowly he turned and released his hold on her. "Mimi was just telling me about your new house and how beautiful the area is. A perfect place to raise a family wouldn't you agree, Mimi?"

She held her breath fighting back the torrent of tears that wanted to spill over. Bastard! She screamed in her head.

Hatori looked like he was going to throttle Jinpachi as he approached them.

"There you are, Ha. Come on, we have to leave now or we're going to be late." Chojiro said drawing everyone's attention, walking through the front door with Motoko.

Mimi thought she was going to faint. Her legs turning to jelly she took a shaky step towards Motoko. "She is such a darling, Motoko," Mimi said placing Yuuki back into her arms. Looking at Hatori she said, "I still have to get ready," and didn't wait for an answer as she bolted up the stairs.

When she reached her bedroom door the tears were pouring down her face. Yanking the door open she rushed in slamming it behind her and ran straight to the toilet. She dropped to her knees and violently threw up until nothing but yellow acrid bile came up. Slowly she got up, stripped her clothes off and got into the shower. She felt filthy and as the hot water hit her skin she sank to the floor cradling her knees and sobbed uncontrollably.

Mimi had no idea how long she'd been in the shower when she finally calmed down and got out. She was physically and emotionally spent. What am I going to do? How the hell do I get Jin to let me go, she though as she finished drying herself off. Unable to come up with an answer, she sighed and wrapped a towel round her hair, put her robe on and walked into the bedroom.

She yelped, colliding into the maid that was standing in her room. Mimi's mouth dropped open, lost for words and left wondering why the hell the girl was in her room.

The young girl smiled then said, "Sorry for intruding." Her face turned pink with embarrassment as she bowed. "Shigure-sama told me to give this yukata to you and help you put it on." The young maid pointed at the bed where a beautiful pink yukata, with white sakura petals on it, was laying.

"Where did Shigure get this from?" Mimi asked walking over to the bed and picking the beautiful fabric up.

"Shigure-sama's mother Shizune-sama said you could wear this to the festival," the young maid replied.

"Okay," Mimi paused. "What is your name?"

"My name is Sayori, Miss"

"Sayori-san, you can tell Shigure that I can't possibly wear this. It's too much. I would be too worried about getting anything on it," Mimi said.

"Shigure-sama said you would say that, and I am supposed to tell you, the yukata is a gift. If you don't wear it you will offend his parents," Sayori replied.

He fights dirty. Mimi sighed not having the will to argue. "Fine I'll wear it," she replied then ambled into the closet and put her underwear on. She walked back into the room and stood with her arms out.

Mimi knew how to stand when someone was putting a kimono on her, because Jinpachi went all out and bought her one for the coming of age ceremony. A smile crept across her face as the fond memories of that day flashed in her mind. Jin and Mimi spent all day in different kimono shops; he had Mimi try on tons of different furisodes looking for the perfect one for her coming of age ceremony. They were completely different people back then and the thought of the hell they both inflected on one another hurt her. She'd loved him immensely once upon a time, now she just wished he would let go and leave her alone.

"I take it you've done this a lot," Mimi said as she looked in the mirror pleased with Sayori's work. She even tied the obi in a beautiful bow.

Sayori smiled taking a few steps back. "Yes. The Kanzaki family get invited to a lot of formal functions and Yumiko-sama only wears kimonos."

"Yumiko-sama, is she Hatori's grandmother?" Mimi asked. Hatori had never told her his Grandmother's name.

"Yes, she is also Daisuke-sama and Chojiro-sama's mother."

Shigure walked into the room as Sayori left, he was wearing a male yukata. Mimi didn't think it was possible but he looked even more handsome. She started to imagine what he'd look like in a suit and tie and thought he might look cuter then Hatori. She giggled, I bet he doesn't even own a suit and tie.

"That really suits you, Mimi. Leave it to my mother to choose your perfect match. You know I thought you would've put up more of a fight."

"That really wasn't fair. You know how much I want to please everyone," Mimi said still peeved at him.

"Who said anything about fair silly girl? You should know I don't fight fair. Come on let's go and get some dinner and show you off in the process," he said and offered Mimi his arm.

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