Chapter 54

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Mimi sat at her mahogany parcel gilt partner's desk looking out the window as she tapped her Mont Blanc pen absent minded against her lips. Her computer screen was filled with pages of written words that she had crafted days ago. Her foot started tapping in frustration as she sighed trying to dispel the restless pent up energy she could feel building inside of her.

July came and went quickly and as Motoko had promised the house was ready for them to move into by Mimi's birthday. Mimi loved what Motoko did with the place. It had a modern yet warm and inviting feel to it. Hatori had managed to get his way and talked Mimi into quitting her job at the boy's school.

It was very hard for her to be jobless; the prospect of being a kept woman was never one she had envisioned for herself. The same way she had never envisioned standing up to her family and fighting for control of her future. Mimi knew that her future was now hers to shape even though being a so called 'house-girlfriend' left a distinctly bitter taste in her mouth. She knew it made Hatori happy and the thought of her actions and silly pride hurting him wasn't something could bare.

By the middle of August Mimi had settled into the house and a routine. She would wake up at Six am and make breakfast and lunch for Hatori. He would leave for work at Seven-thirty and Mimi would start her workout. At Ten Mimi would stop working out and swim in the pool for an hour, after that she would take a shower and get dressed. Then she would sit in her study and write.

She found because she had so much free time on her hands the creative side, she once avoided at all costs because her family demanded that she strip that aspect of herself and let it fall by the wayside, was now flourishing in a way it never had before.

Mimi's other foot joined in the restless tapping. The painful memories regarding why she had given up her dream of becoming a writer when she was younger kept surfacing today. The memories were persistent, like annoying house ants descending on a crumb of cake. They refused to go away despite her constant attempts at shoving them back into the box clearly labelled The Past that resided in recesses of her mind.

Her eyes snapped shut as a particularly painful memory pushed its way to the forefront of her mind. When she was fourteen she wrote a number of short stories for fun. She asked her English teacher to read them and tell her if they were any good. Mimi's teacher was so impressed by what she had written she decided to enter them into a contest, and one of her stories won.

The school then called Mimi's parents and informed them she had won and had been awarded a scholarship at the Green Academy, one of England's leading school in arts. Mimi's father and grandfather were adamant that she was going to become a doctor and not some waste of space writer.

Shortly after that they pulled her out of the boarding school brought her back to America. Mimi was forbidden from writing and told she was to focus on getting into Harvard and becoming a doctor. The whole ordeal had traumatised her and if it wasn't for the fact Mimi had so much free time on her hands she would never have started to write again.

Mimi bit her lip to stop the tears from welling up and then let out a scream trying to dispel her melancholy frustration. Throwing her pen on her desk and shutting down her computer she decided to abandon writing for the day.

She figured cooking something would dispel her restless memories and felt like making mocha. It was easy to make however she tended to make a mess whenever she made it. She had just finished dusting her first batch of mochi with potato starch when the door bell rang. Dusting as much of the starch off of her hands as she could she answered the door. When she opened the door she saw an older man that looked very similar to Hatori smiling at her.

Mimi returned his smile. "Hello, can I help you?"

"We have not been introduced. My name is Kanzaki Chojiro. I am Hatori's father, and you must be Mimi."


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