Chapter 66

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Mimi lay on the bed looking up at the ceiling as restlessness gnawed at her. She sucked in a deep breath and held it in, contemplating venturing outside the safety of her room to explore the house. Exhaling her breath in one forceful blow she told herself to stop being such a coward. She lifted her legs up in the air and took one more deep breath to steady her nerves then thrust her legs down using the momentum to sit up. Mimi hopped off the bed and hurried out the door before she had a chance to change her mind. Glancing down the hallway at Hatori's door she turned and walked in the opposite direction towards the stairs.

Walking down the main staircase she looked around the deserted house and wondered where on Earth everyone was. When they first arrived there were maids and others milling about in the corridors but now there wasn't a soul around and it was eerily quiet. She reached the last step, looked to her left, then to her right trying to decide which way to go. Left; then walked down the long corridor that was panelled in a light oak stopping to peek in the doors that were opened. When she reached the end of the corridor she turned on the balls of her feet and walked back to the main entrance.

"What are you up to?" Motoko asked as Mimi reached the main entrance.

Mimi smiled relieved to finally find someone. "I was board and decided to explore. Where is everyone, it's so quiet?"

Motoko rocked back and forth and Mimi's eyes were drawn to the tiny bundle in her arms. Mimi's stomach dropped and she bit her bottom lip to stop it from trembling as she starred at the baby. Guilt and hurt started clawing their way out of the pit of her stomach. She squeezed her eyes shut quickly and shoved those feelings back down trying to gain control over her emotions.

"Let's see," Motoko said, "the staff will be preparing dinner and my mom ran into town to do something. It's a nice respite because she's been driving me crazy. I saw Gure heading back to his parents house and I don't know where the rest are." Motoko tilted her head then a huge smile cut across her face. "Why don't you hold Yuuki?"

Dread bubbled up inside of Mimi. No. Oh God no. Just think up a excuse and run, she thought. But the look on Motoko's face forced her to choke out, "okay," in a shaky voice.

"Don't look so frightened," Motoko said and she placed the baby in Mimi's arms. "You won't break her."

Mimi took a deep breath and steadied her nerves then looked down at the tiny bundle in her arms and smiled. "She's beautiful," she whispered gently stroking the baby's soft cheek with her fingers.

"Isn't this a touching sight to behold?" a voice drawled.

Every single muscle in Mimi's body tensed in a tight ball, she wanted to run as soon as she heard the voice. Looking up her eyes locked onto Jinpachi's cold stare.

Motoko looked at him and softly laughed. "There you are. I wondered where you ran off to Jin." She looked back at Mimi and said, "I know, Mimi's a natural."

Jinpachi walked up beside Mimi barely leaving any space between them and placed a possessive arm around her shoulder. "It's been a long time, Mimi. How have you been?"

Mimi's eyes shot up to his, fighting back the desperate need to run as her body started to tremble.

Jin's hand slid off her shoulder, slowly running up and down her back as a slow smile spread across his face. "Are you cold?" he asked making it sound like an innocent remark.

Mimi had to chew down the inexplicable fear that was trying to rip its way out of her. "I'm fine, Jin, thanks for asking," she replied trying to take a step away from him. However, his hand grabbed the back of her shirt stopping her in her tracks.

"You know the other day my uncle was asking about you, Mimi." He smirked at her. "You never come around anymore."

"Wow," Motoko said drawing their attention away from their little game. "If I didn't know better I would say you two look like a family." She giggled and nudged Jinpachi on the arm. "See, Jin, you should think about setting down and having a few babies of your own."

"You know I'm still trying to catch my soul mate. I'm not about to settle for anyone else," he replied placing his arm back around Mimi's shoulder.

Motoko laughed. "Well it's too bad Mimi's taken 'cause I'd say you two look like a good match." Her phone rang to Mimi's relief. Motoko answered it and listened. Hanging up she said, "Damn it." Then looked at Mimi and smiled. "I'm sorry, but can you look after Yuuki for ten minutes?"

Mimi's stomach dropped out from under her, she felt as if she was going to throw up.

Before she could answer Jinpachi said, "Sure. We can look after him."

"You guys are a life saver," she said turning and hurried off.

He watched Motoko leave before turning towards Mimi, his eyes narrowing as he glared down at her. "You think you're so cleaver don't you," he hissed at her as he backed her up against the wall towering over her.

A wave of unadulterated panic consumed Mimi and her stomach churned making her want to throw up. Her whole body started trembling as she held the baby closer to her determined not to drop her. She didn't answer him instead she looked down at Yuuki and focused on her as she took a few deep breaths.

Jinpachi chuckled and hooked his fingers under her chin tilting her face up. "You just don't get it do you, Mimi?" he paused and assessed her. "You can try to run away and play house all you want but I will never let you go. You didn't honestly think I'm going to ever let you go did you?"

She yanked her face out of his grip as anger bubbled over in her. "Cut the shit, Jin. You and I have been over for ages. Don't you think it's time to move on and find someone to be happy with?"

"My God you really are stupid. Tell me Mimi have you told that loser about us?"

Her eyes snapped up to his. "Of course he knows about us."

Jinpachi lifted his hand and gently ran a finger down her cheek then whispered in her ear, "Oh really? So you're telling me you told that asshole everything?" Her eyes widened and her breath hitched. He laughed. "I didn't think so. You and I both know I still own you. Don't assume just because I've let you go off and play this silly little game of house with that asshole that I've freed you. We are connected in so many ways."

She tried to back away but his hand clamped down on her arm holding her in place. "Let me go, you're hurting me."

He sneered at her his eyes turning icy. "Not nearly as much as you've hurt me," he hissed. "I will never let you have this." His eyes looked down at the sleeping baby and then back at her. "Not after what you did. And especially not with him." His hand squeezed her arm harder causing her to wince in pain. "I've been rather tolerant over this last year but don't mistake that for anything else, Amelia. You know I always get what I want one way or another."

Tears burned in her eyes as she fought the urge to cry. "Please, Jin, just stop this."

"What the hell is going on?" Shigure said concern laced his voice as he walked up to them.

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