Chapter 17

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After dinner, they walked around Shiba Park, enjoying the luscious oasis of greenery in the middle of the concrete jungle.

When they got back to the university, Hatori grabbed Mimi's hand and laced their fingers together as they slowly walked through the campus.

"I really enjoyed tonight," he said, looking at Mimi. "I would very much like to spend tomorrow with you. That is, if you're not doing anything."

Mimi lit up at his request. "I'm supposed to be packing tomorrow. Ritsu is coming over to help, but I will call and tell her I've got something more important to do."

Hatori stopped when they reached the entrance to her halls of residence. "What time can I come over then?" He gently brushed her cheek with his thumb.

The motion sent electricity through her body. Closing her eyes, she leaned her face into his soft hand, taking a moment to breathe in his gorgeous scent. It was the perfect combination. Fresh citrus and spice, with a woody undertone, and his own earthy scent all mixed to create a very heady combination.

Mimi had to force herself to focus so she could answer his question. She never got up before Ten am on a Sunday. However, she was more than willing to make an exception because she wanted to spend as much time as possible with him.

"Any time after Nine is fine with me. Why don't you come up with me to my room? That way you'll know where it is and can come straight up in the morning."

"Are you sure meeting you at Nine will be okay with your roommate?" Hatori asked, when they reached her room. "I would've thought she would be sleeping in. I remember being a student and taking every opportunity on the weekends to sleep in as long as possible."

"No, it won't be a problem. Erika is away for the weekend. She left for Kyoto this evening and will be helping her friend pick out a wedding dress. She won't be back till Wednesday and that's only because she has an exam that day."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

Hatori bent down, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. The kiss wasn't overly passionate, his lips were soft and tender as he kissed her, yet it did leave her weak in the knees.

She had to prop herself up against the door to steady herself when Hatori let her go. Mimi liked the fact that he was tall, and at six foot, he towered over her. Normally she hated the fact that she was so short, but having him lean down to kiss her made her feel very feminine and sexy.

"Have a good night," Hatori said with a smile as he walked away.

It took a minute to get her bearings and get into her room. As the daze from the kiss wore off, Mimi remembered she had to call Ritsu and bail on her. She sighed inwardly. Ritsu would not take the news well.

These days Ritsu was touchy from the stress of her father getting on her case about the new job. He thought Ritsu needed to show more interest and dedication in the company. Ritsu had also wanted to spend more time with Mimi but because of Mimi's forthcoming exams, they had not been able to spend much time together.

"Hi Ritsu. What you up to?" Mimi said, trying to keep her voice upbeat and feeling guilty for what she was about to do.

"Only watching crap on the TV. How did your date go? I didn't think you'd be back so early."

"It went fine, in fact it was better than fine. I had a great time." Mimi knew she would have to tell Ritsu sooner rather than later. She decided to treat it like ripping off a plaster and do it fast. ''I'm going to have to bail on tomorrow because Hatori wants to spend the day with me and I really want to as well."

There was a pause on the line and Mimi readied herself for the wrath that was to come.

"Aw that's so sweet," Ritsu's tone was prickly, "of course it's fine if you want to bail on tomorrow." She paused. Mimi was just about to thank her lucky stars when she continued, "but don't think you're getting out of the forfeit. And as I am not doing anything tonight, I'm cashing that cheque in now. You had better be ready to go in twenty minutes missy."

And there it was. Mimi knew better than to argue. Her only hope was to try and get Ritsu drunk really fast so she could get back and go to bed before the sun came up.


Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote.

Xoxo J

This video is from Aquarion Evol. It's the second in the Aquarion series and set in the future and actually I'd say its a stand alone in terms of how the two connect. Honestly I was if-y about this one I mean the first one of okay sort of mid-range. And the Evol was somewhat odd to start with but toward the middle I really warmed up to it. And huge plus the soundtrack is good, but what else do you expect from the Goddess Yoko Kano.   

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