Chapter 14

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On Friday, Mimi lay on her bed with a smile stretching as wide as the heavens thinking about her encounter with Hatori. Just picturing his deep chocolate eyes, that were able to look straight inside of her and his smile, made her melt. A warm ripple ran down her spine as she remembered the connection she felt when they touched and made her ache for him.

While Erika got ready for their class she looked at Mimi and the corners of her lips turned up. "That must have been some dream you had," she said, her words heavy with innuendo.

Mimi turned ten shades of red; she hadn't realised Erika had been watching her. Because senior seminar was a required class and the university only offered it at Nine am on Fridays, Erika had no choice but to show up. She had managed to go her entire four years of university without having to take a class that was earlier than Twelve and normally she would've still been asleep. It was still a bone of contention with her, but she usually left really early in order to grab some coffee and catch up with her other two best friends before their class. Which meant Mimi could take her time getting ready on Fridays instead of fighting about who would shower first. However, today Erika had opted to skip her early morning coffee in favour of a lay in.

Mimi gave her an awkward look, trying to hide her embarrassment, as she sat up. "What?"

"Look at you; you can't stop smiling. So come on, spill it! What's or should I say who's put you in such a good mood?"

"Oh, not much," Mimi answered coyly. "You remember sexy restaurant guy?" That's what they had been calling him before Mimi knew his name. "He sat next to me last night and we hit it off, which is amazing considering how I ruined his shoes." An even bigger grin lit up her face. "Not only that but he's taking me out on a date tomorrow.'' The thought of going on a date with Hatori turned her brain into goo.

"You lucky dog, I'm so jealous! Not only do you have a place to stay after graduation that's free, but now you have a hot date!" Erika said, pea-green with envy yet excited.

"Hey, if you knew what I had to put up with to get a free room you would not think I was lucky." The memory stirred in Mimi's head, bringing her crashing back to Earth.

"Come off of it, Mimi. I'm sure going to a dinner party wasn't as bad as you're making it out to be," Erika said, trying to get the story out of her because Mimi had refused to tell.

Mimi's phone rang; she saw that it was an unknown number. Thinking it was Hatori, she decided to be bold and try out some of the flirting tips Erika was always telling to her to use. "Good morning, Hatori, you're the type of wakeup call a girl could get used to."

The minute the other person started talking; Mimi rolled onto her side and drew her knees to her chest in a protective ball.

When Erika saw the change in Mimi's demeanour, she turned and resumed getting ready. The last time she tried to get in-between Mimi and the unknown caller, she got her head bitten off.

As much as Mimi said she wanted the calls to stop and for the guy to leave her alone, she never did anything to actually put an end to it. Erika had told her many times to change her number or just not to answer the phone when he called. But Mimi refused to do any of that, always claiming that it would make things worse.

Not caring if Erika was watching her, Mimi balanced her phone between her shoulder and ear and started attacking her left wrist with her fingernails. She was so savage that she drew blood. When the caller hung up, she let her phone slid down to the bed and curled into an even tighter ball, sobbing.

Erika sat down on Mimi's bed and gently stroked her hair, trying to calm her down. "Come on, honey, why don't you talk to about it? You can't keeping it all bottled up inside. It's not healthy," Erika gently tried to coax Mimi to talk to her.

Mimi shook her head and then wiped at her eyes. "I am fine. And you really need to just let this go. Please!"

Erika frowned and grabbed Mimi's left wrist. "Clearly you are not fine. So let's stop acting like you are. Whatever hold he has over you, it's affecting you and you need to talk to someone about it." She got off the bed and got their first aid kit so she could clean Mimi's wrist up.

Mimi wasn't going to talk about the phone call, knowing if she didn't distract Erika with something, they would end up in a huge argument. That was the last thing she needed. "Look, you've been pestering me about what happened at the dinner party. Do you still want to know or not?"

Erika sat down and started cleaning Mimi's wrist off, arching a knowing eyebrow. "You know I am always up for a juicy bit of gossip."

"Yeah, I know you're just going to pester me until I tell you," Mimi teased, happy to be talking about anything other than the phone call.

She grabbed her bag and they headed for the door. She told Erika what happened at the dinner party in January as they walked to class ─ leaving out everything that happened after Jin chased Darren Winters off.

Not even Mimi liked to think about what actually happened after that. She knew if she started to think about Jin too much then she'd just fall back into her old pattern of going back to him. That was the last thing she wanted and now that she had met Hatori, she was determined to finally move on. 


hi all I just thought I'd mix it up with a french song this time around. 

well hope you enjoyed the story things are certainly heating up.  

thanks for reading and don't forget to vote. 

Xoxo JJ 

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