Chapter 24

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Jinpachi reached into her pocket, looked at the caller id and his expression soured. "Don't answer it," he hissed.

His cold tone jolted her back to reality and she grabbed the phone out of his hands and frowned at him, before looking at the id. When she saw who, it was she sucked in a sharp breath and quickly pushed him off her.

She jumped off the bed and walked over to the other end of the room, "Hi, I wasn't expecting you to call today." Mimi made sure she kept her voice bright and chipper even though guilt consumed her.

"I had some free time before my next meeting and I just needed to hear your voice," Hatori replied, and Mimi could hear the strain in his voice.

"Your day's going that good, is it?" she asked as she buttoned up her top.

"It is now that I've spoken to you. Look, I just wanted to call and let you know I won't be able to take you out tonight. I'm really sorry about that. A lot of things have come up at work, but I want to make it up to you this weekend. Will you let me off the hook?"

She couldn't help but giggle, he was having such a stressful day and yet he could still joke around with her. "I don't know if I can do that. You had better have something spectacular planned this weekend."

"How does a Takumi Burger sound?" He chuckled, "I thought I would pull out all the stops."

She shook her head as he suggested a date at a fast food joint was the epitome of a fabulous date. "I look forward to it. . ." she didn't get the chance to finish her sentence. Jinpachi ripped the phone out of her hand and hung up the phone before slipping it into his pocket.

His hand shot out in a flash, curled around a fistful of her hair and yanked her head back. Anger radiated off of him in waves. "You cold, heartless bitch. I bet you were thinking about him the whole time you had your tongue shoved down my throat."

Her anger overrode her fear and her words lashed out at him like a whip. "Like you can fucking talk, you worthless bastard. All you ever do is chase after brainless bimbos."

He sneered at her. "And what does that make you?"

"Oh, I know I'm stupid. Beyond stupid for falling for your lost boy act again. Poor Jin, you never could get over your mommy issues." She saw the explosion of pure rage go off inside of him.

His rock hard arms had no trouble lifting her tiny body up as he flung her across the room. She landed on the floor with a sickening thud, just shy of her bed. Before she even had a chance to get up, he was on her pinning her down with the heavy weight of his body. Breathing heavily, "don't you ever talk about that again," he said enunciating each word. "Do you hear me?"

Stunned, all she could do was nod her head as she looked up into his arctic eyes. Her phone started to ring again and he ignored it until it stopped. "How do you think this new man of yours would react if I answered your phone?"

"Even if you ruin what I have with him, I will never come back to you. Damn it, Jin, you and I broke up a long time ago. You don't own me. So why the fuck can't you leave me alone?" She was at her wit's end and didn't know what to say or do to get him to leave her alone.

Wrapping his fingers around her neck, he looked down at her and smiled. "I should just snap your neck and end your worthless life."

"Then why don't you?" she screamed back, "I would welcome death if it meant I wouldn't have to see your face again."

He let her go and jabbed his finger into her stomach, causing her to yelp in pain. "I told you before; you took something from me. And until I say you've paid me back, I will never let you go. Besides, death would be too merciful for the likes of you." He jabbed her in the stomach again. "Mark my words, I own you and I will ruin every bit of happiness that ever comes into your life."

She started to cry as a specific and incredibly painful memory surfaced, bringing with it an endless fountain of pain. "You're not the only one who's hurting, you selfish bastard. And you are just as much to blame for what happened as I am."

He raised his hand and backhanded her across the face. A blood curdling scream ripped through Mimi lungs, nightmares from the past rose up and coiled around her like a snake. She could take him forcefully grabbing, him shaking the shit out of her, she could even take him choking her but hitting was an entirely different ballgame. He was the first person, she had ever fully and completely trusted; Jin knew what had happened to her at the hands of her parents. He knew exactly what hitting her would do to her and as a result in all their encounters, no matter how heated it got, he'd never hit her.

The sharp pain from his hand crackled through her whole body dislodging memories of her parents. Crippling fear froze her in place and she was forced to watch helplessly as his temper spiralled out of control. His whole body quacked and tears lapped in his eyes ready to spill over. He balled his hands into tight fists. Seeing this jolted the life back into her and she tried to curl into a proactive ball thinking he was going to pummel her. "How could you," she whispered. He slammed them down on either side of her head.

"You bitch! Where the fuck do you get off laying any of the blame for what you did at my feet?" He scrubbed at his eyes and waited for her answer. When she didn't, he said sarcastically, "Huh, sorry, I didn't catch that? Answer me!"

Revulsion over his violence churned inside of her, dispelling the last of her fear. A steely calm settled over her, glaring at him she hissed, "You know what you did. So don't you dare act like your hands aren't as bloody as mine you twisted bastard."

Her phone rang once again and it seemed to spur him on. He lowered his face into hers, grinding his forehead into hers. "It's very rude to keep letting this phone go to voice mail. I really should answer it, don't you think?"

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