Chapter 47

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The bistro was packed with the lunch rush. As they weaved their way through the crowded restaurant Shigure understood why his cousin took suck a liking to the small woman in front of him. She radiated exuberance, it was infectious. As they reached the patio area a man pushed back his chair without looking and it caused Mimi to trip. Shigure reacted in a flash hooking his arm around her waist stopping her from falling. The close contact sent a ripple of something through his body but he quickly shrugged it off as he set her down.

She smiled at him and her face blushed as she stared into his eyes. "Thanks for that," she said slipping her hand into his and made a bee line for the only empty table on the patio area.

After they ordered Mimi said, "I've been dying to ask you, what are Hatori's parents and siblings like. He never talks about them and I have never really asked. I figured he had his reasons for not talking about them, but I still really want to know."

Shigure could see she was dying to know and he knew Hatori wouldn't talk about them unless he had to. He figured there was no harm telling her, but his playful nature wasn't going to just give away the answer for free. Hatori had told him there was a funny story behind her nickname but Hatori refused to tell him. Shigure grinned like the Cheshire cat because now was his chance to find out.

He playfully replied, "Sure I'll answer your questions. But first you have to answer one of mine."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Fine, ask away."

He leaned forward placing his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his steepled fingers. "So tell me, why are you called Mimi?"

She turned bright red and looked up at him through her eyelashes visibly embarrassed. She then took a deep breath and looked everywhere but at him as she explained how Ritsu had trouble pronouncing her real name.

Then her icy-gray eyes locked onto his as she turned an even deeper shed of crimson. "Erika had taken it upon herself to dress me up for Halloween my first year here." She started speaking faster, "I thought Halloween was a big deal back in the States, but it doesn't even compare to here." She started to fidget in her chair and he watched her twisting her fingers together. "I don't know why, but Erika thought dressing me up as a sexy kitty would drive the guys wild. So, when we met up with Ritsu and the other girls they started telling me how cute I looked with nekomimi. Both Ritsu and Erika blurted out that Mimi would be a cute name for me. After that it stuck, now everyone calls me, Mimi."

Shigure leaned back in his chair and let out a joyous laugh, that rung out over the noise of the restaurant. He could just imagine what she looked like in cat ears. Once he stopped laughing he rewarded Mimi by answering her question. "Hatori actually gets along with everyone in the family really well. However, like every family they do get on your nerves. When it comes to his parents Hari is very non-confrontational and therein lies the problem"

She sat up in her chair, intently listening to him.

"Hari's dad is laid back on most things. His dad, Chojiro, and my dad, Daisuke, are brothers. Chojiro pushed Hari to go into business. I bet he didn't tell you that when he was younger he wanted to be a painter." Mimi shook her head and he paused as the waiter set their plates down. "He was actually extremely good at it. But being the eldest and a son he was expected to achieve success in business. His mother, Kyoko, is the main reason why you haven't met the family. It's also why he doesn't really talk about them. Don't get me wrong. Hari gets along with his mother; it just has to be in small doses."

Shigure paused to take a bite of his food. He smiled around his forkful of pasta because she was hooked like a fish at that point and hadn't touched her fish.

"You have to understand one thing about Kyoko. She loves Hari and has put him on a pedestal. So when it comes to women no one has ever been good enough for Hari in Kyoko's eyes. Or I should say no one Hari's chosen has been good enough. Kyoko has tried to set him up with quite a few ladies she deemed good enough."

Shigure looked down at her untouched food. "I thought you said you were hungry."

Mimi eyes followed his to her plate; she quickly speared a piece of fish with her fork and crammed it in her mouth.

He chuckled and continued, "Hari got fed up with his mother's interfering and as a result he's actually not been home for a visit in over two years. He knows Kyoko hates Tokyo and refuses to step foot in the city and Chojiro is happy just to let things play out so he is just waiting for Hari to come visit.

Mimi looked down at her food and poked at it with her fork. "I guess I don't blame him for not talking about them. Thanks for telling me. So does Hatori get along with his sister and brother? I know Motoko lives in Tokyo but every time I suggest inviting her over he says she's busy."

Shigure could see that something was weighing on her heart and wanted to lighten her mood. He reached over and playfully ruffled her hair the same way a big brother would and then gave her a smile and a wink. "Sure, he gets along with Motoko and Shinji but Shinji still lives at home. He's only seventeen. As for Motoko, believe it or not she is really busy but Hari doesn't like her husband. He can't stand to be in the same room with him for very long. That's the reason why you haven't met her yet. You can't exactly invite one and not the other."

"That makes sense. I don't see why Hatori couldn't have told me that," Mimi said trying to smooth her wayward curls back down.

When they finished their meal she asked, "Did you want to go anywhere else or do you want to go back to the apartment?"

"I don't have anywhere in mind, but it's such a wonderful day it seems such a shame to waste it in doors."

She lit up hearing this. "My thoughts exactly. Do you want to just wander about and see where the day takes us?"

"Sounds like a plan," Shigure replied and gave Mimi a big smile. "I can see why Hari likes you so much. You remind me of Akane; she was Hari's first real love. She was also his first heart break when Kyoko drove her off. But that is a story for another day. And it would probably be best if you didn't mention her, Hari never talks about it."

She nodded with a sympatric look."We'll need to stop at a supermarket. I have to pick up some things for dinner."


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