Chapter 48

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The next morning Mimi's feet screamed in protest as she walked in to the kitchen to forage for something to eat, they ached from all the walking they did. As she stuck her head in the fridge she couldn't help but fell a little melancholy because the apartment felt so empty. Hatori was at work and Shigure had a meeting all day with his publishers, so she had the apartment to herself.

With a big bowel of granola and yogurt she walked to the couch and sat down. Wiggling her feet she decided to skip her morning workout in favour of giving them a rest, the prospect of watching anime all day was too enticing.

By noon she had fallen asleep on the sofa and was woken up as Hatori stroked her face with the pad of his thumb. She opened her eyes to see his beautiful loving face smiling at her and gave the man she loved a warm smile in return as she stretched.

"Another productive day I see," he teased as he bent down and gently kissed her on the forehead.

"What brings you home so early?" She was happy to see him, over the last three months he had to work late, which meant he had to stop their lunch dates. Having him home so early she was hoping he was going tell her that he could start coming home for lunch again.

"I decided to take the rest of the day off. I have something to show you, and I didn't want to wait any longer."

She stretched then sat up. "Okay, where is it?" His excitement was so infectious and it made her giggle.

"We have to take a little trip," he pulled her off the couch, "come on, up you go."

As they drove further south past Meguro and exited off the expressway Mimi started to wonder where they were going. She couldn't stop her legs from bouncing, looking out the window as they started to drive down tree lined roads that were filled with large houses.

Turning to Hatori she asked, "Are we there yet?"

He chuckled. "No."

"Come on. Please tell me where we're going," she begged.

He turned the car down another side road and shook his head. "Now, why would I want to spoil all the fun? Baby, you're just going to have to be patient."

She folded her arms across her chest and pouted as she looked out the window cursing under her breath. He turned the car down another street and she gasped in wonder as he slowly drove past the beautiful iconic mock Swiss building that was the entrance to Denenchofu train station.

He slowed the car as they drove past it and then continued to drive through the town. She had her face plastered to the window watching as the houses grew considerably more extravagant and larger in size the further into Denenchofu they drove. The area was a lot nicer and more residential and it felt like they had stepped into a different world.

The crowded urban jungle that Mimi was used to in the heart of Tokyo had transformed into luscious tree lined streets where all the houses had a European feel to their design and the gardens were expansive and luxurious. She had heard about this area and how it was considered the Beverly Hills of Tokyo. Yet, she had never visited the area to see for herself. She had been curious but never had any need to travel any further south than the Minato, doing most of her exploring in the Shibuya, Rippongi, Shinjuku and Chiyoda area.

They drove up a large hill which had enormous houses lining the road. It reminded her of the houses back where her parents lived.

Hatori stopped the car on the top of the hill at the end of the cul-de-sac in front of a house that was twice as big as the rest. "We're here."

Mimi was confused and looked at him trying to get more out of him. He only smiled not giving her the tiniest crumb of a hint as to what was going on and got out of the car. She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and followed him. He walked up to the main entrance of the ornate wrought iron gate that encircled the property, typed in a code. The gate sprung into life and started to open. They walked up the driveway to the house.

When they got to the front door Hatori asked, "So what do you think?"

"It's a very beautiful house. What are we doing here?" she answered, still perplexed at to what was going on.

He gave her a huge smile and wrapped her in his arms. "This is going to be our new home, if you like it that is." He looked down at Mimi judging her reaction.

Her jaw dropped and she looked at him as if he'd completely lost his mind, and then replied in a high pitched voice, "Seriously? Of course I like it." Mimi took the massive size of the house in. "I mean it's on the big side but it is amazing." She paused then looked back at him with concerned eyes. "How on Earth can you afford something like this? And what is wrong with the place we are living in at the moment?"

He rolled his eyes as her."Why do you have to be so worried whether I can afford things or not. Sooner or later you're going to realise that I am a really responsible person when it comes to money."

"And buying diamond jewellery and this huge ass house is being responsible is it?" Mimi replied sarcastically.

"I told you before I could afford to buy that jewellery. Hell I can afford to buy you something three times the size. The house, if you must know has come with my promotion. I am now in charge of a whole division. It means a whole lot more money and more perks."

"Oh," she arched an eyebrow at him, "and when did you get promoted then?"

"I officially got promoted six months ago," Hatori replied smoothly looking quite pleased with himself. "But it became final a few weeks ago when I officially took over the job from the guy that retired. The company offered to give me the apartment out right or move us in to a house. At that time you had said you wanted a garden and somewhere a bit quieter. So, I went with the house. They just finished building it last week."

She was speechless and her voice unconsciously we up another octave. "I didn't even think you were listening when I said that to Ritsu."


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