Chapter 22

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       The next day, Mimi called Ritsu and told what happened. Ritsu demanded to know everything and decided to come over. Mimi figured if Ritsu was going to pick through her date then she could help pack and told Ritsu to bring boxes. The girls spent the day going over every little detail of the Saturday and Sunday dates.

By four o'clock, Ritsu was fully satisfied that she had gotten an exact play-by-play. "So, do you think he's the one?''

Mimi avoided the question as she walked into the bathroom with a box and started to pack a few things away. She had made sure Ritsu still thought she was a virgin. The simple truth was she hadn't been one for a long time. It was too dangerous to tell Ritsu; she would start asking questions. And eventually she would connect the dots about certain aspects of her relationship and break up with Jin that had to stay buried ─ at all costs. It wasn't a risk Mimi was prepared to take, Ritsu was family and it would destroy Mimi if she lost Ritsu.

Mimi closed the medicine cabinet and looked at herself in the mirror; the toll of the secret she and Jinpachi couldn't let go of was evident on her face. Setting down the box on the sink, she pinched her cheeks to try and get them to pink up and look brighter. Then she fished out her mineral foundation and lightly applied some. She wasn't completely convinced this helped her look less worn out, but it would do.

Mimi took one last look, shoving away the disgust over the fact she was turning into such a liar, put on her best poker face and prepared to tell another whopper of a lie. Walking out of the bathroom, she acted a little coy, "I don't know. When he kisses me, it's like lightning. He makes my body come alive. I can't think straight. Anyways, why on Earth are you asking me this now? It's only been two dates."

"I'm asking because you always think with your head when it comes to guys. I mean, maybe things would've turned out differently if you had just let loose with Jinpachi."

This got Mimi's back up, "what is that supposed to mean?" she snapped. "It's not all my fault he's a moody git!" She had to remind herself that Ritsu still didn't know the full truth about their breakup and everything that had happened after.

Ritsu raised her hands in surrender. "Calm down, what I meant was I know you two were in love. For Christ sakes you guys were going to ─ " The look Mimi gave Ritsu cut her off.

Mimi turned away to compose herself. Ritsu gently placed her hand on Mimi's shoulder, "Come on, it's no secret you two made the perfect couple. Why do you think Oto-san is always trying to get you two back together? Something happened after you called it off with Jin and I don't what it was. But I certainly know it nearly destroyed Jinpachi, and you, for that matter."

Tears burned in Mimi's eyes and she had force them back. She was determined not to break down because she couldn't afford Ritsu asking questions.

"Honey, I'm not blind and I'm definitely not stupid. I've always known something happened. Whatever it was, I don't want to see that happen again, Mimi. So come on, be honest with yourself, you already know the answer."

Mimi took a ragged breath. Ritsu's kind words were like a kick in the gut, the pain lanced into her heart. She had to remind herself that lying to her best friend was for the best. Mimi composed herself, forced a smile and turned around. "Yes, he's the one. It was yes from the first time he kissed me, but..."

Mimi paused to let Ritsu draw her on conclusions and finish her sentence. "But you haven't told him you're a virgin and you're embarrassed. Does that about sum it up?'"

Mimi looked her in the eyes and opted to gaze at her feet instead. "Of course I haven't, we've only gone out twice, but yeah, that sums it up."

"Well, girly, sooner or later you're going to have to tell the man. He's going to find out in the end, and judging by the fire that's been lit between your legs, it's going to be sooner rather than later."

Mimi went to say something but Ritsu cut in. "Look, take my advice. No matter how embarrassed you feel, it's better if you tell him. I'm not saying right away, but he's a big boy. I can guarantee you telling him you're a virgin won't scare him off. Besides, you still want that fairytale of it being perfect your first time. That takes planning and how do you expect to get that if you wait till the last minute to tell him?"

Mimi had enough of talking about it; the whole subject brought back painfully sweet memories. If she allowed them back in, she was going to do something stupid, that involved Jin. As it was, Saturday night was too close of a call for her. It was the same dance she had been repeating with him for over a year, and now that Hatori was in the picture, she knew she finally had a chance to end it for good.

Mimi grabbed a box. "Come on, let's start taking these down."

Ritsu had her driver help put what they could in the car. When they had crammed all that they could in, Ritsu said very gently to her best friend, "Only you can decide when the time is right. There is no need to rush things. Besides, its early days. Let him chase you a bit more before you give him that gift." She gave Mimi a kiss on the cheek and hopped into the front seat of the car. "I'll come back tomorrow and we'll move the rest of your stuff. Call me when you've finished studying.''


Hi all thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to vote.

Xoxo J

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