Chapter 80

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Shigure's phone rang. A scowl ripped across his face as he looked at the id, great just want I need right now, he thought then hit the answer button. He didn't feel like giving Kaname a warm greeting after her tantrum this morning so he just held his cell to his ear as he stood up.

". . . I've told you I love you and you know I make more than enough money to support you. You don't need that loser's money," A man who Shigure didn't recognise said.

"Ha, I know I don't need his money but I'm gonna get it anyways," Kaname snapped.

Shigure's whole body bristled as he listened and his grip tightened on the phone.

"Come on baby you're killing me here. How long do you intend on stringing the two of us along then," The man asked clearly annoyed.

"Oh don't be like that baby. You know you're the only one for me. Yours is the only cock I crave. Besides you got me all to yourself for the foreseeable future. That idiot is too busy with the slut his cousin's dating.

"I'm going to have to do something about that bitch before she starts to dig her claws into my gold mine. I'm not about to let the years I've put into hooking Shigure go to waste, because some other gold digging bitch wants the top Kanzaki prize."

"Damn, that's cold even for you, Kaname."

She laughed as she said, "But that's why you love me. Admit it that's exactly what turns you on."

"Baby, you keep talking like that and I'll pull this car over and fuck you right here."

"Ummm," she purred. "You make me so hot. Hurry up and get back to mine before we end up arrested for indecent exposure."

Shigure heard the contents of her bad jiggle and he imagined she was picking up her hand bag. His whole body shook with rage as he hung up. It was one thing to take him for a fool; after all he had been, one where Kaname was concerned. But it was another thing entirely to say that about Mimi.

An odd calm washed over him. He'd known he needed to end things with Kaname. He'd just been putting it off because he didn't have a good enough reason to. Now she'd given him the prefect out and if he was quick he'd catch be with her pants down as well.

Shigure beardy registered what Yoshi was saying as he slowly walked back toward the living room. "Give me three weeks and I should've some finished drawings of the first few chapters."

"That sounds great. I thought it'd take you a lot longer to get anything finished," Mimi replied.

"When Shigure first suggested converting your book into a manga, I thought the same thing but luckily for me you like to include a lot of dialogue so it's been a lot easier," Yoshi explained.

Shigure walked back into the living room and he looked as if someone had run over his favourite pet. "Sorry guys something's come up and I have to go home."

Mimi stood up concern etched into her face as she approached him and it made his heart burn."Is everything alright?"

"I don't know," Shigure paused then put on a smile, "don't worry it's probably nothing. Mimi, do you mind if I leave you to finish your meeting with Yoshi I am going to go straight to the airport."

She gave him a worried look and said, "I don't mind. But, are you sure everything is alright?''

He put on a calm face and smiled again. He could see Mimi was very worried and he didn't want her to. "There's really no need for you to worry. I'm just going to pop back home and then come back. I should be back in a few days." He reached out and caressed the side of her face as he tried to stamp down the feelings she was stirring up inside of him.

Mimi raised her hand and placed it on his giving him a warm smile."Okay, see you in a few days. Call me if you need anything."

Shigure nodded then left. He really hated leaving her but he knew he had to end things with Kaname. 

Tokyo Seduction (Book 1 Of The Gaijin Series)Where stories live. Discover now