Chapter 30

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He looked at her with hunger in his eyes that sent waves of desire straight to her core. Slowly she straddled him and cupped his face in her hands. He ran his hands up her spine and grabbed fistfuls of her hair as he pulled her to him.

Their lips met with a burning intensity and she moaned as his tongue licked at her lips. Her lips parted, allowing him access to her mouth, and he drew her closer, holding her in his rock hard arms. As their tongues danced together; a powerful wave of electricity rippled down Mimi's spine. It made her skin come alive and her head spin. She wondered if she would ever get used to the sensation because it happened every time they kissed. In that moment, a fog of insecurity had lifted. Everything clicked together like the pieces of a puzzle. She started to unbutton her top, knowing it was the right time to take things further.

Hatori's hands shot out and grabbed her own as she undid the third button. He pulled his head away from her. "I didn't bring you here for sex, Mimi. You don't have to do that. Not until you're ready."

She felt so much love and respect for him and the gravity of her feelings shocked her. She shook her head and sighed. "I am ready."

The way he looked at her, with passion and deep desire, made her feel so sexy, but she could also see he was fighting it. "Look, I know this is a big step and-"

She looked into his eyes lovingly and put her fingers to his lips to stop him from talking. "If this is because you think I'm a virgin, I'm not. I was going to tell you after Ritsu left the apartment but I didn't get a chance." She cupped his face in his hands. "There is a reason why I never told her but it doesn't matter right now. All that matters is I've been ready for weeks, but it just feels right at this moment. I know you didn't bring me up here for sex but I want to make love to you."

He folded her in his strong arms as he lifted her off the couch and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He once again kissed her and her body responded as pleasure and excitement surged through her. Holding onto his broad back she let out a moan as her tongue intertwined with his. He carried her to the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed.

Hatori kissed her ear and worked his lips down her neck, gently sucking and licking her sensitive skin. Mimi hadn't taken any notice of the music softly playing in the background but the as soon as the haunting opening cords of Bloodstream started playing her body tensed. Unwelcome memories started, surfacing. She closed her eyes and tried to shove the unwanted memories back into box where she kept them.

Hatori stopped kissing her. "There is no need to be nervous."

A wave of embarrassment and guilt washed over her. She opened her eyes and smiled as she reached up to caress the side of his face. He turned his face into her hand and kissed it.

"It's not that," she said. "It's just..." Mimi didn't know what she could say that wouldn't kill the mood.

He gazed down at her. "It's okay, if you want to talk about it, you can."

Her heart twisted painfully Mimi didn't want to lie to him but she knew if told him about Jin it would be the final nail in the coffin of the nights romance.

To lie or tell the truth... Damn it why can't I just move on! She shook her head trying to expel all the ghost. "It's nothing really, just this song."

Hatori turned his attention to the song and smiled. "Not a fan of Stateless?" He reached over to the bedside table grabbed another touch pad, swiped it and killed the music.

She could see he was holding back on asking questions. Mimi sighed, and decided to give him a crumb so they could draw a line under it and move on. "No, I like them it's just the song. . . holds certain memories of my ex." Hatori's eyes grew stormy. Mimi reached out, cupping his face in her hands. "They aren't bad memories, I promise. Just not ones I want to think about and I don't want to spend another second thinking about my ex." She let her hands drop, turned her head to the side and sighed before she looked back at him. "I wish I had met you first."

Hatori lent down and kissed her. He hooked his arms around her and lifted her up with him as he stood. "I wish I could wipe away all the bad that's happened to you. Unfortunately, I can't. All that I can do is swear to you that I will never hurt you, Mimi. Now come on, let's shower."

She was already accustomed to the Japanese custom of taking a shower before sex instead of after. Mimi walked into the bathroom and was confronted with the biggest bathtub she had ever seen. It would've put most hot tubs to shame and she couldn't help but think of the amount of water wasted every time it was used.

Hatori walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and gave Mimi a kiss on the neck. "I know, it's ridiculously big. I never use it. Come on, the shower is over here," he said, and grabbed the bottom of her top, pulling it off of her in one swift move.

Hatori reached into the shower and turned on the water, leaving his hand under the water until he was happy with the temperature. With a playful grin, he flicked water at her.

She instantly threw her hands up and tried to block the water. She let out a free and playful giggle as the last of her anxiety over bring up Jin melted away and she squealed, "BAKA!"

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Xoxo J

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