Chapter 35

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Jinpachi glowered at the girls as they walked across the walkway that led out of the stadium. Erika had been getting on his nerves the whole night with the way she had been hovering over Mimi like a mother hen. He could've let it slide if it wasn't for the fact that Erika's snide comments had made Mimi bold. He needed to put Mimi in her place. Especially after what the bastard she was currently fucking had said to him.

Erika looked at her watch as she hooked her arm around Mimi's. "It's Ten-fifteen. We got out earlier than I thought we would, considering they had three warm up groups before the main band. Any ideas about where to go next?"

"I don't care, but wherever we go there had better be drinks 'cause I am getting drunk,'' Ritsu replied.

Jin grinned, he knew Ritsu was still pissed off because her boyfriend had taken their backstage passes and then ran off with his band mates. It was perfect because he knew she would agree to anything he suggested and he could have a little fun riling her up in the process.

"The Blue Star just opened last month. I went there last weekend with-" he paused and tried to remember the woman's name. It was so hard keeping track of all the insignificant women he used to take him mind off Mimi. When he couldn't, he continued. "It really doesn't matter what her name was. My point was I definitely had a good time and got damn drunk in the process." His eyes raked Mimi up and down slowly. She looked stunning in the dress she had on, but there was no way he was going to let her know that, especially after she had said that asshole had bought it for her. He sneered at her, ''And the dress code is relaxed so it's easier for ugly people to get in."

Erika glared at Jin, and opened her mouth to say something, but Mimi cut in. "Don't let what he says bother you. I don't. I know I'm not and I like the way I look. Besides, Hatori thinks I'm beautiful and that's all that really matters."

Erika grabbed Mimi's arm. "Come on, let's get a taxi together. The company here really stinks."

On the way to the club, Jin had formed a plan and set about putting all the pieces into play when they arrive. He plied Ritsu with drinks and made sure she stewed in her anger. When her boyfriend turned up at Twelve, Jin's plan kicked off.

He saw Ritsu was itching for a fight and said, "It's about time they turned up. Really, cuz, far be it from me to interfere in your love life but are you really going to stand for the way Noboru's been treating you?"

Like putty in his hands she did exactly what he wanted. Ritsu stormed off and got into a huge argument with her boyfriend. Jin kicked back; knowing when it was over Ritsu would be in a foul mood and be looking to lash out at the first person that crossed her path.

Mimi put her arm around Ritsu and tried to console her. "Look, honey, Erika and I had a great time. We understand Noboru and his band wanted to promote themselves so don't worry about the backstage passes. Why don't you calm down and have a good time with us?"

Ritsu's eyes glowed hot with rage; she flicked Mimi's arm away and shouted above the music, a remix of Prodigy's Smack My Bitch Up, "So now I'm being a crazy hostile bitch, is that what you're saying?"

Jin snickered as Mimi's silence only irritated Ritsu.

"Come on, I want to know! Is that what you think of me?" Ritsu shrieked. "You should be lucky I'm even talking to you, you ungrateful bitch. All you do these days is spend your free time with Kanzaki."

Mimi glared at Ritsu and shouted back, "Lately you've been unbearable to be around. Did you ever stop to think that's why I'm spending all my time with Hatori?"

Erika stepped in between the two of them. "Enough! Ritsu, you're drunk and these days you're a real bitch when you get drunk. Mimi was only trying to help. And to tell you the truth, if you act like this when you're not drunk, I wouldn't want to spend any time with you either.''

A huge smile spread across Jinpachi's face as he sat back and watched the girls. He knew his cousin well and knew all she needed was a little nudge to really get things going. He pushed his drink towards Ritsu, licking his lips in anticipation.

When it touched her hand, she looked down at it. He saw hurt and betrayal flicker in her eyes as something snapped inside of her. Ritsu's hand shook as she picked up the drink and threw it at Erika and Mimi. He let out a laugh as they both got drenched in the sticky cocktail.

"That is it! I've had all I can take!" Erika shouted and walked off to the bathroom to clean herself off.

Mimi was pissed and shouted at Ritsu, "What the hell is wrong with you, Ritsu! You know this was a gift that I just got. I've put up with a lot of your crap in the last month but you've outdone yourself." She stormed off to join Erika.

Jin didn't want his plan to fall apart so he made sure to wait for the girls by the entrance of the long hallway that led to the bathrooms, just in case he needed to stop Mimi from leaving.

He quietly listened to their conversation in the shadows as Erika said, "It's late, I'm tired and I'm not going to put up with any more of Ritsu's crap. If I don't go now I'm going to do or say something I'll regret in the morning."

Mimi gave Erika a hug. "I understand completely, but I'm going to stay for a bit longer and try to patch things up. I've got to live with her so I had better try or my life will be hell for who knows how long."


Tokyo Seduction (Book 1 Of The Gaijin Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang