Chapter 72

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Mimi woke up with a pounding head. It felt like someone had used it as a football, even her teeth hurt. Wondering how that was even possible she squeezed her head with both hands and let out a groan. "I'm never drinking again."

"I've heard that one before," Hatori replied.

Startled she shot up in bed thinking she was alone. Pain tore through her skull as her head protested to the movement and she lay back down. Mimi moaned again putting her hands back on her head. "How long have you been here and how did I make it back to my room. The last thing I remember is the room spinning and Gure telling me to stop speaking English."

"I carried you back and I've been here all night and most of the morning. I did leave you for a little bit when I got breakfast. Oh, and one more thing, Gure was screwing with your head last night. Firstly you were speaking in Japanese and secondly he can speak and understand English."

"I knew he was messing with me. Just wait till I see him," Mimi said annoyed determined to get him back.

"If it's any conciliation that idiot is suffering as well. In fact I don't think you'll see him emerge until late afternoon," Hatori replied. He leant over and kissed her on the forehead.

Her lips turned up in a goofy smile. She desperately wanted to pull him into her and ravage him with her lips and body. However, her mouth felt as if she had a whole bag of cotton in it and her body was crying out for a hot shower. Another groan escaped her lips when she looked at her watch, it was Eleven already. "I can't believe I slept in so long. I didn't make an ass out of myself did I?"

"No you didn't. Although, you do make a very sexy kitty." Mimi's mouth dropped open and she turned ten shades of red. "Now why don't you take a shower and wake yourself up. I want to have a chat with you about something and afterwards we'll visit Kairakuen Gardens," Hatori said in a calm voice.

Mimi wondered what he wanted to talk about but figured it could wait. As she had more pressing things to worry about like how to keep her head from exploding when she got up.

Hatori helped her sit up in bed then handed her a glass of water and some aspirin. Grateful she popped the aspirin in her mouth and gulped the water down. After a few minutes she felt it kick in and she slid her legs out of bed and stood up. When Mimi was happy with the state of her head she slowly walked into the bathroom and took a long shower.

Mimi emerged from the bathroom and wasn't surprised to find the bed had been made and the room was tidy and decided to get dressed and try to find Hatori.

She got as far as opening the door when Hatori said, "Where do you think you're going."

"I was just going to look for you," she answered; his tone made her feel like an errant child.

"You found me. Come on back into the room."

Herding her back to the bed she sat and he set a tray of food next to her. He grabbed a chair and plunked it down across from her. The way he was acting made her hunger vanish and she only picked at the food waiting for him to speak. Hatori ran his hands through his hair. He looked down at the floor and sighed; when he looked up into her eyes she saw they were very serious.

"I want to know why you felt it was necessary to keep what my mother and grandmother said a secret?"

Shigure that traitor. She knew she was caught and no amount of excuses would get her out of this hornet's nest. Wondering how much he knew and hoping to God that he didn't hear about Jinpachi, Mimi decided to be honest but down play it.

"Look Gure and I overheard their conversation, and I didn't tell you 'cause I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I know how strained things are between you and your mother. And I didn't want to add to it especially when it's not a big deal."

Hatori leaned in closer to Mimi looking her straight in the eyes then said, "And you bawling your eyes out isn't a big deal then? Or the fact my own mother's making plans with that slimy bastard Jinpachi to split us up? Or how about my snake of a grandmother saying my dating you brings shame on this family? You expect me to believe all of that's no big deal." He stood up and paced in front of the bed visibly frustrated. "Just tell me this. If I hadn't found any of this out, how long were you planning on keeping all of that to yourself?''

Mimi was lost for words. She couldn't believe how much Hatori knew and wondered what happened after she had passed out last night.

Her eyes pointed firmly into her lap, afraid if she looked at Hatori as she explained things she would start crying she said, "I don't know, Ha. I guess I would've kept it from you as long as possible. It's just I know how much pressure you're under and I don't want to add to it." She couldn't tell him the reason she had wanted to keep it a secret from him was because it killed her to see him hurt. That she was keeping so many dark secrets of her past locked away only because she knew they would hurt him.

''I don't want you to ever think that telling me your problems will put pressure on me. When are you going to get it through that beautifully thick head of yours I love you. Nothing is going to change that. As for my mother and grandmother I know it's a lot to ask, but don't let what they said get to you," Hatori said lifting her face up.

"But," Mimi tried to say more but he cut her off.

"But nothing. They are not going to break us up, okay. I'm not about to let that happen."

She stood up and threw her arms around him. "I love you and I'm sorry." His words were what she needed to hear. Yet she was still adamant that he know nothing about the real skeletons in her closet.

"Now that's taken care of we can go to the gardens. Just give me few minutes and I'll be yours all day. Why don't you meet me out front in fifteen? "Hatori said giving her a kiss.

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