Part Eighteen

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As Draupadi was walking back to her side she felt two eyes glued to her, she turned around with her luscious hair bouncing all over the place to meet the penetrating gaze of Rajkumar Arjun she smiled sweetly at him and it widened as he returned the gesture with his signature smirk, she turned back round as she continued her walk back, she couldn't stop smiling some how the one she was supposed to hate had made an entry in her heart already.

She reached back and stepped into her chariot and was welcomed with a knowing smile of her Govind. Under her breath she hissed "Stop smiling its annoying me we are in war govind." teasingly he replied " Doesn't seem like that to he Sakhi, seems like your battling a battle of love." He rose his eyebrows up and down and was greeted by a punch in the arm by draupadi who exclaimed " SHUT UP." Everyone looked at her and when i mean everyone i mean everyone. Draupad with an amused face asked " What's the matter a putri." Draupadi ignored this and said "Don't we have a war to win." smiling to herself she blew he horn and the rest followed, after a while she screamed "ATTACK" at this the family went there separate ways and dove into the amount of soldiers. 

She was surrounded, cornered, they had gotten her good but not good enough she thought, they chose the wrong day to piss her of, she jumped over her charioteer and landed perfectly in the centre of them all. Sword in one hand she signalled them to come at her, four men stepped forth, two from behind and two from in front the first that reached she grabbed his fist and stuck her sword straight through him the first out the two from behind came and she kicked him were the sun don't shine and then using the soldiers she was holding she spun him onto him and stuck her sword straight through once again until her sword reached the ground. She left her sword there and took the last two soldiers single handedly. She smirked at the shocked faces bout recovered when eight men came crashing towards her, grabbing the sword that held the two men together she placed it in front of her as eight swords came crashing down at once, with her strength overpowering she sent them all flying. The three men that were left standing nodded at each other and charged at each other, the first soldier came and with a dagger pierced her upper arm, she looked at the blood and back to the soldier, that soldier was shocked to see fire burning in her eyes as she jumped and came crashing down on him and ending his life. The two other soldiers remaining charged at her knowing that they made a mistake she killed them within a few seconds with blood splashing everywhere she stood up and wiped the blood from he face, smirked, and walked back to her chariot. 

Vikarna who had been watching this was shocked out of his mind, he needed tell Arjun and the elders and that's what he did, Arjun was shocked woah he thought what a Rajkumari he could tell his Guru and Pitama were shocked. 

Draupadi's brother Kamalakar was struggling he was battling Dushasan and was getting drained, across the battle field Draupadi could see her young brother struggling, seeing this her skin started changing to black this wasn't good she took a deep breath and was relieved as it changed back looking back at her brother she charged over there with determination she could feel her brothers pain, she was glaring daggers at the one causing pain and with all that power she sent him flying across, panting he said "Thanks Di." Draupadi smiled and nodded.

The family had re grouped all of them were together Draupadi exclaimed " Remember not to take your eyes of the target." Just the a arrow came out from no where and Draupadi grabbed hold of it before it could do any damage and turned it to dust, She looked up to see Rajkumar Arjun along with his idiot of a cousin Duryodhan, she spoke " You didn't do good Rajkumar." She stared into his hazel eyes but was shook by her best friend Govind who muttered "Stay focused on the war at hand, fantasise later Sakhi."She came out of her battle stance and punched him in the arm "OWW SAKHI, WHAT YOU TRYING TO DO KILL ME." Draupadi just couldn't help but laugh.

Arjun was enchanted by her laugh, but this had to stop with attitude he said "This is war you know not a playground  Bhrata Duryodhan was right girls don't understand war." At this Draupadi stopped laughing and turned to this rude Rajkumar "Don't you dare lecture me in war Rajkumar i know more that you, so don't go there."Arjun replied "How would you weren't you born like yesterday." Drauapdi was getting annoyed and Arjun was getting a kick out of it " Aww Rajkumari you gonna cry." At this Draupadi burst out " I was born with all knowledge of war so don't even go there and second i wasn't born yesterday and third I DON'T CRY." She was annoyed so  she said "STUPID." And Arjun replied "ARROGANT." And this carried on for quite some time until Govind got fed up and entered between the two and said at the top of his lungs "HOW ABOUT YOU BOTH SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO FIGHTING THIS WAR." He carried on "Your acting like a married couple." And for the third time that day Draupadi punched him in the arm again and said "Seriously. why the same arm at least don't do it on the same arm." Draupadi smiled and punched his other arm and walked away with her sword dripping in blood and Arjun couldn't help but smile, she turned back once again and met his gaze and quickly turned back and smiled and this made Arjun smile more. The sun went down, the first day of war was over.

 The sun went down, the first day of war was over

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Thanks for reading let me know what you think in the comment section   i hope this was long enough *wink wink* (they know who i am talking too BUT i still hope the rest of you liked it ad much)


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