Part Sixty-Five

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Draupadi stirred, rubbing her eyes, fluttering them open she took in her surroundings. She was in a hut of some sort but couldn't make out exactly where she was, rubbing her eyes she began to sat up but instantly a deep pain surged into her head causing her to hiss out in pain,closing her eyes and taking deep breaths she tried again and was successful, she the moved to stand but ending up crashing to the floor,she stood up like nothing happened and walked outside only to find no one there, that confused the heck out of her, digesting her thoughts she decided that she should probably head back to the castle before her brothers ended up sending a search party. Taking her time she enjoyed the joys of nature with ghost like smile. Once reaching the palace she was attacked with hugs and bombarded with questions which she had no problem answering till the topic of him came up. She lowered her gaze but quickly locked eyes with her mother who asked and out him. Closing her eyes she said "Dad was right i never should have fallen for the enemy." They were about to cut in until she continued "He's nothing but an enemy,we fought in a war and that's where it ends nothing else happened." Sadhika the perked up and said "Di why are you lying to yourself.""No Sadhika i'm not lying about anything, he means nothing to me, whatever happened didn't happen, its better this way." Dhrist looked at his twin in astonishment "Your weak." She looked at him with wild eyes "What did you just say."

Dhrist-"Your weak."

Draupadi" You take that back."

Dhrist-"why should i, do you even realise what you are saying, your trying so hard to forget everything just because you can't face the fact."

Draupadi was stunned but she was also fire "You want to know why i'm trying to forget him,he broke me into a thousand pieces he left without no remorse he played with my feelings promising things and then not even sticking to them,i'm hurt,i'm in pain but one thing i am not is weak i never have been and never will be. And if you think i am than clearly you don't know me." She walked out sparing them one last glance.

Prashati shook her head she needed to tell Kunti the situation. The queen walked into her chambers finding some parchment before sitting to write to her best friend. Once completing the letter she tied it to an owl before sending it off.

Meanwhile Draupadi sat outside on the  floor of the palace garden, Was Dhrist right?Was she becoming weak? Shaking her head she looked up to watch the sun set,one landscape that instantly granted her peace of mind. She sat with her legs perched up and arms wrapped around them her chin resting atop her arm. Her thoughts were once again drowning her no matter how hard she was trying her mind raced back to him. One thing was for sure though, even if she had claimed him as nothing but an enemy he had taken her heart with him. She gazed at the fireball in front of her as it reached the horizon.

*In Hastinapur*

The family had returned late a night and spent their day resting from the tiring trip. At the moment the Pandav Kumar's were all sitting in Kunti chambers as Kunti sat with them, Arjun had been shaken to the core with leaving Draupadi but was masking it pretty well little did he know his whole world was about to be shaken. As on que a owl flew in sitting on the table in front of them all, sharing confused glances Kunti signalled Arjun to untie the Parchment form the leg of the owl. As he did he noticed it was addressed to Kunti he handed it to his mother as she took it and began reading it. Her eyes went wide, She looked at Arjun and then back at the letter as she finished reading it. "Ma What's wrong." asked Sahdev. Wordlessly she handed the letter who took it with a confused expression forming his face. He opened it and began reading it. His heart stopped his blood running cold. He fell to the floor as he muttered 'She hates me' the remaining brothers grabbed for the letter reading it quickly their eyes nearly popping out of its sockets, they sent sympathetic looks Arjun's way but Arjun was to busy having a mental battle with himself. The remaining brothers along with their mother looked at one another conveying that they needed a plan. And back in Panchal as they watched Draupadi from the balcony they were all thinking along the same lines.

Short update  (sorry in advance) hope you like it another to follow shortly hope you liked it please let me know what you think love you all.

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