Part Ninety-Two

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 Draupadi walked back to where the Pandavs and Kunti were sitting in distress, Kunti was the first to notice her as she spoke "Draupadi..Putri." Grabbing the attention of the Pandavs, her gaze meeting Arjun's as she forcefully ripped away focusing on Kunti in front of her. "Putri we came up with a solution, your marriage with Arjun will happen, and my four sons will take Sanyas." Draupadi looked up at Arjun again. "And what will that do Maharani. We can't change what has been said, and the remaining Pandavs taking Sanyas isn't going to benefit anyone." "But Putri its the only way. " "Maharani how can i be part of Maharaj Pandu's vansh if i can't make a sacrifice" Arjun's gaze flew up to her. "You all tried to find a solution but couldn't find one but i have. i..i accept your words that you had uttered whilst praying to Lord Shiva. i-i-" She looked down at the five stones planted in her palm as she clenched her hand into a fist. "i will marry the Pandavs." Draupadi was shaking..trying desperately to calm her racing heart, as Arjun's heart shattered. Yudhishter was just about to say something....."WHAT." everyone's gaze turned.  


"WHAT" The sound of a shrill cry rang in everyone's ears as they turned to see Dhrist and Draupad standing in utter shock, Draupad climbed out of his chariot and took quick strides to his daughter closely followed by Dhrist who seemed like he was going to kill someone. "Draupadi Putri, what have you just said, have these Bhramins made a plan to split you between them." Draupadi's gaze latched onto Arjun's as her father began his accusations. "i had heard that Brahmins were sly people and never believed it..but today i have seen it." Draupad looked at Draupadi who was focused on only one, he pulled her face her to him "Putri come on we are going home." "But dad if i go then you will face humiliation and embarrassment and i will to." "Nahi Putri, Panchal will always protect their fire princess come what may, and i will never be humiliated i'll only feel embarrassed when our home isn't big enough for you." Draupadi wanted to smile at her fathers words as Dhrist approached her, "You really think that Drau, we will always be there for you we are family and i vowed to protect you from day." He folded his hands "I'm sorry i couldn't, i'm sorry you had to go through all this alone." Draupadi grabbed his hands shaking her head, as Draupad looked back at the family in disgust, before taking Draupadi's hand "There will be no marriage, i don't give my consent." He gave them a final look before tugging Draupadi behind him. But her eyes remained locked to one, both of them had tears brimming their eyes. Her head turned as Arjun's hand flew up in motion to stop the scenario but he clenched it into a fist as his family looked at him in pity and despair.  His heart was crying along with hers which was bleeding out. Her father sat her down in his seat signalling the charioteer to move and take them home. Dhrist looked back at the family his own tears lining his eyes as he broke for his own sister. Draupadi's eyes latched back on to Arjun's who had tears flowing with no concern of what people thought, her own tears halting as his pain over took, she was leaving him and it was partly his own fault, he put her in the most horrible position, he was to blame for their situation, he was to blame for the way they were both feeling, as he questioned what faults lay in their love. 


Arjun and his family had been sitting outside in silence for the past hour, every memory of them two playing over and over again in his mind, as he contemplated the words uttered by Ved Vyas, "This is her fate, she needs to do this in order to take her second step in vanquishing evil." This is her fate. But why was fate being so cruel to her, had she not suffered enough, he wanted to rid her pain, he wanted to be by her side and fight for her, her every single battle..but sharing her..would he be able to do that. "Chal Arjun we have been told to head to Panchal, we have to go." Arjun looked up at Yudhishter and the rest of his brothers. "i can't face her." Bheem crouched down to his brother "She will always be yours Arjun, she will remain, Arjun ki  Draupadi, Paarth ki Krishnaa, Arjun ki  yagseni, Paarth ki  Kalyani, Vijay ki Vijayaa, Shiv ki Shakti..she's your in this life and in the following." Yudhishter agreed "Arjun this is simply being done to obtain dharam, its being done for a greater cause and we will be here to support the both of you and we promise to you now that we will never claim her as ours. She is your's above ours." Arjun looked up a his brothers as they shared a tight group hug, as Kunti watched from a far. After a while they set out to the Panchal Palace.

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